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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access 2

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1 hour ago, Milton Sica said:

Olá, versionando, quando ativado, só funciona quando o comando Salvar é invocado diretamente pelo usuário. A auto-salvamento não salva versões, mas apenas um arquivo para cada sessão. É disso que estamos falando. Queremos que a mesma coisa aconteça ao salvar a versão ao economizar automaticamente. Veja meu comentário acima onde reuni imagens. abraçar.

My Shyriiwook translator says I have know idea what this says. 

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45 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

Hello, when versioning is enabled, it only works when the Save command is invoked directly by the user. Auto-save does not save versions, but only one file for each session. That's what we're talking about. We want the same thing to happen when saving the version when saving automatically. See my comment above where I gathered images.

Just another reminder, this thread is for issues specifically related to 2021.04 EA2.


Changes to auto-save and versioning are feature requests.

Feature requests do not belong in this thread.

There is a dedicated area for feature requests, please post them there.


Problems with the current production release should be posted in the current release thread.

Problems and questions about other releases should have their own threads created in the appropriate area.

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22 hours ago, GreenLight said:


I consider myself a total keyboard shortcut nerd, but I have actually never used or known about CTRL + D in Windows... great to learn! I've always deleted using the Delete button. ? (Very anecdotal, I know.)

But I do agree with the person who wrote that CTRL+D has become more or less DAW standard for Duplicate. One can always change it.

I would love some more focus on keyboard shortcuts in Cakewalk: improving loading speed of the Options dialog, adding more mouseover popups with currently assigned shortcuts and adding several non-bindable functions (UnSolo All & Archive Track).

 I'm loving the commitment and engagement for Cakewalk these days! It's been an enormous increase in a couple years, incredible! ❤️?

How interesting that some earliler comments in this tread about the Staff View were immediately deleted under the "moved under Feature Requests" and yet many other posts (including the above [nothing against the post writers]) have remained in the tread.

It is like "Staff View" has become "the one that shall not be named" or else.... 

Very unfortunate as SV lags sooooo far behind other DAWs........

Maybe my account will be banned for bringing this up ?

Edited by Michael Richard
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I post the message here since the bug is present in the latest update released, even if the problem has been present for years...

The bug is related to saving midi input routing.

As you know, this is a problem that has been present for years, in fact users over time have repeatedly highlighted the problem in different forms and conditions. There have been several attempts to explain the problem (modification in connected midi devices of the active device type at the time of saving and later not connected at the time of reopening the project or connected to a different USB port) or to at least limit the bug. But in reality unfortunately the bug does not depend only on the connected peripherals or not...

I was hoping that with the last update, since a change had been inserted in the management of the midi ports of virtual synths, had been fixed but unfortunately this was not the case.

I tried through this short video to highlight the center of the bug by simplifying it. In fact, the situation is much worse. In fact, the more complex the midi routing, the more the problem arises, with the usual randomly modified midi inputs (double, triple, all active, none...). In several cases it is not even possible to correct the problem of inputs that always remain active and you have to delete all the uploaded virtual synths and start from scratch, thus doing all the configuration again!

For some it simply shows up after saving and reopening the project. In my case if the file is saved and then reopened the input midi channel assignments "seem" to be correct. But I would say that it is only luck, because every now and then the bug also occurs to me as to many others even just reopening a previously saved project.

Actually as this video highlights, the bug occurs regardless of the subsequent closure and reopening of CbB under different conditions.

Instead if I save the input settings of the various synths such as track settings, delete the tracks and restore the track settings save (without obviously closing CbB) the bug instantly appears as you can see.


Unfortunately, this bug has been and remains somewhat annoying. You waste a lot of time reopening or editing tracks to reconfigure everything!

I would therefore kindly like to ask you whether you can check what the problem is and solve it once and for all. I am sure that would certainly make so many users happy as the bug has been present for years.

From my point of view, routing and managing audio and midi tracks (in this case) is a major feature in a DAW. It is the basis from which to carry out any work. It has to work and certainly once a template is configured the routing (sometimes it can also be quite complex with the various VSTs) should stay. If every time the saves made are not kept and everything has to be redone it becomes...

Many thanks for your work and time


Edited by Ronny.G
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I'm having issues with the Bandlab Integration.  I don't see any of my projects in Browse Bandlab Projects.  If I Publish to Bandlab, at first I couldn't see what I published (marked as private).  I tried uploading one as public, and then I could see the upload; however, it publishes to the wrong username.  Instead of planetparadox, it sends to 


Is there any way to change usertag in Cakewalk?

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1 hour ago, Planet Paradox said:

I'm having issues with the Bandlab Integration.  I don't see any of my projects in Browse Bandlab Projects.  If I Publish to Bandlab, at first I couldn't see what I published (marked as private).  I tried uploading one as public, and then I could see the upload; however, it publishes to the wrong username.  Instead of planetparadox, it sends to 


Is there any way to change usertag in Cakewalk?

It would appear that you are logged into a different account in Cakewalk than your other bandlab account. You can log out and re-log in from the Help menu in Cakewalk.

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Hello, Cakewalk Team
Thank you for making this DAW great again.

There is a problem with the text display in the Dialog box.
Characters are not displayed in the Japanese and Chinese interfaces.
I don't know, but in my humble opinion, it seems to be sharing the characters in the "String Table" which has been translated from the previous version.
Or, there seems to be a problem with displaying 3 byte characters.



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On 4/25/2021 at 9:24 AM, Rene van der Lende said:

Double checked slash (/) in 'title' load error: My forked project: Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff Cover with  space dash space ( - ) in the 'title' loaded just fine in Cakewalk. When I changed those characters into a single slash the project failed to load with Cakewalk 'Browse Bandlab Projects...'[Load].

Probably some Regex() parameter in the 'translate title to filename' routine not properly set. (Yah, software engineer as a dayjob...just can't help myself, sorry...)

This is fixed for the final release

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8 hours ago, Jae-yun Jeon said:

Hello, Cakewalk Team
Thank you for making this DAW great again.

There is a problem with the text display in the Dialog box.
Characters are not displayed in the Japanese and Chinese interfaces.
I don't know, but in my humble opinion, it seems to be sharing the characters in the "String Table" which has been translated from the previous version.
Or, there seems to be a problem with displaying 3 byte characters.



Thanks for the report. This is fixed for the final release

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4 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

After inserting the FX BBC Orchestra the application closed on its own.

When reopening the project, all wav files, despite being in the project folder, are silenced, leaving only those of the midi type.

I tried to relink the wavs correctly, but I couldn't.




This is most likely heap corruption or an unhandled exception in the plugin. In our next update we have enhanced error checking so hopefully it should catch this crash and report it via the crash dialog.

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On 4/28/2021 at 3:17 PM, Ronny.G said:

I post the message here since the bug is present in the latest update released, even if the problem has been present for years...

The bug is related to saving midi input routing.

As you know, this is a problem that has been present for years, in fact users over time have repeatedly highlighted the problem in different forms and conditions. There have been several attempts to explain the problem (modification in connected midi devices of the active device type at the time of saving and later not connected at the time of reopening the project or connected to a different USB port) or to at least limit the bug. But in reality unfortunately the bug does not depend only on the connected peripherals or not...

I was hoping that with the last update, since a change had been inserted in the management of the midi ports of virtual synths, had been fixed but unfortunately this was not the case.

I tried through this short video to highlight the center of the bug by simplifying it. In fact, the situation is much worse. In fact, the more complex the midi routing, the more the problem arises, with the usual randomly modified midi inputs (double, triple, all active, none...). In several cases it is not even possible to correct the problem of inputs that always remain active and you have to delete all the uploaded virtual synths and start from scratch, thus doing all the configuration again!

For some it simply shows up after saving and reopening the project. In my case if the file is saved and then reopened the input midi channel assignments "seem" to be correct. But I would say that it is only luck, because every now and then the bug also occurs to me as to many others even just reopening a previously saved project.

Actually as this video highlights, the bug occurs regardless of the subsequent closure and reopening of CbB under different conditions.

Instead if I save the input settings of the various synths such as track settings, delete the tracks and restore the track settings save (without obviously closing CbB) the bug instantly appears as you can see.


Unfortunately, this bug has been and remains somewhat annoying. You waste a lot of time reopening or editing tracks to reconfigure everything!

I would therefore kindly like to ask you whether you can check what the problem is and solve it once and for all. I am sure that would certainly make so many users happy as the bug has been present for years.

From my point of view, routing and managing audio and midi tracks (in this case) is a major feature in a DAW. It is the basis from which to carry out any work. It has to work and certainly once a template is configured the routing (sometimes it can also be quite complex with the various VSTs) should stay. If every time the saves made are not kept and everything has to be redone it becomes...

Many thanks for your work and time


Thanks for the report but this thread is to report issues SPECIFIC to the early access release not preexisting issues. Please post it in the main forum.

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I have been working with the Early Access 2 and I don't know whether this is a bug or me using it in the wrong way or expected behaviour 

Basically I had a project with only midi tracks from a Logic user.  It opened perfectly in Cakewalk and the the Tempo Track was intact ( nice ! )

I tried to cut out some empty bars using the arranger track to make the selection area and when I hit delete it took most of the subsequent midi clips with it even though they were not selected.  

For some reason I keep getting an error when I try to upload the Gif so it's hosted elsewhere on the link below.


Project file was small enough to attach

here comes the sun.mid

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16 minutes ago, Mark Morgon-Shaw said:

I have been working with the Early Access 2 and I don't know whether this is a bug or me using it in the wrong way or expected behaviour 

Basically I had a project with only midi tracks from a Logic user.  It opened perfectly in Cakewalk and the the Tempo Track was intact ( nice ! )

I tried to cut out some empty bars using the arranger track to make the selection area and when I hit delete it took most of the subsequent midi clips with it even though they were not selected.  

For some reason I keep getting an error when I try to upload the Gif so it's hosted elsewhere on the link below.


Project file was small enough to attach

here comes the sun.mid 20.7 kB · 0 downloads

This is partially a bug, and partially not... 

Since 2021.01,  arranger section operations use the "Arranger Section Overlap Threshold" setting (under the Track View MIDI menu).  When this threshold is set, any notes that overlap the section boundaries will be treated as part of the section when deleting/copying/cutting etc if they fall within the threshold.

If set to a low value, it can help to include unquantized notes that start just before the section boundary or end just after.  Higher values can be used for pads that are played early because they have a slow attack.

So the "not a bug" part is that notes outside the section boundaries may be deleted if they fall within the threshold.

The bug is that it's picking up non-MIDI data such as tempos, markers & meter/keys and incorrectly deleting more than it should due to the tempos/markers/meters internally extending the selection.

This bug has been fixed for the main release ( due to be released immanently ).

In the meantime, setting the threshold to "None" will get around the issue.

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17 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Thanks for the report but this thread is to report issues SPECIFIC to the early access release not preexisting issues. Please post it in the main forum.

Many thanks.

I have now created a new bug report post in the main forum. I can't delete however this one that can now be removed.

Thanks again

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