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from the Bats Brew album 'The Time is Magic': "Following Light"

bats brew

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i'm going back and re-mastering my older catalog,
to be more in line with the newer streaming standards.

no remixes, just a new mastering methodology that i'm still trying to determine.

this is the 1st one i've done.

it was uploaded as a 24 bit/48khz file with about a db of headroom,  
seems cleaner than all my other uploads current.


originally recorded in Sonar.


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22 minutes ago, garybrun said:

Comparing Itune mix to soundcloud you just posted.
Very clean and precise, modern sounding.

What is your mastering chain?

hey gary!

thanks man,

the mastering chain:


i'm using mostly waves plugs, with the addition of a Studio One native plug, Pro EQ, that i just like the sound of, even tho i have much fancier waves plugs i could use for eq...

i mix at 24 bit 88,2 khz. target is usually about -18LUFS, with about -4dbTP headroom. think "K-18", sorta.

i EQ the entire stereo wav file with Har Bal, if it needs balancing, usually between lows and highs.

then i bring that file into Studio One Project page (mastering suite).

from there, the chain is:

Waves G Series SSL Master Comp (set for 2:1, barely kissing the meter, slowest attack, fastest release, analog in, 1.5 db makeup gain)

Studio One Pro Eq- i use this to tailor the 'feel' of the song.

Waves Linear Phase EQ (this is for HPF and LPF, varies from song to song)

waves L2 Ultramaximizer:  i use this to shave 1db off.  threshold and out ceiling pulled down equal until i get no more than 1db reduction. 24 bit, no dither.

Waves L3 Ultramaximizer: i use this to actually shape the overall sound of the wav, typically, i'm going for no more than a couple of db reduction, but i chose the different presets available to favor lows or mids or highs...i can push the ceiling up or down to get more density or highs, balanced with the threshold for clearness or density.

Waves L2 Ultramaximizer: again, same L2 as before, but where the first one was just catching the worst offenders level wise, the last one is setting the ceiling (-0.1 for cd's, -1.4 for hitting about -1.0dbTP) and only 1 db of gain reduction. Here, i apply 16 bit and dither if it's for the cd or the Digital Download files. I set it back to 24 bit and no dither for the high def versions, and output those at 48Khz.


i'm using the Studio One project page meters, which are very good, and provide numerous meter options: i use LUFS, EBS and true peak, along with the peak meters for RMS , phase and Spectrum meters


i am targeting a little hotter than -14 LUFS, sometimes as high as -12, at least for this project.

in the past, it was closer to -9 LUFS, and i'm backing off of that.


Edited by batsbrew
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15 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Whats not to love?

The re-master is quite beautiful Bats!



thanks for the master mastering class!

thanks so much tom...

i thought the new master sounded so much... smoother.

i think you HAVE to upload the higher def files to get a decent stream out of soundcloud

that bitrate they use is just the pits.

but it's free!!

you get what you pay for..

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19 hours ago, kurt soderquist said:

Love that song, really epic sounding. 

thanks kurt!

19 hours ago, kurt soderquist said:

The bass playing is wild good too.

i work harder on the bass parts than the guitars it seems

19 hours ago, kurt soderquist said:

I've been trying to figure out who you remind me of for days and then it hit me, Janes Addiction. Although I think you guys sound better. Where do you sell your music?

janes addiction!! heheh, haven't heard about those guys in quite a while..

never an influence, they were 'behind' my nuturing days, but i am a fan.


where do i sell my music?

i can do it via paypal directly, which is easy and straightforward...


or, i have links for Amazon and Apple music:

Apple Music:




"The Wild Animals"

"The Time is Magic":

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On 1/28/2021 at 9:25 AM, jack c. said:

wonderful guitars sounds,voice and recording job.jack c.

allman bros.

hi Jack c!

thanks man, glad you dig it.

i love the waltz feel, especially with a hard rock sound. i don't know why,

maybe piano lessons when i was really young got stuck in my brain!

seems the piano teacher made me play lots of waltzes...

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19 minutes ago, batsbrew said:

i decided to do another one,
the title track of my last album, 'the wild animals'

i'll post that one soon.

interesting thing, remastering...
you listen to it from a new perspective,
and everything changes.

Also times have changed on how we used to listen and perceive music.
I myself am guilty of using to much reverb due to todays charts..  but when I grew up reverb was a big thing in the 80-90s.
But it seems like its coming back into fashion again.

Edited by garybrun
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2 hours ago, batsbrew said:

Well, to be clear, I'm talking mastering here, not mix elements 


Tho, mastering does inform about mix issues, if you do the processes back to back 



i understand what you are saying...  but the way things are mastered have also changed.
I do my i own mastering on my own stuff...  i’m not very good at it.. doesn’t work as I am to connected.

when I master for others...  that’s a different story.

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21 hours ago, garybrun said:

i understand what you are saying...  but the way things are mastered have also changed.
I do my i own mastering on my own stuff...  i’m not very good at it.. doesn’t work as I am to connected.

when I master for others...  that’s a different story.

yea, it's hard to wear both hats.

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