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Atari and DrT KCS. I-made 100’s if not 1,000’s of midi files on that system right up until 2004 when my monitor died. I was forced to switch to PC. Cakewalk became my DAW. 

When people say Cakewalk is old school I will assume they are of the new camp of wannabe music creators that want the computer to think for them. Oh my gosh I actually have to think 



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The Midi implementation and the Console view compared to say FL Studio or Ableton, but thats not neccesarilly bad....Im old school, approaching 50 Fast.  So Old feels very familiar to someone like me

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9 hours ago, Nok Nod Gorilla Fist said:

The Midi implementation and the Console view compared to say FL Studio or Ableton, but thats not neccesarilly bad....Im old school, approaching 50 Fast.  So Old feels very familiar to someone like me

Well I think a better adjective is workflow rather than old school :)Those programs are built for different primary use cases rather than production. Cakewalk has deep midi editing tools and now articulation support that those programs don't have. And our console view is one of the better implementations depending on your perspectives of course.

Look and feel aesthetics vary a lot and we will continue to update our UI. Cakewalk is a program that has roots 30 years ago so there are bound to be some elements that are legacy but that isn't always a bad thing for reasons that you state.

PS: try going to Europe and telling people that their architecture is old school lol.


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5 hours ago, Michael Vogel said:

Wow. Imagine that. A youngster in the Cakewalk forum. I was one once.
When I first started using Cakewalk it was purely a MIDI sequencer. 

Not to brag, but I was once the youngest person in the world. Granted, it was a title I did not hold for long.

I like that you can approach CW old-school, as a replacement for a tape recorder if you want to. But if you're a beatz and loops kind of guy, CW will accommodate you just as comfortably.

In fact, CW has encouraged me over the years to incorporate more modern production techniques. The result is a hybrid approach that combines old-school print-in-realtime audio, recording MIDI instead of audio, and hand-planting MIDI in the PRV. Even the occasional loop for tedious things like shakers and tambourines. The toolbox just continues to grow.

The biggest breakthrough was discovering the hidden variable in aud.ini...


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16 hours ago, Nok Nod Gorilla Fist said:

I'm old school, approaching 50 Fast.  So Old feels very familiar to someone like me

16 hours ago, John Vere said:

50!  That’s pretty young for this forum

A young 50 ? Sure.   Wow  I was 24 when the OP was born and still feel young - I suppose it's a musician's thing ?

Atari, Cakewalk for DOS, then moved to SAW (which was a great application also!) with two 286's, then the first Windows version of Cake.  I'm in the club with BitFlipper and JohnT, John, Mudgel, BrundleFly, Undertow (and a few others now unfortunately gone, like BA-Midi).  A VERY BIG salute to my friends ... we're still going strong.

As for old-school, well that's subjective.  I remember cursing X1 when it came out with it's new GUI.  I LOVE it now and it's getting better all the time.

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In second half of the 90-ties I had a monochrome 286 laptop 2MB RAM, 40MB HDD and Windows 3.11 for workgroups. But as it had no MIDI/Joystick port, the only way to get MIDI off it was through this proprietary Yamaha cable and I had to devote my only RS-232 mouse port for it ? (no ps2 ports yet on that time lol). So I had to learn how to operate Windows and Cakewalk Professional 3.0 all solely from the laptop's keyboard. Can you imagine I was able to edit notes or CC# events in the Event List on the gig if I had to...without a mouse?! ? Those times LOL

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