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AAS Player Presets

telecode 101

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Hi, if anyone out there happen to have pickup those AAS VA-3 player presets a while ago. If you have Cinémathèque or Starlight. can you try Bistro preset? I am curious if you hear strange high pitched frequencies in the pads?

I was working on something a while ago and used a few of this AAS presets in tracks. Now when I re-opened the projects to work on them some more, I hear these odd frequencies I could have sworn I never heard or would have used those presets. I also notice on some tracks, I think the inserted plugin lost it's settings as it reverted to the first patch in the list of patches that is listed in AAS player.

Just wondering if others have same issue? I wonder if its related to the AAS update/patching?

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Well whatta d'ya know -I have some sounds that I didn't even know I had - forgot all about AAS player.

Anyhoo, FWIW the closest I can find to "Bistro"  in Cinémathèque  is "Bistre" and I'm not really hearing any difference between that patch in the player or in VA3 itself. Yes there are some highish frequencies but everything sounds like it was meant to be there. Holding down a chord a string sort of sound comes in after a while and then goes again and does not return until further keys are pressed, which I just put down to it being an evolving type pad. Is that what you mean? 

I don't have Starlight and can't find anything close to that patch name in the swatches section  of AAS player, so can't help you there.

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I'll check it out, as I am a big user of A|A|S Player and have both Cinémathèque and Starlight. My ability to detect high pitched frequencies ain't what it usedta be.

One thing: with the update of Chromophone and VA to v.3, A|A|S "remastered" their soundpacks to make use of the new features, and the new versions sound different. So if you've updated your Player and soundpacks, it's possible that Bistro/Bistre was remastered in some way that is causing the sounds you hear.

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I tried it, and, yes, I think I hear what you're talking about. If I really hammer a chord, about 2 seconds in, there's an organ sound that comes in. It's a pretty shrill patch anyway, but this organ sound is grating if I get anywhere above middle C. The organ sound doesn't come in if I don't hit it with as much velocity.

I'm with you, I don't think I'd have a use for something as ice-picky as this.

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With VA-3 , not the player, here's the spectrogram I get if I hold a C2 note on preset VA-3 Cinematheque- Bistre. This is using iZotope Insight as an insert on the channel with VA-3.

I don't hear any high frequencies, nor does the spectrogram indicate any.



iZotope Insight Capture.JPG

Edited by abacab
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My hearing doesn't go up to 3K any more and when I listened to Bistre the other day I heard what for me were high frequencies that really clashed horribly with my tinnitus.  Thanks for the Spectrogram--it supports what I have been sensing for 2-3 years or so that frequencies in the 1K to 2K range hurt my ears. 

It could be that the patches were re-mastered as Starship Krupa mentioned, or if the frequencies in the upper range are more pronounced, maybe its a hearing issue.

Quickie snapshot:


PS: Visually I am seeing resonance sweeps in the 4K to approx. 16K range. If you have SPAN, it might be worth a try.


PPS: My hand-drawn arrow represents where I saw the resonance sweeping.  I heard some of that in the 2K to 4K range, but I don't doubt that its going on in the highest range, too. FYI: The 1st screen shot is an octave above the second screen shot. (In case you were wondering about the fundamental difference.)

Edited by User 905133
to add an image (SPAN by Voxengo); to fix typo (Bistro -> Bistre)
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I'll pile on with more Bistre-bashing and concur with 905. I ran it through MAnalyzer and there's a spike that comes up at 5K and then climbs up to about 10K before repeating its screeching journey.

Fascinating that the same patch would sound fine in the synth but not in its playback-only brother. Makes me wonder if the Player playback engine has a bug that causes it to miss a filter or EQ setting.


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Or just learn how to use EQ to roll off the high end on your tracks. That would be a good practice in general to keep unwanted frequencies out of your mix.

If you are using CbB, it has a nifty Quadcurve EQ in the Pro Channel (with large fly-out view), where you can easily adjust the slope and frequency of the LP.

Cakewalk Quadcurve capture.JPG

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4 hours ago, abacab said:

@User 905133Just a sidebar comment here, but every time I see your user name, the album by Yes '90125' pops into my head, LOL. Just an association thing with numbers, I suppose. And that's not a bad memory, as I have always enjoyed Yes. :)

Just say :YES!:  ?

I never saw Yes live. The closest I came was Flash at a four-band $5.00 Concert at the Commack Arena that had  Savoy Brown [headliner], Flash, Tower of Power, and Rory Gallagher.  Super performances by all, but Tower of Power, relatively unknown at the time, blew me away.


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Just say :YES!:  ?

I never saw Yes live. The closest I came was Flash at a four-band $5.00 Concert at the Commack Arena that had  Savoy Brown [headliner], Flash, Tower of Power, and Rory Gallagher.  Super performances by all, but Tower of Power, relatively unknown at the time, blew me away.


I saw them live. It was very late in their career (few years ago) and not a good time. I think a low point for the band.

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12 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Just say :YES!:  ?

I never saw Yes live. The closest I came was Flash at a four-band $5.00 Concert at the Commack Arena that had  Savoy Brown [headliner], Flash, Tower of Power, and Rory Gallagher.  Super performances by all, but Tower of Power, relatively unknown at the time, blew me away.


A side note: the current iteration of Flash features a guy I went to junior high school with, although I knew his brother better.

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