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Better dig out your reel to reel Bapu.


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I have a whole box of cassettes I recorded on one of those. I want to transfer them all to my daw but I no longer have access to a machine.

The one I used was a 4 track 1:1 speed unit with 6 inputs. Wish I could find one. :(

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Seriously though that's pretty scary stuff. CA and a few other states banned the sale of everything above a console quality gaming PC. IOW ... buy a PS or Xbox or no game for you! It's only a multi billion dollar industry. Let's just lob that off at the head. Hah. ☺

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  On 7/27/2021 at 8:59 PM, Shane_B. said:

I have a whole box of cassettes I recorded on one of those. I want to transfer them all to my daw but I no longer have access to a machine.

The one I used was a 4 track 1:1 speed unit with 6 inputs. Wish I could find one. :(


6 Inputs? That must have been a model after mine. Was it still 4 tracks though?

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The article I read refers to pre-built systems. It then suggest that one way around it was to either modify a standard PC after purchase or DIY from the ground up.

The specs they included were "packing a i5 11400F, a GTX 1650 Super, 8GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD"

When the PC police come to my DAWs (both PC and Mac) they will likely put me in prison.

Edited by Bapu
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  On 7/27/2021 at 9:45 PM, Kevin Perry said:

https://www.theregister.com/2021/07/26/dell_energy_pcs/ is what I was just reading about it.


Wow that's a hardcore solution ? thank you for posting the link ..

  On 7/27/2021 at 9:43 PM, Bapu said:

When the PC police come to my DAWs (both PC and Mac) they will likely put me in prison.


After the law takes you into custody , please send me the Jack Casaday Bass until you get out?


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  On 7/27/2021 at 9:37 PM, Bapu said:

6 Inputs? That must have been a model after mine. Was it still 4 tracks though?


Yepper. 6 inputs 4 tracks. Tapes recorded at normal cassette speed. I found this pic on ebay. This is it or very similar. I thought the knobs were stand up not flat like this but I could be wrong. It was over 30 years ago. I do know it had mechanical play/record/ff buttons. You could hear the loud clack at the beginning and end of recordings. Any tascam 4 track that records at normal tape speeds will play the tapes but I need one with 4 outputs. The smaller ones had 4 in but only a stereo out. It was my brothers recorder and I ended up using more than he did. It stopped working and he threw it out. I was pissed. :(




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  On 7/28/2021 at 1:11 PM, Bapu said:

Mine has 2 line outs and 4 tape outs.


Nice. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

The reason I know any of them will work is I borrowed one from a guy I was in a band with up in IA. It was a completely different model but was a 4in 4out and it worked. Problem was at the time my audio interface only had 2 inputs.

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  On 7/28/2021 at 1:47 PM, mark skinner said:

I've still got my old Tascam  8 track model  (2x speed) and a suitcase full of cassettes. Someday I'll take it apart and see why the tape drive just clicks.    ms


I still have mine too but it won't work with the old 4 track tapes. My 488 (iirc) is still like new. I took very good care of it. Demagnetized the heads before and after I used it. Cleaned the heads and metal with alcohol and the rollers with distilled water. Learned real fast working on printers and copiers to never use alcohol on rubber. Cleans it really great and dries it out and makes it smooth and slick.

If you use Studio One you can transfer the tracks and line them up. I did that with quite a few of my masters. On my 8 track it only has 4 outputs so I had to do them in groups and line them up in S1. It only works if you have drums on 1 track. Transfer in small groups using the drum track as a timing anchor in each group and align the groups using the drum tracks as the alignment references. Works like a charm.

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  On 7/28/2021 at 3:38 PM, Shane_B. said:

Nice. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

The reason I know any of them will work is I borrowed one from a guy I was in a band with up in IA. It was a completely different model but was a 4in 4out and it worked. Problem was at the time my audio interface only had 2 inputs.


I'd be happy to transfer whatever you need.

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  On 7/28/2021 at 9:19 PM, Shane_B. said:

to be brutally honest I'd be too embarrassed to let you hear most of it. It's all pretty bad.


Yet you still want to future proof it.........?

I do understand though, I had a load of old cassette recordings that were dreadful quality really, yet I would love to able to listen to them again, but they were all stolen years ago. The thing that got to me most about that was that they were totally worthless to anyone else and probably got trashed anyway.


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