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We got water pressure at 11:30 am this morning. Plumbers just left and now we have HOT WATER TOO! This means I had a show 15 minutes ago.  After more than a week! 

We still can't drink it and have to boil it for 2 minutes though . Not till Friday but that's only 3 more days! 


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1 hour ago, bayoubill said:

We got water pressure at 11:30 am this morning. Plumbers just left and now we have HOT WATER TOO! This means I had a show 15 minutes ago.  After more than a week! 

We still can't drink it and have to boil it for 2 minutes though . Not till Friday but that's only 3 more days! 


Meanwhile, children in some remote African village are probably taking up a collection to send advisors to Texas who'll teach them how to provide drinkable water.

Living in the First World was fun while it lasted. We did not know how fragile it was. Oh, wait, we did know. From the last time this happened, 10 years ago.

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30 minutes ago, bayoubill said:


*Speaking louder so you can hear ?* ...

He said, New Jersey just made it so politicians are your weed dealer now and will quadruple the cost of your weed creating a boom for the Tony Soprano types. Who incidentally have more integrity and I respect more than politicians. Not that I know any of those T.S. types. That whole thing is just a myth. They really don't exist. *brushing my nose to the side*.

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On a side note though, for medical purposes this is great news. My sister has RSD. It's a M.S. type disease caused by a physical injury. In her case she fell on ice where she worked. She'll be in a wheelchair in a few years. The thing that works the best for pain relief is the stuff they just made legal but up till now she hasn't been able to because of the Workman's Comp rules and they have been forcing her off the 'other' pain killers and she's been in a living hell for quite a few years now. So hopefully that will change for her and others back home in NJ. But as for recreational use, it's horrible. Never should have happened.

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