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That's Alright (Stripped Down Blues)

freddy j

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Recently I watched a couple of Bio's on PBS.  One was featuring Mississippi Fred McDowell and the other Leo "Bud" Welch.  I was captivated by the fact that even though these were not schooled musicians and that the footage and sound were primitive they really captured a feeling and sounded cool.  As I am want to do, I tried to do something that might capture this and as happens too often  ---- well, I may have missed the mark.  Anyway, this is my attempt at stripped down, primitive Blues.  I hope you enjoy.

As this is something new for me, I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, etc.


That's Alright



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Hey, Freddy,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!?

This is a spectacular stripped down Classic Blues number that really shows off your great guitar and harmonica playing, and the vocals on this are pure dynamite!

Excellent writing and lyrics that are perfect for the genre, and the bare bones recording style really shines through the crystal clear, pro sounding mix!

It made me imagine being in a smoky, back alley blues club, sitting at a small table and having a bourbon on the rocks!  I really love it when a song transforms you to a different place in your mind or memory, it's the thing I like best about all music!?

Well done, Freddy, Fantastic stuff!?

Have a great week, buddy!

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Well, Bob took the words right outta my mouth.  I especially enjoyed your finger picking style, which I'm very weak on.  Plus, I listened to "Lone Wolf" again and was wowed by that song, too.  There's a fabulous BBQ joint just down the road from me where you could get a gig at should you ever decide to relocate to KC...

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That's a really cool blues song - I enjoyed your guitar playing - nicely done.  I would have added a bit of reverb to the guitar, but that's just my taste. I know you were going for a stripped down version of the blues. The harmonica playing was impressive as well.

Thanks for posting.

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I think you've captured that traditional delta blues sound. Really liked that little guitar riff in the background and the lyrics (nicely sung!) exemplifies what someone like Mississippi John Hurt would have done. Best of all IMO is the harmonica,  both the tune and the playing. Well done!

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Hi Ed D.  Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.  I appreciate it.  I was trying to go old school on this number and hopefully I got close.

Hi Bob. Gosh ---- thank you very much.  I always appreciate the suggestions and support that you have provided over the years.  I have learned a lot from you and others on this forum.  I too appreciate it when music can transform you to "another place" and I am glad that I may have approached that in this song.  Thanks again.

Thank you Lynn.  I always appreciate your input and encouragement.  A BBQ place,  hmmm?  KC might be a nice summer hangout when it gets too hot here in FL?  I don't know a crowd of over 3 people might be too intimidating though!??!  BTW I almost missed listening to your last post but I found it -- listened -- thought that you did an excellent job with it  --- and enjoyed the heck out of it. Thanks again Lynn.

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Look, it's all very good, I agree a smidge of reverb on the guitar, and it's very authentic what you have done here. Great job!

But I am absolutely floored by that harmonica. Well played, recorded, mixed. The parts fit very nicely indeed. You might do another pass with it so you don't have to repeat sections. It's just very nice and clear in the mix without being sterile.

The ending kind of cuts off, I presume you have a fade out or something in mind?

kudos Freddie!




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Hey Freddy -- love the sound on that harmonica -- very nice.  I like the dryness of the guitar -- a funky sound that would be washed if it had more reverb.  There's a slight syncopation glitch between the guitar and the vocal -- the timing of your vocal delivery sounds just a little off to me from the get-go.  But it's surely another terrific demo from you.  I enjoyed it.  ~ Allan


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Hi amiller.  Thanks for listening and for the kind comments.  Very much appreciated.  I'm glad that you liked it!

Hey Douglas.  Thanks for listening and your suggestions.  Actually, when I thought about the guitar part I was thinking about that overdriven Pig Nose portable amp sound.  However, I wasn't clever enough to get that sound.  Your suggestion for a touch of reverb might help liven up the guitar a bit.  Thanks again.

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks very much for your comments. I always appreciate your suggestions and find them useful.  BTW, I enjoyed your last post.

Hi Daryl.  Thank you for listening and taking the time to comment.  I appreciate it very much.

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Hey Tom.  Thanks for listening and I always appreciate your comments and suggestions.  Actually, the guitar sound I was going for was the over driven sound --- like an old portable Pignose amp or old, cheap, tube amp.  I gave up because I don't have a Pignose and the sounds I was getting otherwise sounded awful.  They just didn't have the McDowell or Welch feel.  So I gave up and went in for a more straight analog guitar sound.  However, I am going back to the working file and try a touch of reverb (although I do tend to abuse reverb) to see how it works.  Thanks again!!


Hi Allan.  Ah, you notice a bit of a problem between the guitar and vocal.  Ya, the problem was not so much with the vocal but I am not proficient with finger picking and I was not used to the chord and note combination that I came up with for this number.  Soooo, toward the end of the song my left hand was starting to cramp up a bit and --- ya --- probably got out of sync a bit.  Thanks for listening and for the input!!


Hey Ramscapri.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment.  I appreciate it!!  No accordion on this one.  It was the good old Marine Band harmonica.  Thanks again.


Hi Paul.  Thanks for listening and for the kind words.  It is indeed very much appreciated!!!



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That was great Freddy! There's a lot to be said for just a simple song with guitar, harp, and vocals. I love the blues, the old time blues, when it was just a man and his guitar. You nailed the vibe on this. Great job man!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in responding but I have been fighting off that bug that seem to be going around my neck of the woods in the Tampa Bay area.

Hi John B.  I'm very happy that you did find it and appreciate your kind comments.  Actually, I did use a drum track to keep me as close to proper timing as it is possible for me to do.  However, I did drop the drum track as I was going for that "sitting on the porch of your shack just off off the Blues Hwy." feel.  Just you with your guitar and Pig Nose portable amp and a couple of other guys with their harps.  Maybe down the road I'll try a new more studio like version (or juke joint version) just to see what that might sound like.  Thanks again.

Hello Leadfoot.  When I was but a "wee bit of a child" on a good night, when the weather was just right, I was able to get the John R show on WLAC radio.  John R would occasionally play some of the Blues that you described and I just loved it.  I still feel the same today when I hear it.  Thanks very much for listening and thanks for your very kind comments.

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