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Fix the naming scheme.

AdK Studios

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This is me trying to take track outs.

Everything is set. Except it won't export until I give a files name. So I entered a single letter "z" and clicked Export.

This is what I got.


<The text I entered>-<Track Name> - <Track number>

When all I wanted was this


<Just the track Name>

This is the second time I'm requesting this. Its an unnecessary step to rename every track when we need to exchange stems with other producers. I have to always rename in order to keep it clean, while my co-producer doesn't (Cubase). Pleeease fix this !

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while waiting (if you don't already have a tool for bulk rename) i recommend StExBar as an option - it's a context menu set of tools and the rename feature can use RE as well as plain text to quickly rename files.  https://github.com/stefankueng/tools/releases/tag/StExBar_1.11.2 i use it when people send me files in bulk with weird naming and symbols embedded. also when i'm prep'ing for shipping files to remove extraneous info from my exports.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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the the case from @Light Grenade, i name my audio tracks "I01 Kick" "I02 Snare" "I03 HH" and MIDI as "Z01 Drums" "Z02 Bass" etc so i can use the track sorting function within CbB. and then when i export, i get "projectname-trackname-tracknum.wav" which - strip out track name with the StEx rename function:


and if i need to i can strip out the I0# bit as well using the same regular expression. pretty straightforward.


but then i lose the sorting by numbers... ? 



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13 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

the the case from @Light Grenade, i name my audio tracks "I01 Kick" "I02 Snare" "I03 HH" and MIDI as "Z01 Drums" "Z02 Bass" etc so i can use the track sorting function within CbB. and then when i export, i get "projectname-trackname-tracknum.wav" which - strip out track name with the StEx rename function:


and if i need to i can strip out the I0# bit as well using the same regular expression. pretty straightforward.


but then i lose the sorting by numbers... ? 



Thanks Glenn. I'm definitely going to use this in the mean time. 

The wildcard naming/export system in Reaper is one of the best things about it, would love to see something similar implemented in Cakewalk, massive timesaver. 

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11 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

BTW @Glenn Stanton, I'm kinda interested to hear what "Watch All The Longtower" sounds like. Makes me wonder if you have a song called "Rock From The Third Sun."

quick and dirty backing track i haven't gotten to vocals or elaborating the end lead solo

no Third Sun from the Rock yet... ? 

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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maybe the export should include options for including project name, track name, clip name, and track number so people can select how they want exported files to be named. i would go further and add tempo (or avg), sample rate, bit depth, stereo/mono, and time code as options as to make it more compatible with the Grammy file naming specs.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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3 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

maybe the export should include options for including project name, track name, clip name, and track number so people can select how they want exported files to be named. 

Not a bad idea. 

3 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

 i would go further and add tempo (or avg), sample rate, bit depth, stereo/mono, and time code as options as to make it more compatible with the Grammy file naming specs.

This would be an awesome addition to the naming feature. I normally add it to the projects name and clips. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/30/2021 at 4:23 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

maybe the export should include options for including project name, track name, clip name, and track number so people can select how they want exported files to be named.

Man that would be awesome. It's a far-off blue sky wish. ?

Seriously, thanks to all in this thread and elsewhere who contributed ideas, what we now have in this Early Access release is amazing. I would have been happy with much less.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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