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(Solved)Dimension Pro Bug


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The pan and volume knobs on Dimension Pro are reversed. If I put in a CC10 event (Pan), it actually controls the starting volume. If I put in a CC7 (volume) it changes the pan. For example: I put in a CC10 of 20, which should change the pan to about 68% left. but instead it reduces the volume to 20. And if I put in a CC7 of 100, it changes the pan to about 75% right. The knobs actually move on the synth in response to these CC events, only in reverse of what they should do. You change CC7, the pan knob moves. you change CC10, the volume knob moves. It should be exactly the opposite. This gets confusing as you have to use different CC events for the DP than you use for the rest of your instruments. It affects both the 32 and 64 bit versions of DP.


Edited by mdiemer
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This plug-in was last updated in 2010. From what I can tell, BandLab has no plans for it. Cakewalk had stopped selling DP some time ago and was selling Rapture Pro as the replacement for DP and Rapture. BandLab has mentioned releasing Rapture Pro but has not given any indication when this may happen.

DP is not a GM synth. What makes discussing CC and DP even harder is the lack of context. CC is used in a variety of ways for example: sfz files may use CC values to control parts of the program and the modulation matrix also uses CC.

I would recommend controlling overall pan and volume on the audio track and each element's pan and volume by automating the plug-in instead of using GM defined MIDI CC directly.


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Thanks scook, I don't use DP for much. But it does have some things I like. I never had Rapture, unless the light version if it came with earlier Sonar versions (8.5 was my last).  I don't have it on my system now. 

I am setting the pan directly on the synth, it only needs to be set once. I do like to use CC events for volumes however, so I'll just use 10 and pretend it's 7. The challenge will be in remembering two months from now that that is what I'm doing. 

I'll consider buying Rapture if they offer it. Personally, I would rather see them offer the Roland VSC, but that of course involves negotiating with another company. I will probably buy it myself at some point.  It has stuff you don't find anywhere else, assuming it's the same as when Cakewalk had it. I do have an early version on Cakewalk 2002 I believe, but that doesn't do me any good. 

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I found cc7 works fine and cc10 does nothing with Dimension. And even tho both Vol & Pan "track" Automation lanes work fine, automating Dimension can have odd results.

CC's may not work with Dimension because of having 4 separate elements with their own panning control and no way to assign them to the track's cc controls or automation.

FWIW, when I created a cc10 Pan routine in PRV and used the Convert to Automation Lane command, it didn't work. But that may not be a Dimension issue.

Edited by sjoens
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According to the doc, CC7 is hard-coded to volume but may be used for other things too. I do not believe I have ever used CC10 with DP.  Never used the synth that much.

It may be a bad MidiCfgnn.bin file. I believe there are up to 10 of these MidiCfg00.bin through MidiCfg09.bin. They are created on demand and support the MIDI learn function. The files are stored in C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\MIDI

IIRC, removing them causes the synth to forget any bindings created with MIDI learn.

2 hours ago, sjoens said:

FWIW, when I created a cc10 Pan routine in PRV and used the Convert to Automation Lane command, it didn't work. But that may not be a Dimension issue. 

Converting CC data to MIDI automation reads the CC data, converts the data into the automation format, writes the data into automation area of the project and removes the CC data. On playback, MIDI automation is converted back to CC data and added to the MIDI data stream for the plug-in. So, if a plug-in does not respond to CC data, it will not respond to the same data converted to MIDI automation.

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14 hours ago, sjoens said:

Thanks for the explaination, scook.?

Ditto, although it was a mile over my head.

Edit: Oops, I added an emoticon to sjoens' quote. Sorry, it was meant for my reply. I did not intend to imply that sjoens is as confused as I am; few people are.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/14/2019 at 7:42 PM, mdiemer said:

Personally, I would rather see them offer the Roland VSC, but that of course involves negotiating with another company. I will probably buy it myself at some point.  It has stuff you don't find anywhere else, assuming it's the same as when Cakewalk had it. I do have an early version on Cakewalk 2002 I believe, but that doesn't do me any good. 

The Roland Virtual Sound Canvas appears to be a current product.

So, no need for BandLab to offer it, unless by "offer" you mean "include for free with Cakewalk." If we're talking 3rd-party programs we'd like BandLab to put into the Cakewalk package, I have a list of those.

Since PluginBoutique seems to put most of the AIR stuff on sale for next to nothing, maybe they could license some of their stuff, although there may be pre-existing agreements that would preclude it. XPand!2 and Hybrid would beef up the package for starters.

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3 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Since PluginBoutique seems to put most of the AIR stuff on sale for next to nothing, maybe they could license some of their stuff, although there may be pre-existing agreements that would preclude it. XPand!2 and Hybrid would beef up the package for starters.

I've had similar thoughts about the AIR package - it's a fantastic set of instruments, even if it's a bit dated now - and it was good enough for ProTools for a long time.

The effects package is pretty good too.

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