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Opening Cakewalk-Cursor Blue Swirl


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I literally have a new laptop I bought yesterday

Dell 15 3000 


The ONLY program other than cakewalk/bandlab assistant is Reaper that I downloaded just fine with no issues. I can open cakewalk but it never lets up the blue swirling cursor...initially I got that message at the top (not responding)...but that went away...i can click on stuff but it takes a long time lagging and the blue swirling NEVER goes away.   Anyone having this issue? Need help SOS!

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I left cakewalk opened last night saturday...I just woke up and it's sunday...it's still swirling the blue circle cursor. Closed the program by force close thru task management ctrl alt delete.  Opened cakewalk again..same thing. Super annoyed

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3 hours ago, Wookiee said:

What audio device? 

Hi Wookiee?

I'm a novice learning daws, recordin, etc....I dug up info online for this issue and downloaded asio4all. I then opened cakewalk and the swirl is gone. I then was able to ensure asio were checked off for my audio settings. Looked like it automatically did it in cakewalk so i didn't have to do anything manually. That was nice.

But I don't even have an interface connected yet...i just have my new laptop and downloaded cakewalk when I got those issues yesterday. But now i found out the focusrite interface I already own ( I was going to use for recording) is not compatible with the asio4all drivers. Does it sound like I'm doing good so far? 

If you have any recommendations for interface,  PLEASE let me know.  I'll only be recording with a digital 88 key piano as my only audio instrument. Hoping to find something under $50

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23 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

I don't recommend ASIO4all try WASAPI. 

also does it make sense for me to be configuring this without hooking up the interface yet? 

i looked online..they say wasapi is a feature within windows 10...so i looked on youtube to see how i can configure my audio to wasapi...i found one tutorial but his settings were nothing like mine at all so nothing made sense.  This is a crazy process just to record....i miss old cassette style recording 

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21 hours ago, SS said:

.i miss old cassette style recording....

I don't miss the Portastudio one single bit.

The Fidelity is terrible. There's only four tracks. Actually only three because one of them you have to give up to record timecode onto in order to sync up your MIDI gear. And that has to be recorded at the right level because if it's too loud it cross talks onto the next track. If it's too quiet then your midi gear keeps losing it's synchronization.


Of course there's also cleaning a demagnetizing all the time and the expense of buying media which racks up real quick.

Speaking of expense, the initial cost of the thing was as much as Cakewalk was back when it was SONAR and they were still selling it. Plus it didn't have any effects, or any instruments. If you wanted effects you had to buy outboard rack gear which was expensive.You also had to buy a stereo cassette deck to mix down onto which is more money.

No, I don't miss the Portastudio one bit.

It's well worth it to invest a little time and effort into learning how to use the software. (Which you had to do with the Portastudio anyways.)

Edited by bdickens
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21 hours ago, SS said:

But I don't even have an interface connected yet...i just have my new laptop and downloaded cakewalk when I got those issues yesterday. But now i found out the focusrite interface I already own ( I was going to use for recording) is not compatible with the asio4all drivers. Does it sound like I'm doing good so far? 

The  Focusrite will have its own, true ASIO driver, so you won't need ASIO4All or any version of WASAPI. In fact, it's probably a good idea to remove ASIO4All from the computer as it can cause conflicts with a true ASIO driver.
You can download Focusrite's driver for your device and operating system from their web site.

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19 hours ago, Wookiee said:

To get optimum performance from CbB you ideally need an audio interface designed to be used by a professional DAW which CbB is.

Wookie I keep seeing the acronym CbB in threads...what on earth does that mean?

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15 hours ago, bdickens said:

I don't miss the Portastudio one single bit.

The Fidelity is terrible. There's only four tracks. Actually only three because one of them you have to give up to record timecode onto in order to sync up your MIDI gear. And that has to be recorded at the right level because if it's too loud it cross talks onto the next track. If it's too quiet then your midi gear keeps losing it's synchronization.


Of course there's also cleaning a demagnetizing all the time and the expense of buying media which racks up real quick.

Speaking of expense, the initial cost of the thing was as much as Cakewalk was back when it was SONAR and they were still selling it. Plus it didn't have any effects, or any instruments. If you wanted effects you had to buy outboard rack gear which was expensive.You also had to buy a stereo cassette deck to mix down onto which is more money.

No, I don't miss the Portastudio one bit.

It's well worth it to invest a little time and effort into learning how to use the software. (Which you had to do with the Portastudio anyways.)

ok sorry to bring up the past lol 

thank u for sharing your thoughts with me?

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1 hour ago, 57Gregy said:

The  Focusrite will have its own, true ASIO driver, so you won't need ASIO4All or any version of WASAPI. In fact, it's probably a good idea to remove ASIO4All from the computer as it can cause conflicts with a true ASIO driver.
You can download Focusrite's driver for your device and operating system from their web site.

Gregy I removed asio4all

im confused...wasapi has to be downloaded? i thought it was already an aspect within windows 10..maybe i misunderstood what i read on a thread?

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1 hour ago, 57Gregy said:

The  Focusrite will have its own, true ASIO driver, so you won't need ASIO4All or any version of WASAPI. In fact, it's probably a good idea to remove ASIO4All from the computer as it can cause conflicts with a true ASIO driver.
You can download Focusrite's driver for your device and operating system from their web site.

wait sorry let me start over

i removed asio4all

ok then i will download the drivers for the focusrite interface....

then at any point, do I involve wasapi?

sorry i sound clueless...im learning as i go?

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There is no need for ASIO4All if the interface has a working ASIO driver supplied by the manufacturer.

As noted above, ASIO4All can conflict with other ASIO drivers so it is best to delete it before installing other ASIO drivers.

All that needs to be done is download and install the Focusrite ASIO driver then configure CbB to use it.

WASAPI may still be useful when the Focusrite interface is not plugged in. It works with the internal sound chip and is part of the OS.

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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

Just so people offering ideas in this thread know, the interface + drivers matter is also being discussed in another thread started by SS.  As for the "Opening Cakewalk-Cursor Blue Swirl" issue, I have no idea if that has been SOLVED yet.  

the other thread is about interface in general 

this thread is about the blue swirl issue...upon my observation, some of these issues are multifaceted and can stem from  hardware or configuration so please just let the guys give their knowledge and feedback. There are times, topics can crossover..so not sure what your intention is but i find your intention as disruptive and unneccessary drama behavior. The guys here are not stupid, they don't need to be micromanaged by you. 

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