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Love Kept Them Together - remix

Lynn Wilson

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On 3/12/2021 at 1:38 PM, daryl1968 said:

Your voice is the bizniss on this mate. Sounds great Lynn.

Thanks, mate!  This was a lot of fun to do.


On 3/13/2021 at 3:32 AM, Makke said:

Cool! Great blues rock with nice groove... good performance and sounds.

Makke, thanks again for your support and time!

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On 3/14/2021 at 1:24 PM, freddy j said:

Great lyrics and story telling!!!!!  Your vocal delivery really accented the story and "feel" of the song also.  You really captured that funky, down-home, Bluesy sound in a great performance.  Luv those guitar leads and accents as well.  Terrific job pal!    Don't know about the panning but the mix sounds good to me.  Yeah, I'm gonna have to go and have another listen to this one.

Thank you, Freddy!  I'm glad you like the song and my vocal delivery.  You kind of moved me in the direction of releasing a "blues-based" song.


On 3/14/2021 at 3:44 PM, Boomin36Beatz said:

Lynn simply Great. I like your Music.?

B36B, thanks for your time and kind words!  Much appreciated.

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On 3/15/2021 at 1:55 PM, 90 dB said:



Really like this one. Great tune!



Thanks for taking the time, Bob!  I appreciate your feedback.


On 3/15/2021 at 6:42 PM, Barry Seymour said:

I suspect this goes to your more recent question about my 'microphone chain.' I always like a big u-shaped curve on my audio, especially my vocals - rich, full bass, crisp treble and then back off on the mids.

By 'AM' I mean 'AM radio,' which as you know does not have the fidelity of FM. However, I get that 'lo-fi' is often a desired and appropriate choice - see the Black Keys - so all I can say is it's my personal preference.


Yeah, that's what I thought you meant.  I did go for a certain effect on the choruses.  One backup is going through Wave's OVox for texture, and the other is going through a digital delay set to "analog".  I hope you weren't referring to the lead vox throughout the song, or I may have to recalculate my intentions.  I may need to "borrow" your ears some more ;)


On 3/15/2021 at 8:11 PM, David Sprouse said:

Lynn, I absolutely love everything you do.  It's just pure gold.  Your voice reminds me of the schoolhouse rock videos in the 70's :D:D

David, that's what I was shooting for.  Thank you for bringing it to my attention.  You're a gem!

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Great song! Love the bass sound! And the horns!

Three things in my opinion:

1) the ez keys are a little too forward in the first verse

2) the kick has too much top end and not enough thump at 100 Hz or so

3) the mix is a little too wide IMO

Excellent job on the guitar, it's hummin! And I love your voice in this one, really do.


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On 3/16/2021 at 3:34 AM, PJH said:

Really nice song Lynn! I would tame the frequencies on that Hi Hat though. Especially the open Hi Hat seems to be crowding out the vocal and the other instruments. IMO it's very harsh and very upfront in the mix.

I reckon if you took it down and eqd the harshness out of it, the vocal would jump out a bit.

Just my opinion of course...

Well, I appreciate your opinion.  Thanks for your time and ideas!  I'll keep them in mind when I remix this.


On 3/16/2021 at 8:48 AM, emeraldsoul said:

Big smiles on this one. That chorus with your vocal delays bouncing around has got the perfect psychedelic groove to it. The time you are spending on vocal mixing and treatment is really paying off.

I agree that the synth horn seems out of place but for me it was in a good way, and really, that first horn line you drop in there is a killer part, I would have liked that horn hook to be throughout the rest of the song.

I would have to wonder what your parents would have made of this had they heard it? A fair can of worms, perhaps?

Thank you for sharing your excellent work!


Tom, thanks for your kind words.  Oh, to have the horn section from Muscle Shoals~~~   Yeah, I wonder if I can incorporate that first horn line a bit more.  As for the song, I took a few liberties with the story, but I'm sure if I opened a can of worms, my dad would have used them for bait.


On 3/16/2021 at 6:17 PM, Bapu said:

Nice one Lynn.

Ed, it's always a good day when you drop by.  Thanks for the encouragement!

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On 3/17/2021 at 11:49 AM, Hidden Symmetry said:

Just caught this one, sounds really nice..enjoyed it

Thank you so much for your kind words!  I'm glad you liked it.


On 3/17/2021 at 12:38 PM, Fred's Gratis Scores said:

Loved the funky keyboard. The chorus vocals/delays felt just a bit chaotic (minor point), but overall I liked it.

Thank you for your reply and time!  The chorus is something of an experiment, and whether is succeeds or not, time will tell.

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On 3/18/2021 at 4:58 PM, timboalogo said:

Great song! Love the bass sound! And the horns!

Three things in my opinion:

1) the ez keys are a little too forward in the first verse

2) the kick has too much top end and not enough thump at 100 Hz or so

3) the mix is a little too wide IMO

Excellent job on the guitar, it's hummin! And I love your voice in this one, really do.


Timbo, you make 3 good points, which I will keep in mind when I remix  this.  I love suggestions like this, and I thank you very much for taking the time to make them!


On 3/19/2021 at 9:09 AM, mark skinner said:

Another Great one!  Great playing and lyrics. I liked the gravel in your voice.  Enjoyed it . mark

Thanks, Mark for your reply and kind words.  I'm glad you liked it!


On 3/19/2021 at 2:23 PM, Barry Seymour said:

My ears are rent-free, Lynn. ? Just as long as you don't borrow them for too long.

I promise to leave them on your head ;)


20 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Lynn, great story. One of those songs where you listen to the lyrics closely. Really like the vocal delays which worked very well. Great job.
And happy major milestone b-day too!

Bjorn,  I'm  glad you like this!  Thanks, as always, for your time and trouble.  As for the milestone, I have nearly enough, now, to find my way home :)

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Your explanation notwithstanding, I do agree with Nigel the wide spread on the guitar and keys is a bit disconcerting.
Its not the way I would mix it, However, it IS your tune, your production!
I'm all in on the "grit" in the vocal chain, I think it works well in this tune.

So ?'s (read that as 2 big thumbs up) from me, cause overall I loved it!


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Lynn . . . you're a real storyteller in this one . . . is that a vocal effect, or does you're finely aged voice have that purry and gurgly sound au naturelle ? 

So great to listen to, great guitar work, and as always the mixing really shines !

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On 3/22/2021 at 7:00 PM, DeeringAmps said:

Your explanation notwithstanding, I do agree with Nigel the wide spread on the guitar and keys is a bit disconcerting.
Its not the way I would mix it, However, it IS your tune, your production!
I'm all in on the "grit" in the vocal chain, I think it works well in this tune.

So ?'s (read that as 2 big thumbs up) from me, cause overall I loved it!


Tom, I took your suggestion and narrowed the mix a bit because I noticed on headphones that it did seem a bit wider than I remembered.  I do like it better now, so thanks a million to you and Nigel for that!  Good call!


22 hours ago, noynekker said:

Lynn . . . you're a real storyteller in this one . . . is that a vocal effect, or does you're finely aged voice have that purry and gurgly sound au naturelle ? 

So great to listen to, great guitar work, and as always the mixing really shines !

Thanks so much for your encouragement!  I did refine the mix a little, for the better, I hope.  As for the story, I took a few liberties with that, but something apparently did happen, but I only heard bits and pieces from relatives long after my parents had passed.  The voice, however, is my own with all its grit and years of abuse for polish.

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This is the first I've ever heard a tribute to someone's parents with a funky beat but it works well.  Love your vocal work on this.  The grit is an ear catcher.

So now I know you're from Texas.  I kinda figured you were from that part of the world.  The ruggedness, I guess.

? John B

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On 3/26/2021 at 9:08 AM, Johnbee58 said:

This is the first I've ever heard a tribute to someone's parents with a funky beat but it works well.  Love your vocal work on this.  The grit is an ear catcher.

So now I know you're from Texas.  I kinda figured you were from that part of the world.  The ruggedness, I guess.

? John B

John, thanks for the nice complement.  The funky beat came from my experiment with EZ Keys, but I know my parents would have approved; it's part of the family DNA.


14 hours ago, Ruralrocker2010 said:

The groove makes me jealous. I want to run down and record something right now.


Nice work Lynn

It's good to hear from you again.  Hope you're doing well!  Thanks for the kind words!

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