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Repeating a bar/measure/clip x times before moving on

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In the old forum there were posts about how to repeat a measure/bar for x number of times before going on to the rest of the song. (There is nowt in the manual that I could find.)

Since the old forum, duplicate clips has been implemented but that's not what I want to do.

Imagine you have a bar that you want to repeat 20 times before going on with the rest of the project. In Guitar Pro, for example, you add the the following signs  ||:    :|| and in the accompanying menu box you specify the number of times to repeat said bar. OK, I understand that's in notation software, perhaps not in a DAW.

The project I want to do this in has many tracks (audio and midi) but at the point where I want to insert this one bar (repeated 20 times) no other track is playing.

My question is : can I do this in Cakewalk or is it more a feature request ?



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or use the arranger to set up song sections to repeat and then add x# of them to taste. when happy, press apply arrangement... and/or before creating arrangements, create a "template" of the song as a (the) project with sections (say 1-to-2 bars, 3-to-4 bars, or even single bars), then make a copy of that and apply various arrangements. for example i do this for 15, 20, 30 second, 1 min, etc variations of music for commercials with variations of an agreed set of parts to address client requirements. they project files are small, all based off the same source file, and if i wreck a version, i can just start over on the arrangement or just to make unique variations in a long running one that i don't want in a shorter version.

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Cakewalk is like a tape recorder start to finish. As above I'd say use the arranger for what you want. I used to have a program similar to what you want called "Texture" for the Amiga. (Does anybody even remember the Amiga?)

It took some getting used to but this is a great program. Maybe what you want is more of a scoring program. But the recording & editing for those is not optimal as far as I have seen.


Try the Arranger.

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38 minutes ago, Jeremy Oakes said:

Thanks both. 
what i want is to emulate the ||:         :|| multiplied by x times.

I could duplicate it x times as a clip, but thats not what i want.


But that's how you have to do it.


Why are you so adamant about this anyway? Are you trying to conserve valuable, expensive parchment and ink?

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12 hours ago, bdickens said:

But that's how you have to do it.


Why are you so adamant about this anyway? Are you trying to conserve valuable, expensive parchment and ink?

Yes i realise that now.

Have you ever had an idea you can’t let go of ? 

Damn you got me, I’m  a tree hugger, so yes conservation is all.

Plus the fact of having not to do repetitious actions.….

Each to their own  ?


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Thanks Mr Jones,  but not what i’m asking. I want Cakewalk to be able to repeat a measure over and over again, as many times as specified.  

Imagine the synths of On the Run, (DSOTM) its the same motive played 99 times. You want to drag that for 99 measures ?  I don’t.

But no problem, I now know its not currently possible. And i’ve made a feature request. Thanks for your input !!



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Hi Jeremy Oakes, I don't know if it helps, but you could try to use Matrix View. 

I've used it a few times, but I was trying to get similiar results to Cyclone DXi (i.e. trigger samples from my MIDI controller, etc.)

Best regards,

Edited by mgustavo
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So far as I can tell the matrix view does not get triggered from the sequencer only from live input and you've got to be right on or it gets pretty messed up. I always thought Cakewalk had wasted a lot of time with that one.

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If the clip is exactly 1 (or 2 or 15) measures, you can copy and paste it x number of times without moving the cursor. If it doesn't end exactly on a measure, you can drag the right end so it does, then copy/paste so all the subsequent clips start on the measure.

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8 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

If the clip is exactly 1 (or 2 or 15) measures, you can copy and paste it x number of times without moving the cursor. If it doesn't end exactly on a measure, you can drag the right end so it does, then copy/paste so all the subsequent clips start on the measure.

Thanks ! 

Yess i know this.

I have a fixation about the ||: and :|| symbols …….. sad!

I’ve put in a feature request - i think in track view it would be more economic to use such a feature.

cheers and thakns to everyone who replied,


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19 minutes ago, timboalogo said:

Cool idea, but there's no modern way to program/write macros for Cakewalk. Copy and paste is your friend.


CAL still works but I guess that's what you meant when you said no "Modern" way.

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On 6/19/2021 at 5:54 AM, Jeremy Oakes said:

Plus the fact of having not to do repetitious actions.….

isn't your feature request to do repetitious playing for x # of measures based on musical score notation? there's no penalty for creating (in your example 99 measures) esp if the goal is to add something else along the way (like melody, harmony, sound effects, soloing etc), you'll need those measures anyways.

otherwise, maybe export the audio and run it in an audio player on loop until you're bored with it...

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Create your one measure - make sure the first note is right on the beat

Select the clip & Groove clip loop (Ctrl-L)

Shrink the zoom really tiny (Ctrl-Left Arrow)

Drag it out as far as you want

Zoom Back in (Ctrl-Right Arrow)

Bounce to clip to get rid of the groove clip (if you want)

This will take seconds once you are happy with the one measure. 

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20 minutes ago, Jimbo 88 said:

This post made me think that it might be cool to set up the loop function and have the option to program the number of loops.

Also maybe it would be cool to set up 2 sections that can loop.

Something like adding an adjustable loop counter to the sections in an arrangement.

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matrix view? then midi notes to trigger a full play? say each matrix item would have 4 bars of midi, then each quarter note could trigger 4 bars and only "release" back to the triggering track and the next note. could lead to some interesting mixtures of timing and so on...

it would also be nice to have the scoring module "behave as written" with repeats, and other notational elements... ? 

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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