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Brick New Jersey


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My oldest daughter is moving to a place I’ve never heard of. She says I will love and come visit for sea food. They have gumbo up there? I Am looking forward to a seafood platter!

 I won’t be able to go till at least summer. Plus I’d have to save awhile too cuz I’d be driving 

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I'm from NJ Bill. Born and raised. Well, technically I was born in PA because the hospital was closer to where we lived at the time. But I moved to Iowa when I was 28, then to Missouri 8 years ago. 

That's a nice area she's moving to. I'm from here near The Delaware Water Gap. My parents owned a restaurant back home in the 70's. My brother has been a police officer there for 40 years. Most of my family is buried there. ? 

Most of NJ is nice. The Northern part and Southern part somewhat are rural, it's that swath in the middle from Philly to NYC that is rough. The northern part where I'm from is mostly protected forest. Parts of Philly are nice. Just avoid the Temple University area and stay on the main drag to the historical sites and she'll be ok. 

I really miss NJ. I loved IA too. I do not care for MO whatsoever at all in the least no how no way. I pray to God every night my wife changes her mind and wants to move back to Iowa to be near her mom and dad but she loves her job, they love her, and her moms relatives are all down here.

If your daughter heads up north to the area I'm from she'll be able to get some ground up leftovers of a butchered hog. We call it Scrapple and it's served with breakfast. It's great. ? The seafood is good depending on where you go, places by the shore are the best.

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