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Beatles remasters.


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I took a trip up to Iowa today to visit my in-laws and grabbed a few cds to listen to.

I got the remixed/remastered anniversary editions of Sgt. Pepper, The White Album, and Abbey Road for Christmas and this was my first chance to listen to them. It's a 3 hour drive up there.

They were good and I liked the included demo discs but some of the tracks were changed. I know every breath, every ad lib, every tiny little thing forward and backward on these albums and they definitely changed some things.

Are they better than the original cd releases ... I have to say no. I have all of the original cd releases and I have a cd set made from the metal masters. It sounds to me that Giles went way overboard with the notching out of instruments and compression. 

The originals have a more even frequency spread but these you can hear each and every instrument and vocal individually almost too much imo.

I did listen to a little of Abbey Road on my home stereo and the bass was overwhelming. Way over the top. I thought Come Together was going to blow my sub the bass was so loud. It's perfect on the original release though.

Anyone else have the latest versions? What do you think?

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I have the mono masters box that was released a while back for everything up to Magical Mystery Tour.  I find them to be real good. 

I can't comment on the ones you have, but I would guess they are different, they are remasters.  Isn't this what usually happens when they remaster stuff.   Just ask Bit  what he thinks about All Thing Must Pass remaster.

The same thing happened when Coke changer their recipe, Macdonalds fries stopped using beef tallow, and they started adding ethanol to gasoline.

Your conclusions are valid.

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I played the whole album All Things Must Pass on YouTube recently. I had forgotten how good it was. I didn't appreciate it as much when I was a kid but it's completely different to me now. I noticed some changes on it too.

I can't wait for the new Let It Be movie to come out this summer I think. I hope they do a box set set with the movie and album and some other goodies.

Edited by Shane_B.
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  On 5/30/2021 at 1:35 PM, Shane_B. said:

I played the whole album All Things Must Pass on YouTube recently. I had forgotten how good it was. I didn't appreciate it as much when I was a kid but it's completely different to me now. I noticed some changes on it too.

I can't wait for the new Let It Be movie to come out this summer I think. I hope they do a box set set with the movie and album and some other goodies.


Shane, check out Let it Be Naked if you have some free time.  I find it to be very good.  But like gswitz said, it is another version, but without the wall of sound.  You can find all kinds of conflicting opinions from the Beatles themselves about the Specter Let it Be.   Naked is "just" what it sounded like, in the room, at the time, of the recording.

Now the beatles are an industry unto themselves, and "they" love to generate content to distribute for various reasons, one being profit.   On Naked though, I do believe they demonstrated that they were one damn fine band.

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  On 5/30/2021 at 3:59 AM, Shane_B. said:

I got the remixed/remastered anniversary editions of Sgt. Pepper, The White Album, and Abbey Road for Christmas and this was my first chance to listen to them. It's a 3 hour drive up there.

Anyone else have the latest versions? What do you think?



  On 5/30/2021 at 9:44 PM, Jesse Screed said:

Shane, check out Let it Be Naked if you have some free time.  I find it to be very good.  But like gswitz said, it is another version, but without the wall of sound.  You can find all kinds of conflicting opinions from the Beatles themselves about the Specter Let it Be.   Naked is "just" what it sounded like, in the room, at the time, of the recording.

On Naked though, I do believe they demonstrated that they were one damn fine band.


I got all of the above for my birthday a few years ago. Have always had "the best of" and various Beatles "anthologies" on hand, but finally decided to get a hold of the actual album format themselves, as the digital remasters.

I like!

But the most interesting thing was in comparing "Let It Be" with "Let It Be... Naked". Very revealing. But I like them both... Hell, it's still the Beatles, right?


McCartney's attitude contrasted with Lennon's from over two decades earlier. In his December 1970 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Lennon had defended Spector's work, saying, "He was given the shittiest load of badly recorded shit – and with a lousy feeling to it – ever. And he made something out of it ... When I heard it, I didn't puke." Harrison and Ringo Starr also remained complimentary about Spector's contribution, with Starr saying: "I like what Phil did … There's no point bringing him in if you're not going to like the way he does it"




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  On 5/30/2021 at 12:01 PM, Gswitz said:

I like. 

I have often thought that with distribution as it is, you could have different mixes To choose from.

I'm sorry you didn't dig it.

They don't supplant the originals. They compliment.


I don't mind the changes to the mixes but how he changed them sonically was overdone for me.

I really did think Come Together blew my sub cone. The entire house shook. I have it calibrated for music and listen with it all the time and that's never happened.

I guess what I was expecting was an equal to or better than Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs type release coming from Abbey Road Studios and Giles Martin. A pristine re-release of the originals.

I'm still glad I got them though. The Vinyl Rewind youtube guy said he preferred the vinyl releases of these cds. I may pick them up some day.

Edited by Shane_B.
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I'm love the remixes and the demos, especially the Abbey Road package - and I'm a mega Beatles fan.

I know what you mean by the instruments being too discrete - sometimes stacked or smeared sounds of the originals are cool because they blur the boundaries of where one thing ends and another begins.

Having said that, I rarely go back to the originals.  I just really like clarity.  I listen on headphones 97% of the time.

Yes, the bass could be evened out on AR, but having better drums and a nice stereo spread is worth it for me.  

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There's been mix changes several times over the years. One example is I had 2 different versions of Rubber Soul. On one version I'm Looking Through You had a false start amd on the other version they edited it out.

The mix changes I heard weren't in every song and were few and far between. But the few I heard coupled with the extreme remaster kinda caught me off guard.

It could also be that I'm totally wrong and I was just hearing things that were always there that I never noticed that the remastering brought out.


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Wasn't Rubber Soul done on eight track? That would have been a beast to remaster because of all the bouncing they would have done.

and once it was put together that was it..

  On 6/2/2021 at 10:01 PM, pbognar said:

Abbey Road package


I have that as well, love it..

  On 5/30/2021 at 9:44 PM, Jesse Screed said:

Let it Be Naked


Let It Be Naked is killer...

George Martin said the Let It Be credits should have read "Over produced by Phil Specter"

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Thanks for letting me know to give these a wide berth.

I accidentally purchased the Yellow Submarine thing that came out about 20 years ago when the movie was re-released, thinking that I would be treated to a version of the first rock record I owned but with fewer scratches and crackles. What an abomination. I gave it away because I didn't want it in the house. That record was such a mind-bender that I made it through my teen years without touching drugs (I say my teen years, because I....um, later learned exactly what could have inspired them to create things like "Only A Northern Song").

The wonderful little guitar licks and sounds in those "Beatles at their most psychedelic" songs like "Hey Bulldog" and "It's All Too Much" were almost inaudible, and for heaven's sake, part of the weird charm is the hard panning. Lennon's lead vocal on "Bulldog," with the verses hard right, morphing to stereo on the choruses and fadeout.

Martin's stereo mixes get a lot of flak, some of it....deserved, but listen to "It's All Too Much" and tell me that it's not a great mix.

To me, heavy-handed remasters are like those lenticular 3-D versions of The Last Supper. It's a DaVinci masterpiece, the height of its time and for all time. You are not going to improve upon it with your brickwall limiter and multiband compressor.

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