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Poor Boy Revised (Freddy J & Lynn Wilson)

freddy j

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Being the perfectionist that he is  --- Lynn just sent me a revision to the mix based on comments by Mark and Tom.  Yet again he made the first mix sound even better with this one.  Thanks Lynn!!!


This is deja vu all over again.  I had another song that I have been fighting with for quite a while.  I again turned to Lynn and he was kind enough to help.  I sent him the lyrics, a draft mp3 of what I had done and a pile of wav files for each track (e.g., instrumentals, vocals, BGV's/harmonies, and even crowd noises).  Lynn had the savvy and talent to take this mess clean it up and make something cogent out of it.  He added a hot sax and dressed up the guitars so that they now sound good (especially that one panned R), and added to the BGV's/harmonies and banter of the intro.  I know that the intro is long but I was trying to recreate a small venue atmosphere and a style that some of the old blues guys used to use.  You know - introduce the band, introduce the featured guest, set up the song with a little banter, and make the call to order (e.g. are you ready)).

Anyway I am glad that the song is finally done but I had fun doing it and I hope Lynn did also.  Lynn - many thanks for lending your talent and immeasurable help for this song.

I hope that this song gives you a bit of a giggle and maybe puts a smile on your face.  As always comments, suggestions, crit.'s are very much appreciated.




Edited by freddy j
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 Freddy and Lynn , That was utterly Fantastic! That was quite an intro ..   I always liked playing with someone who could work a crowd and this sounds like a Real "live" bar performance. My wife was a managing partner at a boat harbor restaurant/bar that had live music on the weekends. Closing my eyes and listening I almost felt like I was in the room.          I think if you Really want to go with the "live" feel ,  the guitar panning should be a little more conservative. There's just not that much separation on a stage. I think some high mids on the vocals would also be helpful and a few timing tweeks on the left guitar.  I hope you don't think I'm getting too picky , but I think you can get a Stellar song out of this .

Very impressive !    I believe you guys Really got it together on this one..  mark

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45 minutes ago, mark skinner said:

utterly Fantastic! That was quite an intro ..

Good advice from Mark, tune is great, but there are a few small "issues".
Fine "as is", but it does deserve a little more "elbow grease".

?'s ( I'd drop 2, but I'll save that for the re-mix)

As always Freddy, great storytelling...


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I love the song and the concept.  You guys are naturals to work together because your styles compliment each other so much.

It does have a "live" sound, but I think some of Mark's suggestions above would take it to an even higher level.

?John B

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Thank you very much Mark.  Your comments are very much appreciated and thanks for both the kind words and suggestions.  Lynn has already sent a Re-Mix which I have posted.  It sounds to me that most if not all of your suggestions were taken by Lynn.  I hope this sounds better.    I'm very glad that you enjoyed it!

Hi tom!  Thank you very much for the very kind words and suggestions.  Your comments are always insightful!!  Lynn is the master mixer and I have posted his re-mix.  Hopefully, it will have earned that second thumb ?.  Thanks again!

Hi John.  I am glad that you enjoyed it and I hope it brought on a bit of a smile or maybe even a giggle.  The suggestions have been taken and Lynn has made some revisions which have been posted.  Hopefully, this virtual aural gig will now be a little closer to a live gig.  Thanks again!

Hello Jack.  Thanks for listening and also for taking the time to comment.  It is much appreciated.  Hopefully, your suggestions have been addressed in the revision.

Hey Wookiee.  Thank you my fine furry friend.  We very much appreciate the comments.  I'm very glad that you liked it.  Hopefully, it gave you a bit of a smile.  As to the 1% ----- it would be nice if they could at least pay a living wage and their fair share of taxes.



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I want to take the time to thank Freddy for letting me contribute to this fine song.  As Freddy noted, I made a few changes based on your comments which were spot on, especially about the timing flaws of the rhythm guitar.  As for the panning of the guitars, I used Frampton's live album "Frampton Comes Alive" as my template for live recording, which has a rather wide soundstage.  It  really depends how close to the stage the listener is.

To me, the star of this song is Freddy's voice, which is so resonant that it is a pleasure to work with.  And, his lyrics are consistently well thought out and socially pertinent to our times.  Here's to the future!

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Hi Bjorn.  I'm very glad that you liked it!  Having never been a "real" paid musician, I garner that it can be a rather cut-throat business.  Thanks for the kind comments.

Hey Makke.  Thanks very much for the kind words.  Thanks also for taking the time to listen and comment!!!

Hello Nigel.  Thanks very much for the very kind words.  Coming from a pro like you, can I assume that the mission of mimicking a small venue performance was accomplished (or nearly so) ☺️ ?  Your kind comments are very much appreciated!!  Thanks again!!

Hi Douglas:

On 5/18/2021 at 2:20 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

 I felt like I was at the bar listening to your band with a beer in my hand?

That's perfect!  That was the intent of the song.  That is to create a mental image of a small venue performance.  Thanks for the kind words!!!


Hey Lynn!  Given that I sent you some pretty raw stuff --- you really cleaned it up and made it sound doggone presentable and very good.  I appreciate the hard work that you put in to this.  It was a complete pleasure working on this with you.  Thanks pal!!!!

Hi Jesse.  How are you?  Loved you recent post (I commented).  Actually for me this was not work but a pleasure and fun.  I'm very glad that you felt like you were there for this mental image performance (wha?)  Hopefully, there will be more collab's down the road!

Hi Hidden Symmetry.  Being a gerontologically (sp?) challenged (old) person, I tend to reach back to the old Blues/R 'n R style (which I love) and Lynn dressed it up and brought it into the 21st century.  I'm glad that you enjoyed it and thanks for the kind words.


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Hi Paul!  Thanks very much for the kind comments.  I am very glad that you enjoyed it!

Hi David.  I very much appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.  Actually  the crowd sounds were actual recorded sounds at some bar in Vancouver, B.C.  I found them along time ago and held on to them thinking that they might come in handy some day.

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