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A = 432Hz


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Interesting comment regarding 430.4 in there... since that is within one cent of how this was released (39 cents flat IIRC). Because of how it was released, it does sound odd in 440 tuning, but is much easier to record in 440, then adjust the master down.

Overall, the ability to tune instruments relative to each other is what is important. There has to be some standard, for better or worse, and with the digital age one can adjust *most* things willy nilly (even if done post mastering, which is simpler for real orchestral instruments). When things are not in tune with each other is when they stick out like a sore thumb... How it gets printed/released is up to the artist.

These videos are all over, but when talking 8Hz... that low doesn't have that kind of resolution (even small errors compound quickly via doubling the error), and the graph he flashed briefly showing that is not even the strongest pitch. One would also expect a bit more from a scientific argument than a whole number this day in age.

[Stupid aside] Stack tolerance is my prime choice to needle engineers. 100 level courses all speak of +/- error and how errors carry through calculations, but it is incredibly rare to see that +/- value ever included with precision measurements when selling a product anymore.

Edited by mettelus
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22 minutes ago, mettelus said:

...One would also expect a bit more from a scientific argument than a whole number this day in age.

I've read a lot of interesting and borderline woo-woo reasons (hey, when your PhD work is in hypnotherapy, you run into tons of woo-woo!).  Some were based on science like how plants (or animals) react to the same music played based on A equal to 432 vs. 440 and others referring to how everything is in vibration and, therefore, some things are more harmonic using 432 for A.  That said, any equal temperament scale is going to have issues with some parts.  I do find the whole area interesting.

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What I thought was funniest was him missing the fact that calling a key "A" was completely arbitrary too.  None of the human organs resonate at 432 Hz. either (the heart, for example, is at 289 Hz., give or take a radiation period of a cesium atom). ?

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The guy's presentation was so good that I did watch the whole thing.  He's talented at keeping his audience - intrigued, amused, laughing.  I was surprised in all the math talk no mention of the 12th root of 2.  No biggie.

Bottom line - I preferred the A440 segment as superior to the A432 demonstration.   I guess I'm ..... what?

Edited by Toddskins
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As a sound designer and producer of ambient music I see a lot of peeps sprouting this A=432 stuff. Personally, I have never bought into that and I just don't get it.

And, at first, watching Neely's video I was thinking, "oh no! Not Neely too!" I respect the guy a lot and this video, up to 1:47, was putting that to question.

Some interesting historical stuff in that video although it didn't really help to broaden my "musical" skills...

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Wanted to share a perspective on this that may not mean shit to a tree, since I ain’t got a clue if it really works or not. Maybe it does. I’m a skeptic but without all the facts, which makes for a deeper level of ignorance if I’m missing the fine points.  Just what I have seen in application. Bottom line is IMHO, the whole thing is a bunch of elephant kaka. You guys may know different.

Over the past year I’ve worked with a couple churches wanting to return to Christian spiritual healing through music and revive forbidden tonal scales that conspiracy theories have tried to squash, lest we ascend with the angels and get higher than the priests. My input cold and clinical, don’t believe in any of this, but have worked giving them the technology to tune to whatever they think will get them saved.

First project was to cure all diseases mental, physical, spiritual with the original Solfegio scales.

This became a practical application nightmare having to retune to the microscales to get to ancient resonances, although the congregation healed the sick and raised the dead, lame walked, incurable cancers healed, the blind now with sight, etc, etc. Took them more time to retune than to play the song so they needed a more streamlined approach to get the miracles.

Too much of a task to retune to the gregorian standard, so the central church migrated to a global 432 tuning, where everything does supernatural stuff and you don’t have to worry about what key you are playing in, big irritating problem with the Solfeggios. Way more convenient and can get the same miracles with less work. Wealth of conspiracy theories supported 432. Mozart and Hayden protesting the government decree to retune orchestras to the satanic 440 reference. Hitler and his top generals shifting to 440 to cause destruction of the mind and chaos so the masses were weakened and more easily subjugated.

So we did the less labor intensive shift to 432 tuning, and the miracles instantly flowed like water.

I did an initial retuning of the main church’s Yamaha to as close cent tuning to 432 as possible.

Healings and revelations were immediate if tuned to 432. They quickly abandoned the old Gregorian scales for a less labor intensive path to higher realms.

The church became a pilgrimage site thanks to me, like taking holy water from a sacred fountain. Churches or individuals were welcomed to tune their instruments to the holy grail and take it back to their congregation.

It worked and miracles flowed like water for anyone or any congregation who tuned to the sacred 432 reference. They did conferences about temperature shifts, effect on tuning and dwell times in specific temperatures so as to take the sacred tuning back to the church in original purity.

One small problem however.

The original Yamaha had a battery backup RAM to keep the settings I put in for them. Evidently they had no batteries or dead batteries so could not store the settings after the power was turned off for the first time.

The holy grail keyboard just defaulted back to 440, so all the blessed souls were only tuning to 440 under the illusion that they were doing 432.

I had to bring it up to the powers that be, and they are not happy. They are trying to come out with some damage control or keep it secret. One option to replace the batteries and have me reprogram the thing. Keep the past under the rug. Let the miracles continue.

So I’m thinking, maybe the power of suggestion. Possibly more powerful than the tuning? Open to other observations.



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I have a bottle entitled "Magic Pills" which contains, supposedly, these little pills that can cure anything.  As long as you only take one, there are no side-effects, only positives.  Heck, as you can see in the image below (which the person taking them doesn't see, they're asked to just swallow the pill without looking at it), even the pills have an "M" on them to show they're magical.


It's been proved repeatedly with verifiable scientific studies that the odds of a particular outcome occurring double with a positive expectation in that outcome (I've been told by a teacher it's basic Psychology 101).   This is why a lot of testing is done with animals because they aren't subject to the placebo effect.  It also illustrates exactly how powerful our minds can be and, as I have said before, intent is the most important aspect.   I have some actual events that proved this for me.

On the other hand, I have also heard in a couple of my classes that if a person gets helped, does it really matter if it was via the placebo effect or not?  All I know is that the placebo effect does not have any of the toxic side-effects that most of the mainstream pharmaceuticals do!

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8 hours ago, John K said:


Wanted to share a perspective on this that may not mean shit to a tree, since I ain’t got a clue if it really works or not.


One small problem however.


I had to bring it up to the powers that be, and they are not happy. They are trying to come out with some damage control or keep it secret. One option to replace the batteries and have me reprogram the thing. Keep the past under the rug. Let the miracles continue.

So I’m thinking, maybe the power of suggestion. Possibly more powerful than the tuning? Open to other observations.


Have you tried selling them some snake oil? I understand that that has magical healing properties too!

Shirley you should be telling them about Cornet Ton, and Chorton and Kammerton too, shouldn't you?

And asking which of the three they need their organ tuned too. Herr Bach had to deal with all of them I understand.

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