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Staying cool Kenny?


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Hey Bob,

"When I was a child, if the temperature got above 85 degrees, the headline on the Pompano Beach Town News screamed in giant headlines "IT'S A SCORCHER". And it rarely got over 85. Now 90s are common. That's global warming."

Hey Bob, I do not know how old you are but I'm about 60. My time and your time is a speck compared to the history of the planet. How do you know that 90's is not the norm? It could be that is it was a cooling period when you were younger and what you thought was the norm was not the norm. What was the temp 300 years ago?

"I grew up in Pompano and Las Olas Blvd and streets in Miami Beach never-ever flooded, even during King Tides. Now they flood on regular high tides. That's ocean rising."

And I showed you a scientist that said that Miami is sinking at the same rate as the increase of sea levels ( due to it being built on swamp lands). It is also a fact that sea levels have been rising for around two hundred years. This is pre-combustion engine. But the fearmongers only solutions seem to be to force me to stop using fossil fuels and take my tax money. (Apparently, my use or anybody else's use of fossil fuels did not start this rise in sea levels.)

"The ice caps are melting. The droughts are worse. The fires are worse. The reefs I used to skin-dive on as a child are dying, the naysayers are saying nothing is wrong, but to me the evidence speaks otherwise."

And how many times have the ice caps melted before? How do you know droughts are worse now then a couple of hundred years ago? The country is only around 245 years old. Weather data has only been kept for how long? I'm not saying nothing is wrong. I'm saying these fearmongers do not know what is happening, are taking advantage of the changes happening whether it be natural or man-made,and are using it as a political tool to get there way.

We was told back in the seventies that New York would be underwater by the year 2000, and that the oceans would be dead. Did it happen? I remember being told just ten years ago that we had til mid century to fix this so called problem, now they all say ten years.

Every time a hurricane blows through the fearmongers start yelling climate change, global warming, etc. But as  I showed the data says that storms were worse around the United States 1000 years ago then today. How has my behavior and use of fossil fuels made that worse?

"So I will do my best to take care of what we have left. I think it's the civilized thing to do."

And I commend and respect  you for that Notes. Maybe if the fearmongers who use this as a political tool would actually use there time and resources to actually do things like  creating better recycling programs, cleaning and trying to maintain the oceans, etc., instead of trying to control my behavior and take my money (taxes) they could actually make a difference.

It's all about CONTROL!


Edited by CoveCamper
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I think I'll just ignore posting that the real science shows that the Earth is always in cycles of cold to warm and back and that we're reaching the top of one of the warm cycles soon.  Next up:  Another ice age.  Yay.

Once the oceans warm up to a certain temperature, the flow between the Artic and Atlantic (at least) ends and both turn very cold.

Oh, and all of this would have happened regardless of anything humans have done.  Some of the volcanic eruptions in history have put far more crud into the atmosphere than all of the industrial age!  Sure, we're not helping things, but Nature doesn't care about political agendas.

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  On 7/5/2021 at 4:16 AM, craigb said:

  Next up:  Another ice age.  Yay.



And the same type of people telling us they have the solution and fearmongering today will be doing the same then!


Actually, if you look at the last three ice ages historically, it is suppose to happen  about 5000 years from now.

But, you better buy a bigger coat just in case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In fact , keeping the body in an quasi constant temperature is not good at all , it need weather impact to evoluate and adapt witch is if i recall well the job pf the thyroidal glande . it is here to adapt metabolisim according to weather , and more and more people suffer because they do the exact opposit , not letting their body to adapt .

Human body is a jewel as soon as you let it do its job.

Same goes with generic antibodies ... to watch if you care enougth .... this guyz been in vaccination high speheres since all his carrers , he conducted vaccination campaign ect  .....he's more pro vaccine than any of us  ...but listen closely ....what i'm trying to point out is that letting the body do his job is now seen as a concurence for the bizness around health and it's a shame !!

Let your body do his job specially with temperature because it will boost stuff after a short period of trouble ... and cold weather is superb also for body !

in this one you will learn how he is and great interveiw to understand his concern.



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  On 7/15/2021 at 7:18 PM, paulo said:




  On 7/15/2021 at 7:18 PM, paulo said:

Double IBTD.


                2378154-yoda_ibtl.jpg 2378154-yoda_ibtl.jpg



  On 7/15/2021 at 7:32 PM, craigb said:

This won't be the first thread I've had deleted this week either! ?

This one just lasted longer!


 The display of "power"one gets when posting content that helps delete ones own thread !




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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I guess I could post the mountain of evidence that show millions of people have been killed by the vaccines created by Fauci (AIDS and COVID) and Gates' (Bill & his grandfather Frederick - COVID, Ebola, Spanish Flu, et al.) to push things over the edge, ya?

What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?  About eight months.


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  On 7/15/2021 at 9:33 PM, craigb said:

I guess I could post the mountain of evidence that show millions of people have been killed by the vaccines created by Fauci (AIDS and COVID) and Gates' (Bill & his grandfather Frederick - COVID, Ebola, Spanish Flu, et al.) to push things over the edge, ya?

What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?  About eight months.



Craig did ya know that in korean empire  , rich evils used to poison wells to create fake epidemia and to blame the king because it's a sign of Gods blame on him ....

Also another opium,based thingy that once giving to a person , if you don't get it each month you die (dependency) so a way to control politics lol 

So many styles other the ages  but always same goal : power and control .

Did ya see the one the HIV and how it has been introduced in africa ...they even kille a nato insapector for that one witch was investigating ....

Small piece of a superb documentary  , this is what i say to friend and fam : please allow me to have doubts because i know who i'm dealing with !!


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