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"Call Across The Leagues"

Barry Seymour

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Got a new one. This is quite a departure for me, although this is the sort of thing I used to sing a lot when I was younger. Informed by both my time in the Navy in the 80s and by modern technology today. Let me know what you think!

Edit: It's released!



Edited by Barry Seymour
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2 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

I always get a "twinge" of professional jealousy when I hear your tunes Barry (its a personal failing of mine, I'm workin' on it).
Well done, huge progress the last year on the production front. Performance and writing were always "there".



Very kind, thanks.

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Barry, you really set a high bar when it comes to songwriting and producing!  Great lyrics always makes a voice better, but you really don't need much help there.  You may have posted this before, but I'd like to know the recording chain of your vocal, as it works very well.

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21 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Barry, you really set a high bar when it comes to songwriting and producing!  Great lyrics always makes a voice better, but you really don't need much help there.  You may have posted this before, but I'd like to know the recording chain of your vocal, as it works very well.

Thanks, Lynn!

Not sure what you mean by the 'recording chain,' but I'll do my best...

  • Electro-Voice ND 457 mike - a holdover from the Eighties and my all time favorite
  • Mackie ProFX6 v3 mixer
  • TDR Kotelnikov VST for mastering
  • BREVERB 2 VST for, well, reverb

I hope that tells you what you want to know.

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