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Upcoming NVIDIA RTX 3060 purposely cripples mining performance


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For those that have been seeking a reasonably priced higher end GPU for their DAWs...


NVIDIA is purposely crippling the Ethereum mining power of their upcoming GeForce RTX 3060 GPU by 50% to increase inventory for gamers.

Today, NVIDIA announced the upcoming launch of the GeForce RTX 3060 on February 25th for $329, and has made a drastic step to make sure miners do not steal all of the released inventory.

Instead of allowing the GPU to be used for any purpose, the RTX 3060 drivers will purposely reduce performance by 50% when it detects the card used for Ethereum cryptocurrency mining.

"With the launch of GeForce RTX 3060 on Feb. 25, we’re taking an important step to help ensure GeForce GPUs end up in the hands of gamers."

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It's about time. This whole crypto thing has sent PC part prices skyrocketing.

This should have been done from Day 1. Or at the very least, Day 2.

5 year old GT1060's are going for that much used.

Glad I waited it out. Of course, 30 days after it's released someone will release an unofficial firmware update for it to unlock it. :(

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Last time I checked, all mining algorithms that run on nVidia cards use CUDA. So, if you needed CUDA for any computationally expensive tasks, you're screwed.

nVidia couldn't care less about who buys their inventory. It's money either way. What they're actually doing is gimping CUDA performance to force people to buy the higher end cards under the guise of "stopping miners".

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Yeah, my PC is picking a bad time to be having video card issues!  (An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050.)  It's old, getting streaks and going blank sometimes.  Time for a new card, but there's about as much inventory as I have extra cash to buy something with! ?

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3 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

so now nvidia get to decide what you use their hardware for?

Let's see:

- SLI was removed from the 1060 series cards just so people couldn't have multiple of them for things like 3D rendering on the cheap. If SLI was enabled, you could have 1070 performance for half the price.

- On the Linux front, nVidia has been caught a few times removing features from the open source drivers just to force users to install proprietary ones.

These are two examples of a whole slew of questionable practices nvidia has done over the years. The only thing they didn't do yet is bribe companies, like Intel used to do quite heavily not long ago.

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Local distributor got 140 RTX-3070 video cards ($750 each).

They were gone in less than 48 hours.

RTX-3060ti cards were $500 each... and the limited supply of 10 was gone within an hour.


Supply has also been affected by holiday rush... and (of course) Covid.

ie:  There's a Honda manufacturing plant in Marysville, OH.

It was closed 3rd-shift yesterday thru 1st-shift today... to clean/sanitize (someone was infected).

No production for two shifts (workers sent home).


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Another thing that really bothers me about this is you can buy pre-made gaming rigs for not much more than the cards alone are going for. It's not right.

I just read that Nvidia is making chips to mine with now so the video card market stabilizes. That may have been in the link abacab posted, not sure, but I just happened to see it on my cell news feed this morning.

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Last fall I read that the long-anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077's release was imminent - along with the new RTX3000 series cards. Perfect timing, I thought. My old RTX960 could barely keep up with Fallout 4, so I made plans to upgrade. The fact that the 3090 would be cheaper than my 960 was at 3x the performance was going to make my XMas self-gift just perfect.

Of course, you gamers know how that went. Cyberpunk was a buggy mess. The only way to get an RTX3090 was on eBay for $2000, and then NVIDIA recalled the first batch of cards as defective.

All's well, though. I recalibrated my plan and bought an RTX2060MAX and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Good times ensued. Christmas was saved.

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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

Perfect timing, I thought. My old RTX960 could barely keep up with Fallout 4, so I made plans to upgrade.

Bethesda games are the only ones I play. What is it with buggy stuff from that area?  Must be the dirty water and the Jet. Hah! 

I've recently had some unexpected mandatory down time and wanted to try Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Skyrim modded on a PC but it didn't happen. The GT1060 is the lowest card that will handle a respectable framerate at 1080p but I just can't bring myself to pay $300 + for a 5 year old used card.

I currently have a PS4 Pro just for playing Fallout 4 and Skyrim but mods are extremely limited due to Sony's no external asset and no external script policy. Plus even the PS4Pro can barely maintain 24fps in Fallout 4, especially the downtown area. Basically you get God mode, a couple cheap tricks, and some new area's made from in game assets, but that's it on the PS4.

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4 hours ago, Jim Roseberry said:

Local distributor got 140 RTX-3070 video cards ($750 each).

They were gone in less than 48 hours.

RTX-3060ti cards were $500 each... and the limited supply of 10 was gone within an hour.


Supply has also been affected by holiday rush... and (of course) Covid.

ie:  There's a Honda manufacturing plant in Marysville, OH.

It was closed 3rd-shift yesterday thru 1st-shift today... to clean/sanitize (someone was infected).

No production for two shifts (workers sent home).


Heh, I was considering asking you if you were getting enough supply.  I've started researching computer components so I'll have an idea what I'll eventually need (as if I can afford it during this weird time!).  I'm definitely past due for a new computer...  *Sigh...* ?

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19 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I just read that Nvidia is making chips to mine with now so the video card market stabilizes.

No miner buys these mining cards. They have no video outputs and cannot be sold used once they need to replace their mining rigs, as who's gonna buy a card that doesn't mine as good or can't be used for other tasks?

That would be like a car manufacturer making a dragster version of a car because a lot of people are buying the standard model just to use it for drag racing.

Edited by Bruno de Souza Lino
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40 minutes ago, craigb said:

My NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 is long in the tooth and starting to cause me issues.  The current state of GPU's thanks to crypto-mining is making me nervous should my card finally die!

I found a GTX1060 in opened but never used condition on eBay for $250 plus $15 shipping. It's been there for a couple days and nobody is jumping on it and I don't know why. It's exactly what I want but I'm afraid to get it because it's been there so long and I wonder what's wrong with it that I'm not seeing. The guy has 100% positive feedback. And yet the same card type is being bid up for more than that in other auctions and most have a buy it now for well over $300. This one seems like a great deal but as you know, there's no such thing as a great deal. Something is wrong that's why nobody is pouncing on it.

I've been looking for this stupid card for months just to play a few 5 ~ 10 year old games.

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