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IK 25th Anniversary Group Buy!


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Oh dear, we are getting into 13 territory! 13 for the price of one and then 13 free. That is bad luck and scares me sleepless! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to IK because of this! ?

So, @Peter - IK Multimedia, do you think we could skip ahead a couple of tiers and get out of this dreadful 13 territory so nothing bad happens? ?


Worth a shot! ?

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19 minutes ago, Fleer said:

15 free and I’ll call it a day. Come on IK!

I am already scraping the bottom of the barrel. All I have left is a few SampleTank libraries. What I really need is a group buy to add extra hours to the day so I can play with my new toys.

Edited by Doug Rintoul
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I'm kind of obsessed with the Hammond B3 so I bought the AmpliTube Leslie and later the B-3X from the regular store upon introduction. I'm going to transfer those to a nephew and get them again through the Group Buy. If you're scraping the bottom of the barrel it only cost you $20 to give (or sell) straight licenses (not from bundles) to someone. 

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3 hours ago, Piotr said:

I would not trust orders status too much. ;) It is pretty terrible about showing true.

I ordered ST4 in 2018 and it says it is still in progress... :lol   But I got it and wasn't  waiting too much...

@Peter - IK Multimedia

May I request another one if IK site is saying my order is still in progress since 2018? ?


BTW it is a pity the column tracking number is not used for a case troubles with delivery but I guess IK has not enough people for all things related to delivery or no automation implemented?



I noticed that the iLoud Micro I purchased last June still says in progress, so perhaps I'll join you in asking for it/them (again).


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7 hours ago, Zargg said:

I ordered mine on the 31th of August, and the order is still in process.

No serial received for ARC3 either.

I ordered on the 30th.  The extended Mix on the Move promotion (I can't find it on the website anymore) pushed me over the top.  My understanding is that we should be getting T-RackS 5 Deluxe as a part of that promotion.  THEN we get to pick our freebies...  Amazing deal!

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In case anyone's interested in some numbers to play with as we while away IK Group Buy Phase 2: Electric Amplitubaloo:

We've just completed 20% of September -- 6 days, 144 hours or 12 12-hour periods. Here's how the last of those looks in terms of trends:


As noted in the table, the August signup rate was around 17/hour overall, though there were two distinct periods -- the first 20 days or so, where the rate was around 14.5 per hour, and the "Race to 10k" at the end, where the rate averaged around 26.5 per hour.

The bad news is that the September rate (Ovr Rate above) isn't in the same neighborhood, currently at around 11 signups/hour. That's boosted by two flurries of 20+ signups an hour over 12-hour periods, each coinciding with a mini-race to the next milestone level. Without those, the rate is closer to 8.5/hour in September.

If you're the predicting kind, you could go a lot of ways from here:

If the rate stays as it is, with similar ups and downs throughout the month, the pace is good for 18k.

If the rate jumps back up to ~14/hour as in early August, the total should hit 20k.

If the "bumps" should peter out or the pace slow further, ~8.5/hour the rest of the way would net just over 17k.

If the bottom falls out and the worst 12-hour numbers (7/hr) become the norm, the counter would coast to 16k. 

If there's another feeding frenzy at the end of the month, you could perhaps add a thousand or two to your favorite number above.

That seems to be the ballpark, based on September-so-far. Future mileage may obviously vary.

Edited by Zolton
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1 hour ago, Zolton said:

As noted in the table, the August signup rate was around 17/hour overall, though there were two distinct periods -- the first 20 days or so, where the rate was around 14.5 per hour, and the "Race to 10k" at the end, where the rate averaged around 26.5 per hour.

The bad news is that the September rate (Ovr Rate above) isn't in the same neighborhood, currently at around 11 signups/hour. That's boosted by two flurries of 20+ signups an hour over 12-hour periods, each coinciding with a mini-race to the next milestone level. Without those, the rate is closer to 8.5/hour in September.

If you're the predicting kind, you could go a lot of ways from here:

If the rate stays as it is, with similar ups and downs throughout the month, the pace is good for 18k.

If the rate jumps back up to ~14/hour as in early August, the total should hit 20k.

If the "bumps" should peter out or the pace slow further, ~8.5/hour the rest of the way would net just over 17k.

If the bottom falls out and the worst 12-hour numbers (7/hr) become the norm, the counter would coast to 16k.

Blimey, once it gets past a certain point I'd just be scrambling for things to add anyway. I'm still not sure I'm going to jump on this GB. If I didn't already have the Hammond and Sunset Studio, I'd do it. 

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i picked up and tired the fender 1 collection. sounds cool. sounds bluesy. i ain't hearing the realness of the VIR tech in it. sounds like a sim and not a real amp.  i was not able to dial in sounds i am used to on amps. but then again, i am a big fender guy and use the real amps. and i guess a bit of a fender snob .. ?

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