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TTS-1 using multi track output ( removed )

John Vere

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Thanks for posting the video.  I like how you used a second TTS-1 for drums and then assigned each drum note to a midi channel on the second TTS-1.

Although the video is almost 17 minutes there are a few spots where you fast forward through the steps.  Please consider giving some warning before you fast forward.  Otherwise there is some question about whether the video is streaming correctly.

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I basically suck at video production. I plan on getting better at this and it's sort of a fun project. I just started a year ago and haven't had much time to learn Vegas like I know Cakewalk.  I was just trying the fast forward trick as I see this often in tutorials to shorten the length. But mine isn't really working the way I hoped. I'm better off just stopping and restarting after those boring parts where I'm doing the obvious. But then you never know some of the actions we think are obvious are the exact thing a new comer was looking for.  

It was over 24 minutes originally. I will try and cut some stuff out as I agree 17 min is still long for a tutorial. I think I'll cut it into 2 parts. The Multi channel and then the Drums. 

If anyone has info on proper fast motion in Vegas( Movie Studio Platinum 17 )  It would be nice. The videos I found looked old. 

I actually learn something about Cakewalk every time I make a video as I explore the options from a new comers perspective.  And much easier to point someone at a video than explaining the same things over and over on the forum.  

Edited by John Vere
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I just got a question on the YouTube comments were the poster was only getting the first channel to work. I used a GM midi file for the video which of course already was using 5 channels. 
So what I did not demonstrate in the video was how to assign midi channels to each track if you’re starting from scratch. 
im not sure if anybody actually uses this sub forum when searching for tutorials but tag me using the @John Vere if you have any questions about the video 

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