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Is there any chance that Cakewalk will shut up?

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My Cakewalk shuts up on occasion.  For example, if I have Cakewalk running and try to do too many other audio things on my PC, such as running some standalone soft synths, Cakewalk gets insulted and says, "I'm not gonna play any more until you give me some love and press my buttons in a good way!"  ? 

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On 3/20/2021 at 7:32 PM, Shane_B. said:

The Pro Channel would shut up randomly all by itself. That's why I stopped using it originally.

Yeah, I cold swear that it switches itself off sometimes.

But then again, that might be me as I find myself adjusting the eq or compression for the wrong track and wondering why it's not making any difference more often than I should.

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59 minutes ago, paulo said:

Yeah, I cold swear that it switches itself off sometimes.

But then again, that might be me as I find myself adjusting the eq or compression for the wrong track and wondering why it's not making any difference more often than I should.

This reminds me of myself!

It happens that I have not selected the track I thought. It has to do with the not-evident selection system in CbB/Sonar. The difference between selected and active is sometimes hard to see during the work! ... or I mean I miss it.

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2 hours ago, paulo said:

Yeah, I cold swear that it switches itself off sometimes.

But then again, that might be me as I find myself adjusting the eq or compression for the wrong track and wondering why it's not making any difference more often than I should.

There was a time when you could create a repeatable scenario to make it happen. The global On/Off button on the Pro Chan. came about from my and others discussions about it on the old forum.

It was only when "real" people in "real" studios started saying "yeah we're seeing it happen too" that they even attempted to do anything about it. Prior to that it was the stock "works here and for the fanboi's. Must be your system.".

I haven't seen it happen in CbB but I avoid the Pro Chan like the plague. I never trusted it after all that with X1 and X2.

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4 hours ago, marled said:

This reminds me of myself!

It happens that I have not selected the track I thought. It has to do with the not-evident selection system in CbB/Sonar. The difference between selected and active is sometimes hard to see during the work! ... or I mean I miss it.

There is definitely room for improvement with the logic surrounding which track is in focus. One of my pet hates is that if I select to unfreeze a synth by pressing the freeze/unfreeze button, once it has done it' s thing it will revert to whatever the last track I had selected as the "focused" one and show me that. If I've unfrozen a track there's a fairly good chance that it's because I want to work on it, so the focus should automatically become that one. I can't think of a reason why I would unfreeze a track and then want to immediately go back to the previous track.

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2 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I haven't seen it happen in CbB but I avoid the Pro Chan like the plague. I never trusted it after all that with X1 and X2.

As I said, it might be something that I do without realising. I watched X1/X2 from the sidelines only as it didn't seem to be going well. Bought back in at X3 mainly because of Melodyne ARA integration which justified the offered upgrade price all by itself.

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On 3/20/2021 at 10:32 PM, Shane_B. said:

The Pro Channel would shut up randomly all by itself. That's why I stopped using it originally.

Makes me feel happy man. Never had ProChannel problem. Did you contact CbB guys? Send 'em crash log, it may help. I like ProChannel and hope you'll like it, too...when  it works.

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