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Mystery vocal; no waveform, but there it is in my headphones.

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Its Friday so it must be that time I hit a new problem! So...I'm extending a song, and everything is split at the end where I want to add new vocals etc ready for new bits . . But as can be seen from the screenshot, when the waveform of my vocal track stops, (top track in blue,  I split the track at the end and deleted the bit I didn't want...or so  thought) well, I can still hear my ( unwanted bit) voice in the phones. but there's nothing to see, nothing to delete, I went through all the tracks one by one using the mute button, in case I armed  the record button on another track and recorded vocals by mistake, but that's not it. You can see the blank track after the blue Vox waveform stops, but there are vocals continuing... but where are they? I want them deleted, they cant stay on my altered ending. ( If you heard them you'd know why!) Ideas anyone? Maybe Melodyne is the culprit ? ( I looked but cant see any "blobs" on the melodyne part , its blank here too.


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A track that has been hidden will still play from its hiding place unless  it is muted or archived. One thing to check for. If i was searching i would loop the unwanted sounds area and solo each track one by one till i found it. 

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I tried that. I thought a deleted track ( after being split) was deleted, end of story?

And just show I try and sort things myself before asking the forum, I then took a spare copy of the song, and started the procedure again. Firstly I deleted the vocal I didn't want. It worked. So far so good. Then, I started editing drum tracks, etc. and suddenly the darn missing vocal ( which I again had deleted) was back. Cakewalk is great but endlessly frustrating and time consuming. 

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Hang on! So just out of curiosity,  I tried deleting the complete track, and of course, away it went, no more vocals, unwanted or otherwise. Everything gone. Then  I hit Edit to undo the deletion. back comes the track, looks exactly as before, but this time the "deleted" bit at the end is indeed deleted, and there is no vocal at all. 

No idea why. If its not broken don't fix it I suppose, but I'd like to understand what is going on here.

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Okay, getting there. Its down to my lack of knowledge I think. The red line that appears when I try to reduce volume makes no difference. But there is a yellow line on a take lane view which works as it should. So its down to me not understanding what the heck I'm doing and being forced into trial and error. very time consuming but thanks to those who replies. Sorry everyone for being DUMB ?


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Could this be related to your use of Melodyne in the FX rack?

Remember, once a track is transferred into Melodyne, the audio originates from the plug-in NOT the clip in the track. 

As I noted in your original post..


Render Melodyne to restore the regular signal flow.


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1 hour ago, RICHARD HUTCHINS said:

Yes I thought of doing that. So many takes on my vocal track, as each time I listen I go "yeuch, do it again Rich" Do you mean highlight everything in the track, all the different bits and then bounce to one clip?

I'll have to change my answer a bit. With further examination of the screencapture it gives that this is only a tiny section of the track. At first glance i believed it was the only audioclip in the track.

I would NOT bounce several individual clips at once. I only bounce the clip that i've been working on.

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And why is Melodyne in the effects bin?? that's kinda weird. 

Richard may I ask- are you one of those people who comes here and asks for advice but don't follow through and therefore always having problems?? Not trying to be rude but you seem to be trying to work with Cakewalk in a odd ball way. 

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OK. good question. here's the thing John.


First off, I've no idea why melodyne is in the effects bin. None. That says it all. I'm a complete novice. 

To me, learning cakewalk has been ( and is still) a huge task. I am a songwriter and a musician not an engineer. I record to share my songs with friends and fellow musicians.  No one else is interested in my work, but that's ok.

I have limited time, like most people. Coming to cakewalk with no experience means every day I spend an hour at least , trying to sort something out, before I get anything musical done.  Something trivial but annoyingly essential.

New problem every day. I always try to sort it myself first, but invariably I struggle and then try to save time by asking others.

I have to say, the forum is very impressive. so far no one has flamed me, just the odd subtle rap on the knuckle.

 People take time to answer and I try to follow their advice, but these are users with years more experience than me. If I followed every bit of advice to the letter, and tried every suggestion I'd have no songs finished at all. I'd end up being good at mixing down and producing stuff, but there would be no stuff to produce!

So, I need to own up; I do try to cut corners, and go for whatever is the quickest fix, so I can get back to recording my songs. But I always listen and I always try to learn. And  of course, I always appreciate the help. 


The best way would be to start from scratch and learn everything.  And in a years time I'd be answering others and helping them. But... in the interim I'd have recorded and shared 1% of the songs I had written. 


But if my dumb questions are annoying everyone, I will  stop asking, I really don't want to try anyone's patience. 

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No they are not dumb questions. And I’m glad you explained your situation. I actually start to worry about folks who seem to struggle and yes we’ve all been there before and I don’t forget how hard it was for me to change from hardware to software. 
I guess part of the problem with using a DAW is you really do need to spend a lot of time just learning how the stupid thing works an it takes all the fun out of recording. 
I’m still learning. 
I think as you start out best to do very basic recording and don’t try to use all the fancy things that are so tempting. Like Melodyne. I avoided it for a long time now and just figured it out this fall. Sort of 

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Agreed your questions aren’t dumb and this is the place to ask them. Yeah its a balance between spending time learning and having fun creating. I learn new stuff all the time about cakewalk itself and all the toys i have gotten. Some things about cakewalk are intuitive or can be resolved by messing around. Other things need someone experienced to help with. I try to spend time learning and spend time creating. Its really a lot to learn but at a certain point one becomes somewhat competent in the basic stuff and spends less time in wtf??!! Which is no fun at all... But that still can happen ha

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17 hours ago, RICHARD HUTCHINS said:


Its Friday so it must be that time I hit a new problem! So...I'm extending a song, and everything is split at the end where I want to add new vocals etc ready for new bits . . But as can be seen from the screenshot, when the waveform of my vocal track stops, (top track in blue,  I split the track at the end and deleted the bit I didn't want...or so  thought) well, I can still hear my ( unwanted bit) voice in the phones. but there's nothing to see, nothing to delete, I went through all the tracks one by one using the mute button, in case I armed  the record button on another track and recorded vocals by mistake, but that's not it. You can see the blank track after the blue Vox waveform stops, but there are vocals continuing... but where are they? I want them deleted, they cant stay on my altered ending. ( If you heard them you'd know why!) Ideas anyone? Maybe Melodyne is the culprit ? ( I looked but cant see any "blobs" on the melodyne part , its blank here too.


i see that your track1 is splited,is it this splited portion that you are hearing??

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Yeah I think this is the bit that went wrong. I've managed to somehow fix it, but the embarrassing thing  is, I tried so many things I actually don't exactly know how I fixed it. (?) I'm pretty sure its down to Melodyne, which I'm finding is a mixed blessing. Melodyne obviously keeps a copy of the vocal that has been altered by its software and its this that I could hear.

In hindsight I reckon best to keep a non Melodyne version as a back up and if it happens again I can go back to that. my vocals are poor so melodyne helps a lot, but as others have said, its another layer of stuff to learn and / or get wrong.

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