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Need to Forget


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So this is an older song about a breakup and how over time the good memories cloud up the bad times adding to the heartache. So its about remembering realistically how things were to move on. I thought it would be easy but took a long time because I keep getting new stuff to try and have to learn how to use it as I go along. Its my second attempt to use Ample guitar strat which is really fun, and I just got the Shadow Hill compressor with the sale price and used it last minute. I wanted to know if a high priced plug in is really very different from low priced ones and it is. Probably obvious I played reggae with Jamaican friends for many years and that my voice is impacted by the  strong juniper pollen so I just did the best I could with it. I don't think of myself as a singer but I write songs with lyrics so.... Thanks for listening ! 

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I like it. Just a couple of suggestions:
The voc is good but it could use reverb or something to make it stand out more.
Good lyrics but maybe repeated too much.
Couple of spots where nothing much going on
Abrupt ending.
But overall a very good song. I enjoyed the listen.

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Nigel and Bjorn, Thanks for listening and the comments.  I had the lead voc track and then cloned it and put some reverb and delay on that second track and mixed it in pretty low along with the dry vocals, seems like it could be higher in the mix. Maybe I didn't like having it stand out more ha as I was struggling with the lead vocal due to my current voice

as for 

Good lyrics but maybe repeated too much - kinda like a mantra for me to remember yes

Couple of spots where nothing much going on - much like the relationship yes

Abrupt ending. - yeah like how it ended but was echoing on....

So i guess i was symbolically working through my feelings in some ways I wasn't aware of. Always learn from the feedback on this forum. Thank you 


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Loved this Treesha.  It reminded me of something grace slick might write. ( She's still well, and is a painter now.)  I can imagine many baby boomers relating to this.  The repetitiveness didn't bug me cuz it's such a catchy tune.

Edited by David Sprouse
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Treesha , I Liked it !  Couple of timing glitches that got my attn. mainly on some drum parts.  I'd mute the vocals and bring the drums up until' my head started bobbing , then bring the vocals Up. Both seem to be way too low . Around the 2 min. mark , it sounded like you doubled the vocals. That sounded Good. Maybe more doubling in the verses. Great to hear you singing . I have No problem boosting another singers vocals , but when it comes to mine , I'm always way too conservative. Boost the vocals .. If the get too hot believe me  , someone will tell you.  Great song  I Really enjoyed it ..      mark

Edited by mark skinner
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Glad you liked it Mark, thanks ! I think some of the drum riffs I added to make them more interesting may not be perfect, good ear. I had to chop a few to fit. Some bass glitches are maybe when I altered the bassline now and then, meant to do that. Other glitches a mystery! Thanks for the suggestion to mute the vocals and beef up the drums then the vocals. I usually start with drums, and over time they might get buried so I could try that out.  I usually beef them near the end of mixing with some compressor but I do want them loud so maybe need more beefing. I have doubled vocals throughout, and maybe 6 tracks on back up vocals too. I enjoy backup vocals way more than my lead singing ! Especially with raging juniper pollen, so yeah. I got deharsh software that would help so I might try to redo the processing on the vocals, and could then bring up the drums at that time too. Seems like from all the feedback I could improve a few things. 

Old Joad, thanks! I am a big fan of both coconut and lime, and enjoy that song. Glad it was a cool road to that cool song. 

I appreciate the listens and feedback ! thanks guys 

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Aside from all the mixing suggestions, this is just a cool song with a hint of Talking Heads kind of vibe.  I like your voice very much, and I think that doubling it makes sense, like Mark said.  I like your responses to some of the critiques;  I feel a strong sense of confidence in your work, and I look forward to hearing more.

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Nicely done Treesha . . . sure, the levels of various things could use some tweaking, but I like your song idea a lot . . . especially had a chuckle at the end when you say "time plays tricks with my mind", and you mess with the drums and tempo, very cool.

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Thanks jack c. and Lynn Wilson for saying you like the vocals! I am usually the least pleased with them especially right now. I am a Talking Heads fan and flattered you would find a hint in there Lynn. I started in bands as a female bass player (and rhythm guitar) so was interested in their music. As for confidence, I feel somewhat confident but always so much more to learn! Takes a bit of confidence to post on the song forum ha. Thanks for the suggestions and support.

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noynekker, thanks for listening and liking the song idea, glad you noticed my representation at the ending messing with timing when I was singing about how time plays tricks with my mind. Glad you had a chuckle about that detail I had fun doing it that way to reflect the way time messes with memories and thoughts.  Nice you caught that. 

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Wookiee, thanks! I hear ya on the aging ears, oh wait, maybe not .....

The bass - first I played my eb 0 which wont cut through butter (and kinda messy), then melodyned it to midi, then used a preset in sample tank P Bass Fat Finger (or name like that), then put on Bass Professor II and tweaked with a little added highs, then added Naturalizer with low intensity because it is so repetitive. If you feel like clarifying, I am not sure what you mean about frequency masking on the bass? Do you mean masking between the bass and vocals? 

I really like what bx refinement does to clean up my vocal/room/allergies harshness, and then adding more of the second vocal track with the delay and reverb might sound better than before I had that plugin which just made the harshness more pronounced so I left it pretty low. I plan to do a remix and address drum and vocal levels, add more fx and who knows what else ha. 

Thanks for listening and the feedback

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On 2/28/2021 at 5:54 PM, treesha said:

lead voc track and then cloned it

This is where the Sonitus delay can be your friend. Vary the left and right delay times, widens the vocal nicely.
Do check the mix in mono though as you can get carried away and in mono the vocal will suffer...


On 2/27/2021 at 7:12 PM, treesha said:

my voice is impacted by the  strong juniper pollen

The allergies just seem to get worse every year for me.

Happiness is a Vicks Inhaler...


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Thanks for the widening tip. I do check in mono cause it is easy to overdo stuff with so many wonderful friend options. Never had allergies till 5 years ago and yes they seem to get worse ! Working on an instrumental now so far no more singing ha. Thanks for listening and enjoy your vicks ! 

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