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Help: Melodyne included with Bandlab


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The Bandlab Assistant (6.5.0) has the check box for Melodyne and the Install button grayed out and green as if its already installed.  

Melodyne and Melodyne 4.1 Runtime are not intalled on my PC.  Any other way I can get this installed or fixed?



Edited by doobie_lit
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BA uses the registry to keep track of what it has installed.

It stores the data in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers

If it finds a record there, the Add-in is disabled.

Remove the record and the option will be available.

Can't give you the exact record name because I did not install the Melodyne bundled with CbB.

Inspect the data in the records and it should be clear which one is associated with Melodyne.

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Thank you so much, this helped a lot. I made the mistake cancelling the melodyne installer at first install of it. The problem was that it got checked in the BA Addons and
I couldn't install it anymore und even didn'T find an installer file anywhere.
Now I deleted the registry key BF750169-C7A9-4CDF-92DC-DA0E49FF6F9C (it contains e.g. "Product Version") and I could install Melodyne using BA.

Best regards and  ThxAloT again

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