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selecting midi

matt schmitt



In my original post I was a bit unclear as to what I was needing help  with. I've been using Sonar VS100 by Cakewalk but when I had my PC rebuilt I had to reload it I couldn't find my product code, consequently I cant use MIDI. I've downloaded Bandlab [not the app] but it's telling me my audio/MIDI  is disconnected. Is it still possible to use Bandlab to record or do I need to obtain another product code? I've just purchased a Behringa interface in case I'm unable to use go any further.  If I do  have to use the Berhinga how do  I change  my settings? Help!

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You could have stayed in the original thread and just answered my questions. But anyhow I now see you have answered two you are using Cakewalk and the VS 100 is an old Cakewalk mixer/ audio interface with midi ports. In the video he mentioned it has drivers for windows and Mac, interesting. But are the drivers able to run on Windows 10? I sort of doubt it. 2009 was a long time ago and Windows Vista etc. So that might be why you have no midi now. 

Cakewalk is Sonar and very advanced. It is also absolutely free and only requirement to use it is to create a Bandlab account.  

To use the Behringer simply install the drivers and then select ASIO mode and make sure the Behringer is selected in all audio preferences locations. In the MIdi preferences make sure the Behringer is also selected as input and if you use outboard synths as the output. 

All this is covered in the many tutorials you can view in the sub forum.  https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/

I also have many beginner videos on my channel.   https://sites.google.com/view/cactus-studios/cakewalk-videos 


Edited by John Vere
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Thanks John for your help. I've used Sonar since 2013 but lost the product code when reloading it after a PC rebuild. As you can tell, I'm a novice when it comes to having to reset things up. I created a Bandlab account & wanted to keep using the Sonar VS100, which is  what I thought I could do as  it’s included on the Bandlab site, but was just unsure how to go about getting a new product code. When I set Bandlab up I selected Sonar VS100 inputs & outputs so played my workfiles ok but couldn’t record.  It was here that I was wondering if I needed to download Sonar again to obtain a product code, or if I need one.  I'm running Windows 10 so hopefully should be ok there. I’ll watch the tutorials. Really grateful for all your advice.

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If you want to use the version of SONAR bundled with the VS100 and participated in the Cakewalk account migration occurring between 2014 and Nov 2017 and do not remember your Cakewalk account login, contact support@cakewalk.com for more info about access to legacy software see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001718094-

They may be able to help with other downloads from the old Cakewalk site such as the V-Studio 100 Control Surface Installer

There are Win10 drivers for the VS100. They are available from Roland https://www.roland.com/global/products/v-studio_100/downloads/


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Thanks for your advice. It's much appreciated. I've decided to use Bandlab  & not the Sonar VS100 version, so will just be a matter now of selecting ASIO  mode as  suggested in Bandlab. I'll go through the tutorials & find what I'm looking for.

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Hi again, I’ve tried opening Bandlab & several messages occur: “There are no audio devices for the current  driver model on your system.  Please go to Edit/Preferences/Audio/Playback & recording & choose a different driver model”. I’m using the Behringer  & thought I’d selected ASIO but obviously not. The other message which appears as a result is that “The following tracks & buses are currently assigned to a silent hardware. [Master] & will be silent  ...until their outputs are reassigned to an appropriate hardware output”. The Beringher is connected via USB & appears to be connected correctly. I’ve had a look at your video John & in it you show a midi interface is needed. Is this what I should be looking for, & if I’ve missed anything please let me know? Thanks for your help

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I have never used a Behringer interface, but I remembered reading a few years ago that they didn't have ASIO drivers. I just Googled "Do Behringer interfaces have ASIO drivers?" and found a source that says "Although most Behringer audio interfaces have their own driver (version 4.38 as of July 2018), some of the smaller interfaces will require the third-party driver, ASIO4All. These interfaces include the UMC22, UM2, UCA222, and UCA202. "

I don't know if this has changed, but you might want to check if you haven't done so already.  


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Which video did you watch? I have a bunch and each one is about something different. So I'm not sure what you are saying when you say my video said to use a midi interface? Which model of Behringer did you purchase? Does it have midi ports? And do you need them?  as in you are trying to record midi via a midi keyboard that does not have USB but has 5 pin style midi ports. 


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Well, managed to locate & download drivers,  so now input & output for the audio is ok, but now just the issue of midi. I've tried going into preferences & selecting under outputs "1:Microsoft GS wavetable Synth 1 & General midi, but unsure if I'm on the right track. If so, what should I do for inputs? Very appreciative of your help & guidance as I've not had to set this up before.

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It seems your interface doesn't have MIDI ports. If you have a MIDI keyboard with USB output, so would connect that, download drivers for it and use that for MIDI input and maybe output.
If you don't have a keyboard and the Behringer doesn't have MIDI, then there is nothing to select for input. You would have to use your mouse to click in MIDI notes or drag MIDI clips into a track.
For output, you can use the GS Wavetable synth to play back your drawn-in and dragged-in MIDI clips, but it's not the best sounding synth. Using a software synthesizer will get you better sounds.

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  On 4/25/2021 at 8:20 AM, scook said:

If you want to use the version of SONAR bundled with the VS100 and participated in the Cakewalk account migration occurring between 2014 and Nov 2017 and do not remember your Cakewalk account login, contact support@cakewalk.com for more info about access to legacy software see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001718094-

They may be able to help with other downloads from the old Cakewalk site such as the V-Studio 100 Control Surface Installer

There are Win10 drivers for the VS100. They are available from Roland https://www.roland.com/global/products/v-studio_100/downloads/

Dear Mr. scook, hello! I am unable to download the VS-100 Control Surface Installer from the old website. Can you help me download and send it to me? My email is 45677345@QQ.com Thank you very much. Thank you very much!



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