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Inspired by an argument with a colleague!

Dave Oliffe

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Hey folks,

This is a 'finished' song, as in I'm not planning on doing anything more to it. (Mixes are surrendered not finished). It's about as good a mix as I'm capable of at this stage.

However, I'd love to hear suggestions on how I might go up another level. Any ideas or feedback will be much appreciated! Please note that this song is mastered using LANDR. It does the trick but I realise it's not the best way to finish a track. 



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3 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

Songs decent, but the mix was weird.  Some moments certain parts were really loud and others receded back.   I was listening on cheap speakers though.

That's interesting. Could be the speakers - however there are a couple of reverby vocal FX I put in to add some extra textures. I might have made them a little too hot perhaps.

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You have obviously worked hard on the composition and capture, it does unfortunately suffer from Mechanical Auto Mastering that such tools as LANDR impart to mixes.  Much better to learn how to finalise a tune yourself.  No amount of mastering will correct a mix.  Start with as near perfect mix as you can get with the tonal balance you want.

Theses Mastering Tools like LANDR apply what they believe the tonal balance, i.e. EQ should be before applying limiting.  Their Tonal balance is what all other songs sound like and if you want to stand out from the crowd you do not want to sound like everyone else do you?  

I would suggest you go get your self SPAN from Voxegon which is free that will give you and idea of tonal balance and the Youlean Loudness tool, which is also free.  Both, which are just indicative tools, will help you get good tonal balance and level without resulting to computer algorithms to get what someone else thinks your music should sound like.

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Not my style either but there's a lot going on here and it gels pretty well to my ears. I'm not going to comment on the mix, you've already had better advice from Wookiee than I could ever give. Overall, I thought you did a great job on this. Andy

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this is a really good track and personally i would never use Landr - it seems to have given this a very toppy sound.

I really like your vocals.

with a bit more mixing and better mastering this could be a stellar track - as tom said, never surrender, its what home studios are for!!!!



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  • 1 month later...

Hey Dave, cool tune, it's hard to do pop well these days and I think you are there, via the 1980's - very much dug it!

If you are looking for a weak spot, maybe it's the initial intro vocal which is just single tracked and is a bit on the thin side. All other vocals have more treatment (sometimes doubled an octave lower) great techniques, and I love the mix choices all the way through. I don't think LANDR muffed it up too badly, you can tell it's a little louder and smooshed flatter that in could be in a few high-energy moments. 

hope you keep posting your tunes - very nice indeed!




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