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YouTube is off the chain!

Byron Dickens

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YouTube's nonsense is absolutely getting out of hand!

My video for Doomsday Prophecy got taken down for "hate speech,"

HATE SPEECH? It's an instrumental you flipping morons! The only words in the whole damn video are the title and the end credits! Am I so unpopular that my very name is hate speech?

"Hi byrondickens,

Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy. We've removed the following content from YouTube:

Video: Doomsday Prophecy"

Well, I think maybe you need to hire some people for your "team" who have at least three functioning brain cells to review videos.

The video quite obviously doesn't" glorify" or "incite" anything; it uses historical, archival footage to illustrate events of the type that those of an eschatological bent see as signs of the end of the world.

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Bitchute is the place to be now. The only problem is, Google has such a tight grip on manufacturers you can't get an app on your TV to watch it. You have to watch it on your cell or PC. You used to be able to "cast" or stream anything from your cell to your TV but they locked that down now too so you can only cast from your cell if you have the app on both your cell and TV. So yeah. Bitchute is the new old school Youtube. Only problem is they locked them out of the 'App' market for your TV.

Hate speech is not illegal. There are moral consequences for the things you say in public, but it's not illegal and should never be censored. Short of something blatantly illegal, I think everyone should be allowed to say and post what they want. Unregistered viewers should be able to see and hear PG rated material. Registered users 18 and up should be able to see and hear the rest. Keep the nudity in a separate paid section and let people say what they want on the main site. It's that simple.

Actually I think the 18 adult age should be upped to 25. You're not an adult at 18. Now days most people aren't adults at 25 either but by about that age your brain development and social skills are pretty much fully developed and you are what you are. I read an article one time where your brain and body continue to develop to about 25 then it plateau's then you slowly decline from your late 30's on at a rate determined by your health. Anything you do to yourself before that (booze, drugs, diet, exposure to a toxic/hazardous environment) will detrimentally effect your development. But kids are easily manipulated so the powers that be determined your child is an adult at 18 so they can propagandize their brains out.

I better go now. ?

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I had a video Partially Banned - My blood runs Cold - it's up in the Songs Forum at the moment - most people seem to think there was nothing wrong with it. YouTube madness.

But I had another video, Troubled times banned  - no real indication as to why - so I went through the video and thought that a two second clip might be the issue - the clip was of a shopkeeper turning the open/ closed sign around on the shop door - on the "closed" side of the sign it said Closed due to Coronavirus - honestly it was only viewable for about a second - anyway I took that clip out and put something else in, resubmitted and no problems at all.

This was censorship which I think is totally wrong




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35 minutes ago, chimkin2 said:

True! I assumed bdickens lives in the U.S. but now that I think about it, I'm not sure. Here you can say what you want and not get arrested for it, but there certainly are consequences in the public square. I've always had the mindset of, give an idiot enough rope and let them hang themselves.

Our 1A and 2A are there to protect us from the people trying to take them away. It's like giving cancer the on/off switch to chemotherapy when you allow them to decide what you can and can't say or own. And as horrible as they say it is here it sure seems everyone wants to be here ...

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Odysee.com is another up-and-coming YT alternative. I go there to listen to classical music.

YT is a victim of its own success. The sheer quantity of uploads makes it impossible to actually review even a tiny percentage of submissions, leaving that chore to automated processes and user complaints. The problem with the latter is that anybody can take down a video, even if just to troll (example: the lady who ran her harp through a distortion stompbox and had it removed). Robot copyright trolls have had peoples' own original music taken down for copyright infringement. 

What I'm suggesting is that no human actually made the decision to block your video. The "team" that made that decision was a bot. At least YT acknowledges the unreliability of such automation and 99% of the time will reinstate a video on appeal. You shouldn't have to do that, of course. But remember, it's a free service that lets you reach millions of people - in years gone by you'd have had to bribe disc jockeys to do that.

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YT recently made some changes that have prevented my video's from being taken down. Now when I upload them it immediately tells me so and so has issued a copyright claim and they will monetize my video's and take the money. Before it's even finished uploading. Since this change I haven't had any video's removed. I set all of my video's to private anyway and so far I haven't seen an ad come across them. I imagine I would if I set them to public view though.

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Yes, I live in the US.

One thing that a lot of people don't understand is that the First Amendment only prevents the government from interfering with your free speech. The whole Bill of Rights is designed to protect the rights of individuals from government interference. Not from other individuals.

So Google, as a private entity, can lawfully practice all the censorship they want.

Therefore, the common argument in rebuttal to complaints like mine is "if you don't like it, you can always go somewhere else."

Problem is: where? There isn't anywhere else. Not as a practical matter. Platforms such as Google/ YouTube and F-Book are so large and so dominant that they constitute virtual monopolies. Their closest "competitors" have only a tiny fraction of the user base. And if any of them get popular enough, Google or F-Book just buy them up.

So, while yes there are alternative video platforms, if you want to actually have a chance to reach a sizeable audience there is only one way to go as a practical matter.

I would argue that these entities are so large, so dominant and that people are so dependent on them that they are no longer private businesses but public utilities.

The electric and water companies aren't allowed to shut off service to a building just because it is the headquarters for the local ***** party no matter how despicable they are. Same principle applies.

Edited by bdickens
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6 hours ago, bdickens said:

So Google, as a private entity, can lawfully practice all the censorship they want.

It depends on their taxable status and if they are considered a publisher or editor.

There's a lot of arguing going on about this now in our upper institutions. If I understand it correctly, if you want to be an editor and censor people, you lose your tax exempt status and are then considered a publisher, if I understand it correctly. All of these corporations file under the tax exempt status and therefor can't legally censor anyone ... yet they do. Unfortunately, the people who benefit from that censorship are in control of the part of our government that can do something about it at the moment, so nothing is being done about it. Most people don't realize that it's more important who controls the House and Senate than who is President. And that's just how they like it.

Bitchute is the closest I've seen to old school Youtube. I really like it, but I watch 99% of this stuff on my TV and they won't allow Bitchute, Odysee, or any other apps other than Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, etc. etc.. Amazon owns Twitch so if you want to watch Amouranth licking her ear shaped microphones while standing in her kiddy pool in a bikini, you'll have to get an Amazon Firestick to watch it on your big screen. FYI ... it's not worth the cost of the Firestick.

A. J. got banned from Youtube and went to Bitchute. He's 75% entertainment and 25% actual info. I can't take him for very long but what terrifies me is, almost every wild claim he's made has actually turned out to be true. There was a huge one just announced in the hidden news cycle just a couple months ago that even I thought was too far fetched to be true but it was and it was horrifying. So why was he censored? For speaking the truth? Makes you wonder. Why was Dr. Disrespect banned from Twitch? He was the #1  gaming streamer. Now everyone is leaving Twitch and joining him on Youtube. They just lost their #2 gaming streamer yesterday and he was streaming with Doc today for the first time in over a year. They had larger viewer numbers than they ever had on Twitch. Their #1 gaming streamer said he has a huge announcement coming. I'm sure he's jumping too.

People aren't stupid. You can't keep censoring and cancelling things you don't like while so many far worse things are allowed to go on.  People won't stand for it, here. It's not in our DNA.

Anyway, I hope you can eventually upload your video somewhere and share. Good luck!

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So I appealed.

Their "appeal"process is an absolute joke! You have 800 characters to try to lay out your case. And then it's bam appeal denied and no further recourse. In my case, they didn't even pretend to review it. They could have at least waited till the next day instead of less than an hour later on Thursday night

"This is an instrumental piece of music. There's no speech in it. There's no lyrics, there's no vocals, there's no narration, there's no text on the screen.
Outside of the title and credits there is not a single word in the whole video!
So pray tell, exactly what part of this video violates your policy against hate speech and how? You can't because it doesn't.
Anyone with three functioning brain cells will find it quite obvious that this video doesn't "glorify" or "incite" a damn thing.
The title is "Doomsday Prophecy ". it uses historical, archival footage to illustrate cataclysmic events of the type that those of an eschatological bent see as signs of the end of the world. You know, floods, earthquakes, war, false prophets, the Antichrist, things of that nature."

Less than an hour later, I get an email:

"Hi byrondickens,    We have reviewed your appeal for the following content:    Video: Doomsday Prophecy    We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our hate speech policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all."

My response was somewhat impious:

"Really? You reviewed my video and came to a decision in less than an hour?

[Bovine Excrement]!

You are a pack of liars. You didn't review a ***** thing.

Exactly what part of my video glorifies or incites "violence against another person or group of people" or "encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group?"  

You won't tell me, because you can't."


Now, I'm pretty sure I know what part of the video caused such consternation. Near the end, interspersed with Jim Jones, David Koresh, some hurricane storm surge, riots and burning buildings is probably about two seconds of a certain little Austrian corporal turned political figure of the 1930s/ 1940s  giving one of his little talks.

One of the signs of the end of the world is supposed to be the coming of the Antichrist. At the time, a lot of people thought that this little Austrian dictator was indeed said Antichrist. Ergo his appearance in the video.

Incidentally, I sourced this little two second clip from a movie called Why we Fight - which is available on - wait for it - YouTube.

While it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that his speech was full of hate speech, it's not my hate speech nor am I endorsing it. Far from it! As a matter of fact, my maternal grandmother's maiden name was Grenemeyer. Where do you think that comes from? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. Her family initially came to the United States somewhere in the early part of the 20th century. So yeah, that little cretin and his ilk could very well have been responsible for the deaths of some of my distant relatives.

No wonder I'm a little miffed at their suggestion that I might be endorsing that type of hate speech.

What is so insidious about all this is it's basically a joke. They won't tell you whether it was one of their bots that caught you or some little candy ***** Social Justice Warrior wet his panties. They won't tell you which part of your video violated their guidelines allegedly. Nor will they tell you how it did so. Even in response to that direct question.

It's like - well it's like Germany in the 1930s and 40s, or Soviet Russia - all somebody has to do is level an accusation against you and it's off to the camp. The charges are so vague and nebulous that you can't really mount a defense.


Edited by bdickens
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