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Default "Insert Audio Track" template



No doubt this has been mentioned somewhere here and is in fact staring me in the face, but...

Is there a way to make the  default audio track that is added with every "Insert Audio Track" command (by any avenue of approach - Insert in menu, "Add Track" plus icon, key binding, etc.) to be one of the track templates I have created?

This would allow one to add one's full chosen track setup to be added in one step.

Specifically, I want my chosen ProChannel modules and their states (as can be saved in a ProChannel preset) to load in with the default inserted track. At the moment, as far as I know, I can "Set modules as default for tracks" within ProChannel which will load the modules but not their saved states with an "Insert Track" command, or I can include my chosen modules and their chosen states in a track template that I create and then add with a multi-step "Insert track from template" command, but I can not combine the two for a one-step track insert.

More specifically, I want this so that I can have my preferred additions to the FX Chain module and my preferred type of Console Emulator load with the default PC strip in the default track insert without having to remember to choose and load a template every time, a minor inconvenience to be sure, but just curious.


Ideas? Has it been staring me in the face all along?

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4 hours ago, John Vere said:

Absolutly Use Track Templates.

Create your track including, effexts send, input settings, colours,  which busses it send to and save as a Track Template. I use this exclusively for new tracks. 

This is what I do already.

But how do I make a chosen one of my templates the default that gets added with every simple, one-step "Insert" audio track command, that is, without having to choose "Insert from track template", and then go through my choices in their folders, etc. in order to choose one? I want to choose the one template that will be the default track that gets added whenever I don't go through that process.  This is what I can't figure out. It is analogous to creating the project template, "Normal.cwt" and having that be the one that opens whenever we choose to start a new project without choosing a template.

Is there an "Normal Audio Track" default that we can save, in other words?

Edited by winkpain
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19 minutes ago, John Vere said:

No. How hard is it to simply use the template?  You make it sound like a huge deal.  I can populate a project with templates in less than a minute. 

I forgot to write, "I am not complaining" in the original post. I certainly didn't mean to make it sound like a big deal.  It's just one of the many little things that could save a couple steps and help the fading memory! ? I assumed there would be a way and I didn't know what it was, is all.

It is almost a genetic physical, and system 1 thinking response for me to quickly add a new audio track with the "Add track" function, and especially with the new(ish) add track "+" icon! It would be cool if the track that was added was a chosen one of my templates. Even though I am well versed in creating and using templates, I still have to stop a second and think with my system 2 thinking to remember to do that rather than just doing the (slightly) simpler thing.

Again, not complaining, just thought I'd ask.

Edited by winkpain
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A little time with autohotkey can save a lot of time later.

Here is an example of binding Windows+Space to load guitar.cwx from  a Custom folder in track templates 


#If WinActive("ahk_exe i)Cakewalk.exe")

  WinWait,Import Track Template


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9 minutes ago, scook said:

A little time with autohotkey can save a lot of time later.

Here is an example of binding Windows+Space to load guitar.cwx from  a Custom folder in track templates 


There's a good idea!  I did actually have a go at AutoHotKey some years ago. It would pay to check it out again, thanks.

I suppose if you are suggesting this, @scook,than there is no way within CW to "Save track as default template" similar to "Normal.cwt" for projects.

Not a problem. Just another idle Saturday question.

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13 minutes ago, winkpain said:

I suppose if you are suggesting this, @scook,than there is no way within CW to "Save track as default template" similar to "Normal.cwt".

I don't think so.

One could duplicate tracks once tracks are in the project and the tracks could be setup in the project template.

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No problem. It's just sometimes we get people posting things like... "I started a project and the computer didn't automatically make me sound good"  :)   That's right folks.. sometimes a little WORK goes a long way. Just be happy your not using Tape.....

Edited by John Vere
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13 hours ago, John Vere said:

No problem. It's just sometimes we get people posting things like... "I started a project and the computer didn't automatically make me sound good"  :)   That's right folks.. sometimes a little WORK goes a long way. Just be happy your not using Tape.....

Yup, I am aware of those posts as well. ? But I am not one of those rubes who expects the computer to do everything for me. I don't mind doing the work at all. Nor do I mind using tape, by the way.

It's the menial, repetitive processes that it's nice to have the ol' computer just do without issue. We begin to expect the machine to do exactly what we are thinking with hardly any interaction at all ! It's easy to forget sometimes that every action has to be coded before we think of it.

If only every process could have a key binding! This is where the AutoHotKey is a good idea, if one wants to spend the time with that at first.

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