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Banned by YouTube – well partially!

Bajan Blue

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On 8/20/2021 at 2:30 PM, SupaReels said:

As usual a great mix and provocative scenes ... well ... thought provoking. As a words guy I'd love to read these with the song unfolding but hey ho!

Most probably chimkin2 has the right handle on it ... but still I'm glad you posted as I enjoyed it ?



Hi Steve

Thanks for this, really appreciate the comments



On 8/20/2021 at 2:55 PM, DeeringAmps said:

First; Top Notch as always Nigel so many ?'s on that!
Your intern has done well, no doubt about it; continue to mentor her, she has talent.
Sometimes "banned" is a badge of honor!*

<my comments over at YouTube>
First rate as always Nigel! I tried to "like" and my option was to "unlike"? I don't remember seeing this before, and the "thumb" is black?
Now what's up with that YouTube?
I see/hear nothing to censor here.....

</my comments over at YouTube>


*remember My Generation was banned upon release in the UK, it was "feared" stutterers might be offended...

Hi tom

You are so right - Some great records have been banned over the years - The ***** Pistols come to mind and look what that did for their notoriety and more importantly sales!!!

If only it were possible to sell anything these days, as we've been sort of banned, we should be rich??

Always appreciate your time my friend

Keep well



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Nigel, I don't get what YT is worried about, considering some of the content that I've seen from them.  However, the song is terrific, and the video is fantastic.  I like the fact that it's a little different from what I expected, but that is why you are so far ahead of the pack!  Keep 'em coming!

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I had a song banned but got it reinstated.  Local government were stalking my social media so i left them the song below done on a old 8track ebfore i had cakewalk. Im back in court next month from a matter going on for 8yrs. They actually blocked my right to prosecute the Police and the Police have now charged me for a facebook post her in Plymouth where the Police give nut cases guns, bizarre world.   Fact I'm working on a song called broken world which is fun haha 



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On 8/20/2021 at 5:20 PM, jack c. said:

wonderful music!!!!!but way to much gore video wise.i don't know about words as i never listen to them.i had a song on this site called white supremacy but they took it off.i explained before they did that i enjoy all people except those that hurt/think they're better then others.i also mentioned that in childhood one of me best friends was black and i played in a black band for years.jack c.

Hi Jack - really pleased you liked the music and really appreciate the comments



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On 8/20/2021 at 6:19 PM, hsm said:

Great job as usual, sounded nice on my cans. I liked the tune & production.

Enjoyed the video as well. I can't see why it would be banned, no more shocking than the news or the crime programs shown here in the U.S..


On 8/20/2021 at 9:10 PM, Old Joad said:

Me too, those guys must be on ?'s..

Nothing wrong with this vid" I wish I could make videos like this...


On 8/21/2021 at 4:51 AM, noynekker said:

Nigel . . . this song and the recording are very well done, as I've come to expect from you, and you never let us down . . . kudos to the lead vocalist, thought this was a very strong performance. You've nailed that pro mix once again in this one . . . and since you asked

. . . the video, well, I wasn't offended by it. The images are very strong in their attempt to tell the story of the song lyrics, I'm not sure I really connected to a story unfolding . . . but those images mixed with the lyrics and the song title certainly don't hold back anything in their expression. Not for the meek. I'm thinking the gal in the tub might be a bit much for parents watching with their kids, or innocent eyes, in this ever more politically correct society we're moving towards . . . but it's a great rocking music video that makes you think, so I enjoyed it for that.


On 8/21/2021 at 6:40 AM, Bert Guy said:


WOW   Strong. professional video and track. I didn't find anything offensive about the vid.

The only crit I have is that the vocal gets drowned out here and there by the instrumental and I couldn't follow the lyrics.

Great stuff overall.




On 8/21/2021 at 4:38 PM, KurtS said:

Good song, very interesting arrangement. I purposefully don't watch  video with music, I feel like it distracts from the song.


On 8/21/2021 at 4:43 PM, DeeringAmps said:

@KurtS two times thru then?
That's how I do all Nigel's stuff.
He always posts the lyrics, so I read along with the playback, then rerun to watch the vid; Simples...



On 8/21/2021 at 6:16 PM, David Sprouse said:

Loved your new production, Nigel.  Definitely, our generation is fighting the battle of love and hate.  Your videos add an element of sublimity that I don't think I would get by just listening to the songs alone.


On 8/22/2021 at 1:22 AM, bjornpdx said:

Hey Nigel, I'm not seeing any reason why YT would ban the video  Pretty sure you can appeal the ban and an actual human will look into it. Anyway, I like the video and song. The production has a different look to it than what I'm used to seeing from you, so maybe that's a result of your newer camera person.


On 8/22/2021 at 6:32 AM, RobertWS said:

What can you say?

We live in a country where you aren't supposed to refer to the largest bedroom in a house as the 'Master Bedroom'.

Because some consider it racist.    Cancel culture should be called Cancer culture..

Hey Everyone

Thanks so much for taking the time to have a watch and listen - really appreciate all the positive comments

Thanks Again



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On 8/22/2021 at 5:50 PM, freddy j said:

Good heavens Nigel - I can not understand how this video would be offensive at all.  Certainly, there is stuff on Google's YouTube that could be taken as more offensive than this!?  This is a song that has been wonderfully done and your intern has done and excellent job.  To me the images are "strong" but when a point is being made sometimes strong images are best to use to make the point. 

Well done Nigel and please keep encouraging that intern!

Hi Freddy

Thanks so much for these great comments and don't worry, I love mentoring and passing on what I can - and we have so many issues here in South Africa - Youth Unemployment is OVER 70% - I try and take on as many as I can but I hardly make a dent in the problem - a ticking timebomb if ever there was one - I would go on (and on and on and on!!) but my comments would definitely veer into the realm of Politics, which we all know is a no no!!

Thanks again




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On 8/22/2021 at 9:54 PM, Makke said:

The video was a bit scary for me... 
well done music with good sounds.


On 8/23/2021 at 12:43 PM, chimkin2 said:

Wow...that's crazy ?

The bots are in charge !


Sorry about that, but I am pleased you liked the music!!


100% true - but someone had to programme the Bots to carry out such censorship!!!



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On 8/24/2021 at 6:42 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

Nigel, I don't get what YT is worried about, considering some of the content that I've seen from them.  However, the song is terrific, and the video is fantastic.  I like the fact that it's a little different from what I expected, but that is why you are so far ahead of the pack!  Keep 'em coming!

hi Lynn

Wow thanks for those great comments - I am so pleased you liked it




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On 8/25/2021 at 3:03 PM, whoisp said:

I had a song banned but got it reinstated.  Local government were stalking my social media so i left them the song below done on a old 8track ebfore i had cakewalk. Im back in court next month from a matter going on for 8yrs. They actually blocked my right to prosecute the Police and the Police have now charged me for a facebook post her in Plymouth where the Police give nut cases guns, bizarre world.   Fact I'm working on a song called broken world which is fun haha 



Hope all goes well in the court case - thanks for taking the time to watch the video

Keep well



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On 9/3/2021 at 5:09 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

I don't see a single reason why it should be rejected by YT - but I know what it is like to try and get an answer from them.  So annoying.  Anyway, the song sounds great and I particularly like the drums.  Bass works well with them also.  Nice work Nigel!

Hi Steve

Thanks for that, especially the comments re the Bass - from you I take that as a great compliment!





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On 9/4/2021 at 1:05 AM, Larry T. said:

Well done. For some reason I think this would have been a perfect Who song for Roger Daltrey to sing. I sincerely mean that as a compliment as I have never heard any band remind me of the genius of Townsend, Entwistle, Moon and Daltrey. 


Hi Larry - thanks for those great comments - feel very humbled to be compared to the Who!!!!




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On 9/5/2021 at 10:37 AM, PJH said:

I don't get it. There was nothing in the video hat should offend!

Nigel, a really nice production!

Well done! I'm not sure if there's anything you can do about YT but I'd try and fight it.



Hi Peter

think i would rather bash my head repeatedly against a brick wall,  than try to engage with YT!!

Thanks for the kind comments, appreciated




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On 9/5/2021 at 6:14 PM, bdickens said:

YouTube's "appeal" process is an absolute joke. It's like being on trial in Soviet Russia.

I don't disagree - it is just such a shame they have such a Monopoly.


On 9/7/2021 at 1:21 PM, whoisp said:

Had to listen to this again, had more time today. I do like how it came in was real unexpected change. I love the keys and baseline in this, why banned though, social media can be a bizarre place for silly censorship 

Censorship - and I think Censorship, especially on YT has become far worse in the past 18 months.

Thanks for the comments - especially pleased you liked the Bass as I wrote the Bass rif first, then built the track around that!




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