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record synth output real time


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Sounds like you are using an Instrument track. An Instrument track just records the midi.

You need to split the track using the track right click menu option "Split Instrument Track". This will give a midi track and an audio track related to the synth. Set Record on whichever you want to record.


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thanks for that..

seems cumbersome..

do you mean eg if i want to record a part with

three different sounds from the same synth

i have to 1. insert audio track 2 insert synth 3 record 

then do this all over again?

isnt there a way to direct the output of the synth 

to a track of my choosing? that way i dont have to keep inserting the synth.

does the aux track feature play into this at all?


Edited by Bassfaceus
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No you dont need to keep inserting the synth over and over. You just need to have audio tracks set up to receive the synth audio output. So just insert audio track and set input to synth output. Do that for as many tracks as you want to record. I've never used aux tracks so have no idea whether they will do the same but maybe they do. Easy enough to check out the input options on the aux tracks.  Using this method i dont think you even need to bother splitting the instrument track.


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I’m just finishing a video that shows this. What they’re saying is don’t use a Simple instrument track Use a split instrument track. Cakewalks terminology is confusing. 
A simple instrument track records midi in the track it’s the one with a keyboard ? 

An instrument track is the one with a keyboard and a midi jack icon. 
That will record the synth as audio. 
Drag and drop the  synth from the browser , or use the synth rack, or use the insert synth and in the dialogue only choose single synth output. 

Edited by John Vere
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The problem with cakewalk is there is always 10 ways to do the same things. 
While making the tutorials I found 6 ways to insert a VST instrument and there are now 2 dialogue boxes that do “ almost “ the same things. I doubt any other DAW has more than one way. 

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