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Can I route audio from Cakewalk to another program on my PC?

Roy Z

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Hello friends,

I'd like to use Cakewalk's audio processing capabilities and have the audio recorded to another program on my PC.

Is it possible to route the audio out from cakewalk (on a windows system)?

Thanks a lot,




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on the CbB side - you would set it to WASAPI Shared so other programs may access the audio from Windows output. depending on the program, you might find that enough.  otherwise if you're using a mixer, you may be able to use physical patching to make it work. there are several software products out there which allow you to flexibly route audio between apps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the reasons ASIO is so efficient is that it doesn't support and therefore doesn't have to deal with multiple data streams from multiple programs. The trade-off is that you can only have one ASIO device active at a time. That's why Glenn suggested WASAPI Shared. Although not quite as fast as ASIO (but close enough), it can deal with multiple sources concurrently. That's how Skype can "ring" even though you're listening to music or watching a YouTube video.

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