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Flat minimalistic and dark


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That's a nice look. I really appreciate the different angle you've taken here, with the round Tool and Track buttons. That's a lot of work; well done.

I hope you manage to finish it to your satisfaction, I'm looking forward to giving it a spin eventually.

Edited by Colin Nicholls
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Very nice. The round buttons are a welcome touch, and yours is the first theme I've seen to use them.

The human eye and brain responds more favorably to rounded things than to sharp things. Sharp things alert us to take caution. Walt Disney used this in the creation of Mickey Mouse, who is all round shapes. Felix the Cat, who ultimately proved less popular, had pointy ears. Disney used to chalk up part of Mickey's ultimate success to this. For a more contemporary example, Rick 'n' Morty. Rick, the harsher personality, has spiked hair, while Morty, a very soft personality, has a round head.

The biggest reason that I miss the Windows 7 UI, the window corners were slightly rounded. Given the ability, I would give all the corners in my themes a slight arc.

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2 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

The biggest reason that I miss the Windows 7 UI, the window corners were slightly rounded. Given the ability, I would give all the corners in my themes a slight arc.

You will be happy to know that the new ui overhaul in progress for Win10 will be reintroducing this philosophy. Me too

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3 minutes ago, oneofmany said:

I Am a MS fanboy lol. And an unabashed one at that ?

The Cakewalk forum is a relatively friendly place for that, given that the software runs on Windows (or an emulation of it) only.

I consider myself "a mostly satisfied Microsoft customer." I'm not 100% sold on the way they go about things, but Windows 10 happens to be the best bet for the kind of work I do on computers.

I like that they support legacy hardware pretty well, but I don't like that so many of my fellow A/V producers get driver and configuration issues after forced updates. Hasn't hit me so far, but who knows. My Firewire port and interfaces are pretty old, unsupported by their manufacturer. Perhaps someday there will be a Windows update that will render them unusable except as 8-input standalone mixers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a pity this person seems to have disappeared after one single teaser post back in April (this was their only message on the entire forum). They even influenced the round buttons for Yellow Submarine and EVA 01.

I wouldn't hold out much hope of ever seeing this one released to the public. If you want the round buttons, you'll find them on EVA 01 or Yellow Submarine.

They're also of course swipeable, just like any theme element.?

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