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Mix Mysteriously Zeroed-Out


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Hi, folks.

So, I'm midway through mixing an album project, and have saved mixes for each song so far via Mix Recall. I was editing a track, and changed to Clip Edit mode (thanks to http://forum.cakewalk.com/Can39t-crop-or-delete-unwanted-clips-m3628799.aspx). I un-soloed the track and the entire mix had basically zeroed -- volume, pan, busses, sends -- everything. I tried using an earlier mix using the aforementioned Mix Recall, nothing changed. I tried closing anad re-opening the file, no difference. There was no undo, so I couldn't go backwards.

Am I missing something simple that I need to do to get it back or did I just lose everything?

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Does it really sound like it is zeroed out or do the faders just look that way? The offset mode tip is a possibility.

See if the volume values have a + next to them.

Yes, it doesn't sound right. I noticed it immediately. The volumes don't have a +, but the pan's do. It also seems to have reset the buss and FX send values, although there are no + there.

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39 minutes ago, Psychotronic said:

The volumes don't have a +, but the pan's do.

If the pans show offset mode so should volume. This shows the effect offset mode has on volume and pan labels in  an audio track header


Notice the + added to the Volume and Pan labels when the offset mode button goes green (the color used in this theme to indicate offset mode is enabled)

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OK, so....Offset mode is now under the Mix tab on the toolbar. It was ON for some reason -- I don't know why it would be, but as soon as I toggled it, my faders/pans/etc. went back to where they should be. I don't have time to check it though as I'm on my way out, but I will later. 

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Keep in mind that changing to offset mode itself doesn't change the existing mix in any way so there is no data loss.

All it does is configure the mixer so that the gain controls now affect an "offset" gain stage on top of any existing levels you have. All offset gains starts out at unity so it will not affect your mix at all until you change something. Iow the normal gain staging and envelopes all stay intact. Offset mode is typically used to fine tune an existing mix which already has automation.

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