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I Didin't Know What To Name It

Miguel Carzola

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Hi KWalkers .

Are we monetizing our cakewalk? I've always thought that any gear or software I buy should at least pay for itself. One way to do that is to produce material for sale. Some time ago a buddy had the opportunity to submit material to Sony for an upcoming album of this pop star from Mexico named Kalimba. He kind of styles himself a bit like Usher and a bit like Lenny Kravitz but Sony was asking for R&B stuff. I didn't think any of the stuff I had ready at the time would do it so I sat down to try something. Made a two bar drum loop and programmed a few chords on an elec piano sound to hum a melody over. The melody and structure emerged pretty quickly.  Then I wrote lyrics to the melody, recording each line as I wrote it, added some background vocals, and had a band mate at the time play chord inversions in two acoustic guitar tracks that I panned moderately wide to flesh it out even more since the track was so sparse. The whole session took about six hours over one night and I planned to add bass and pads later as well as to redo the lead vocals and the drums. In the end I was never able to submit the song because the friend that asked for it traveled and we lost contact during the time window we had to submit it, but as I started showing it to other friends they actually liked that it was sparse (short drum loop with no bass line or pads) and that the lead vocals sounded imperfect and dry.  Given the subject of the lyrics they thought it was appropriate so I left it like that. 

I didn't know what to name it cus the hook is meant to sound like a moan or a sigh lamenting something, but how does one spell that? ?

Anyway...here it is ?‍♂️


Edited by Miguel Carzola
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I like this song, I like your voice and the mix sounds good over here. The only feedback I would have is the tone of the lamenting moans is a little muddy and a little dark. Comparing to the tone of the ooohs which I think feels better. Just taste. Hope you get a chance to do more project$. 

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15 hours ago, treesha said:

I like this song, I like your voice and the mix sounds good over here. The only feedback I would have is the tone of the lamenting moans is a little muddy and a little dark. Comparing to the tone of the ooohs which I think feels better. Just taste. Hope you get a chance to do more project$. 

Thank you, Treesha. Likewi$e ?

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12 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

I agree with your friends, that it's good the way it is.  Sometimes there's no need to over polish a gem, and that's what this recording is.  I had to listen several times to just let this sink in.  Well done!


Thank you for listening so wholeheartedly.  It is the best gift to any artist. Thank you for that.

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 Miguel , I Really liked the sparseness of the clean mix , and the Great vocals. I loved how the backing vocals "felt" thru my headphones when they came in. Totally surrounding and immersive. I my opinion  , I do think from that point forward , the main vocal should be wetter and brought up a little to match the power of the backing Vox.  Another Fantastic production     Loved it ..  mark  

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19 hours ago, mark skinner said:

 Miguel , I Really liked the sparseness of the clean mix , and the Great vocals. I loved how the backing vocals "felt" thru my headphones when they came in. Totally surrounding and immersive. I my opinion  , I do think from that point forward , the main vocal should be wetter and brought up a little to match the power of the backing Vox.  Another Fantastic production     Loved it ..  mark  


18 hours ago, KurtS said:

Sounds good, my only crit is the lead guitar sounds dull and quiet. Personally I think a classic nylon string guitar sound would be nice there.


Thank you so much as always for your encouragement and the helpful feedback. It's good to hear that you felt the immersive backing vocals cus that's what I was going for there. When I mixed it I checked it through several systems (headphones, car, studio monitors, home theater, small office bluetooth speaker) and compromised between all those, so in some systems that are a bit heavier in the mids and lows the backing vocals may sound louder. I'll definitely take your observation into account if I redo the song. 

Thank you always



I always look forward to your comments. Thank you.



Edited by Miguel Carzola
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Not only the mix sounds great to these unsophisticated ears but the entire song, from lyrics to performance, sounds good.  To me music is a qualitative experience and thus perfection depends upon the listeners and composers individually.  Of course consensus tends to rule, so sign me up as a vote that it sounds doggone good as is!


Nice one!!!

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23 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Other than the rather weak sound of the lead guitar the mix works well here.


22 hours ago, freddy j said:

Not only the mix sounds great to these unsophisticated ears but the entire song, from lyrics to performance, sounds good.  To me music is a qualitative experience and thus perfection depends upon the listeners and composers individually.  Of course consensus tends to rule, so sign me up as a vote that it sounds doggone good as is!


Nice one!!!


Thanx for checking it out for and chiming in ??

Freddy ?

Thanks for listening with your heart and please keep your ears unsophisticated. Music is so much better that way.  I appreciate you letting me know. 
Muchísimas gracias.  

Edited by Miguel Carzola
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