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Emotet Malware Take Down


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Sad truth is, just about every site now harvests our emails and data and sells it on to third party resellers, who sell it on again - ad infinitum.

The only way to be safe is to never use the internet ever again.....or you could follow Fred Flintstone's example.  ;)

Think about how many apps you've downloaded over the years, how many sites you've signed up to. Sometimes those apps and sites go broke and are bought by less trustworthy owners....who now own your data and can do with it as they please because...heh...it's written into the terms and conditions of just about every site and app that they are allowed to change the terms and conditions at any time without informing you of such....thus, they can 'legally' change them to include selling your data on to third party assholes.

I remember a story a few years back of a computer repair service in the UK which started charging old clients small fees on their credit cards. Small enough so that most people didn't notice. When they looked into it they found out that the company had kept all the credit card details of their clients (information that was supposed to be automatically cancelled upon completion of services) spanning back years, and were slowly harvesting money from people's accounts.

This is why you should never give your credit card or bank details to any internet service. Pay Pal at least give you "some" security against theft. Or, just keep buying up all of Larry's deals and keep your account permanently empty. ;) Works for me. :( 

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Harvesting data for marketing purposes is one thing, using that data or malware to commit fraud is another.

The former has never worried me that greatly - this was going on long before the internet. I get significantly less junk mail dropping through my letterbox these days.

As for the latter, good luck with trying to steal from me - my net worth is about half a church mouse.


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Maybe not. But there is a Holland, TX and a Nederland, TX.

This is the state where German is spoken by many, where there are more tigers than there are in Africa, where 85 MPH is still a legal speed limit and dead little walking tanks litter the highways. It's the only state where your Hammond B-3 isn't guaranteed to be in tune. Happy, Smiley, Zipperland and Muleshoe are real places in Texas. As are Bonham and Bowie.

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