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Sun Lightning - Mix critiques very welcome

Myriad Rocker

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I posted this song about 2 years ago and said I was working through a re-mixing project for my band's first (and only) album.  The goal here is to ultimately re-release the album remixed and remastered and then follow that up with several EP's worth of new material.  Anyway, I got sidetracked with pandemic BS, but now I'm back.  Trying to get this project back on wheels.  I'll have more songs I'm sharing in hopes that I can get these really honed in as best I can.  And who knows, maybe I can find a few collaborators on the new EP's!

I hope you enjoy.  This mix is a bit different than the one I posted a few years back.  I'm open to any comments you have about how I could improve the mix.  Appreciate you all!

Edited by Myriad Rocker
Posting latest mix
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3 hours ago, John Hazel said:

intro - Strings are overpowering the guitar, maybe carve out some space and set them further back in the mix ( less top - more verb )..let the guitar shine as it's the main part there

Talking of the guitar the timing is very loose and sloppy , I would go through and tighten it up - maybe use the metronome to figure out where it's going out, tighten up the piano and guitar together

There's some intonation issues in the vocals which need some help with tuning , they also sound like they are sat on top of the music instead of "in" the track . This could be because in the mix/arrangement you've got other instruments in the space where the vocal should sit which makes them inaudible and people naturally turn up the vocals.  The trick is to make space so the vocals can sit lower but still be heard by reducing parts that mask them.  

Drums are a bit boxy sounding when they come in around 1:20 and it sounds like there is too much of the close mic signal and not enough of the rooms & overheads

Your voice sounds a bit like Chris Cornell or Chad Krueger and I think the vocals improve once you get going but there's lots of things you can do to improve the mix and production starting with fundamental timing / tuning / arrangement before you even get to mixing as fixing these will improve it 100% 

Thanks for the tips.  I'll do what I can.

The strings are supposed to be the feature up until the second verse.  There's very little guitar at all until that time minus bits here and there low in the mix that jump in and out at times.  

As for the timing of the guitars, I listened back on isolated tracks.  Where are you talking about exactly?  Maybe point me to an example and I can have the ah ha moment.

I went back and tuned up the vox a bit with Melodyne.  I'm not getting the same "on top of the mix" that you are, but I'll listen back more critically tomorrow after resting the ears.  Does it always have that "on top of" feeling or is there a time where it sits back in better in your opinion?

I took out some 300 or so on the drums.  I started to add just a touch of high shelf boost on the side eq, but didn't care for it.  I also adjusted some toms and the room and overs a tad.  I need to listen again after a rest and see if I'm ok with it.  I know that I don't like a ton of room on drums.  That kind of sound is really not my thing.

Not my voice, but I'll take the compliment and pass it along.  You mention arrangement, though.  Not really following there.  The arrangement is good to me.  Also not really picking up any bad timing issues.  At least right now.

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Since we're thinking of who the vocalist sounds like, I'll add: Eddie Vedder ? or the guy from Nickleback.

I like the song and how the mix allows the vocals to shine. Nice delay on them. They could perhaps be backed off in volume/more verb during chorus for dramatic effect. I think the strings at the start could also come down even 3 or 4 db and still be present.

The scream at 2.22 needs tuning as it's completely out and takes away from the strength of the song. Also, the very very last vocals are a little out too. 

Apart from that, I really like it - nice power in the distorted guitars, they really slam home. The drums are almost there - the cymbals perhaps have a frequency that needs cutting in the mid/high region.

Nice work!



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2 hours ago, Dave Oliffe said:

Since we're thinking of who the vocalist sounds like, I'll add: Eddie Vedder ? or the guy from Nickleback.

I like the song and how the mix allows the vocals to shine. Nice delay on them. They could perhaps be backed off in volume/more verb during chorus for dramatic effect. I think the strings at the start could also come down even 3 or 4 db and still be present.

The scream at 2.22 needs tuning as it's completely out and takes away from the strength of the song. Also, the very very last vocals are a little out too. 

Apart from that, I really like it - nice power in the distorted guitars, they really slam home. The drums are almost there - the cymbals perhaps have a frequency that needs cutting in the mid/high region.

Nice work!



Thanks, Dave.  I'll take a look at the stuff in your comments.  Appreciate the listen.

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Great song and vocals! On my monitors the midrange is pretty irritating making me want to turn down the volume (opposite of what to do with good song) Try listening through as many different speakers/headphones as you can it might help the mixing. Keep at it, it's good stuff.

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21 hours ago, KurtS said:

Great song and vocals! On my monitors the midrange is pretty irritating making me want to turn down the volume (opposite of what to do with good song) Try listening through as many different speakers/headphones as you can it might help the mixing. Keep at it, it's good stuff.

I agree.  Over correction on my part to get more clarity I think.  I actually posted an updated mix before I read your comment, so check it out and see what you think.  I automate some EQ on the chorus sections and it has a high shelf in there.  But it's less than 1db at around 2k and only on the sides.

19 hours ago, Old Joad said:

I like it, it's nice the hear a song that's loose once in a while?

Yikes!  I'm not real sure what to think of that comment!  It's rock n roll, I'll say that.  It's not locked to a grid or time aligned or anything like that.

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5 minutes ago, Myriad Rocker said:

Yikes!  I'm not real sure what to think of that comment!  It's rock n roll, I'll say that.  It's not locked to a grid or time aligned or anything like that.

That's all I'm saying? don't worry you're doing a great job with your music, when guitar driven music comes back you'll be rich??

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