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Bounce to Clip(s) - unusual result

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I would like to verify something. I wrote a step by step guide to recreate what for me is really unusual Bounce to Clip(s) behaviour. 

Everything below was performed with Smart Tool (F5). 

1. Open empty project with single audio track - Track 1. 

2. Drag a stereo sample to Track 1. 

3. Mark any portion of the sample and copy it to Track 2. 

4. On Track 2 in Edit Filter (underneath track name) choose Clip Automation - > Gain. 

5. Right-click and drag over upper half of the sample on Track 2. I mean the part of the sample where red Gain line is displayed. 

6. From Clips menu choose Bounce to Clip(s) action or use a custom keyboard shortcut. 

7. Here is the strange part. As a result on Track 2 you should get a mono sample in place of the stereo sample. This mono sample will appear in Cakewalk's Audio folder. Also it's Clip name field will be blank. 

8. In Edit Filter on Track 2 go back to Clips view. 

9. Click and drag newly created mono sample to the right. 

10. Now stereo sample should appear in the same place where this mono sample previously was. 

11. As a result on Track 2 you now should have stereo sample in the same state as it was right after being copied from Track 1 + mono sample placed to the right of the stereo sample. 

I checked it. I do not have any shortcut assigned to Convert to Mono action. I did not change any of the clip's envelopes (pan, gain) prior to bouncing.

I can't find any explanation to this behaviour. Why mono sample is created over a stereo sample ? 

Perhaps someone can recreate this and confirm, or simply explain. 

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Looks like a bug to me. The mono clip on bounce should not happen. This video shows the mono clip bounce bug using CbB 2019-03 build 20 (make to include which version of CbB is in use when experiencing a bug).



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I am sure there are a few permutations. It all seems to revolve around the edit filter being set to clip automation when bouncing the clip. For now, to avoid the bug, make sure the edit filter is set to clips, select the clip(s) then bounce.

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Man you guys sure find obscure weird cases :)
The problem only happens if you right click to select AND then choose the bounce to clip operation from the top level menu. 
The issue is that right click selection is selecting envelope nodes and not the clip itself. The bounce to clip operation should not be allowed in the UI under that state but it was not grayed out in the menu. When the command executes because no clip is actually selected it gets confused and ends up doing some default operation.

I've fixed it so that a bounce is disallowed in this case. You should click on a clip to select it or do any kind of normal selection (not right click selection) before doing a bounce. FWIW right clicking a clip and choosing bounce to clip from the clips menu automatically selects the clip so most users would never see this issue.

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Man you guys sure find obscure weird cases :)
The problem only happens if you right click to select AND then choose the bounce to clip operation from the top level menu. 
The issue is that right click selection is selecting envelope nodes and not the clip itself. The bounce to clip operation should not be allowed in the UI under that state but it was not grayed out in the menu. When the command executes because no clip is actually selected it gets confused and ends up doing some default operation.

I've fixed it so that a bounce is disallowed in this case. You should click on a clip to select it or do any kind of normal selection (not right click selection) before doing a bounce. FWIW right clicking a clip and choosing bounce to clip from the clips menu automatically selects the clip so most users would never see this issue.

Noel, thank you for checking it and letting us know. 

How I discovered this bug in the first place:  I wanted to change Gain envelope for a copied portion of a clip and then bounce result to new clip. I wasn't looking for anything obscure, but it was there :) Disallowing bounce option in this scenario is a good idea. 

I just tried it again out of curiosity.  This time newly bounced clip was twice the original length. For no reason :) 

Just to clarify - the changes you made today are going to be available for us after next Cakewalk update, correct ? 


Edited by Michal Ochedowski
clarifying my thoughts
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Noel, do you mean that in Clip Automation -> Gain view when envelope nodes are selected, Bounce to Clip(s) is disallowed but when in the same view clip or it's portion is selected, Bounce to Clip(s) is still going to be allowed ? 


Edited by Michal Ochedowski
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To clarify, it has nothing to do with the edit filter showing Clip Gain. The problem is the way you were selecting data. You were selecting the ENVELOPE and not the clip and that caused the issue. As long as you click on the clip to select it before bouncing it makes no difference if the edit filter is showing clip gain.

The keyboard shortcut will be automatically blocked since I'm disabling the command itself when there isn't a proper selection. 

In the problem case its really not doing a bounce to clip so the length is the track length. The change will be in the next release...

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14 minutes ago, Michal Ochedowski said:

Noel, do you mean that in Clip Automation -> Gain view when envelope nodes are selected, Bounce to Clip(s) is disallowed but when in the same view clip or it's portion is selected, Bounce to Clip(s) is still going to be allowed ? 


That is correct

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