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Two things that could add more flexibility.

Bruno de Souza Lino

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I'm aware that you can freeze tracks and also free the FX rack and ProChannel by bouncing the audio, however:

- You can't freeze aux tracks nor bounce their result to audio without manually recording it. That would give another option to create submixes/stems by bouncing tracks into aux tracks.

- Adding to that, an option to reset the FX Rack and ProChannel after a bounce has been performed on the clip. That could help reduce the amount of tracks one uses, since CbB doesn't have any sort of native subproject workflow.

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I've been trying Samplitude Pro X5 Suite for a few days and they do what I described. When you set tracks to be AUX or Submix and freeze them, it mixdowns the audio and presents it as a stereo track in the AUX or Submix track. The difference is that the Submix tracks ignore sends, while the Aux one take them into consideration.

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that would be a handy feature - i'd caveat by saying it might be nice to have something like this as a "bounce to clip" function where i could select a number of tracks and do a fast bounce to a new clip/new track with the source track effects etc being applied. something much faster than a "record" activity.

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agreed - bouncing down was something done to handle track limits. and there are pros and cons to it - one pro - you're forced to make mix decisions early ? cons - if your early mix decisions are wrong you need to re-assemble all the tracks, copy overs, etc to get back... lot's of "imperfections" from the old days, but then again, great song writing conquers all... for me - my default template uses tracks -> sub-mix busses -> stem busses -> master mix busses.  so i can pick which level of granularity i want to change things, and exporting parts, stems, or mixes are reasonably obtainable within my normal workflow. i can solo "stem" sections to see vocals vs low end vs instruments etc and make changes on the sub-mix or tracks as needed. and adding additional stem busses if needed. some projects i do for other folks they may want 6-8 stems for the mastering process - vox up/down, solos up/down, etc type of things.

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On 1/19/2021 at 6:37 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

that would be a handy feature - i'd caveat by saying it might be nice to have something like this as a "bounce to clip" function where i could select a number of tracks and do a fast bounce to a new clip/new track with the source track effects etc being applied. something much faster than a "record" activity.

I think this can be done already in CbB (Not sure though - I might be thinking of another DAW I've done this in.) 

Nowhere near my laptop or studio to check quick. 

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Update: @Glenn Stanton @Bruno de Souza Lino


Yeah - cakewalk got you covered.  The green track is the "Entire mix bounced" of those two tracks as read by the tracks name. 

1) To do this: Select the tracks you want to bounce as one clip.

2) Move to the Track tab and select "Bounce to Track." 

3) Select what you want to include in the bounce by selecting the small boxes. Dry or Wet. 

4) Go to Source (As seen in the dropdown menu shown in the picture) and select how you want to bounce it between Tracks; Buses, Hardware outputs or Entire mix. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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15 hours ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Update: @Glenn Stanton @Bruno de Souza Lino


Yeah - cakewalk got you covered.  The green track is the "Entire mix bounced" of those two tracks as read by the tracks name. 

1) To do this: Select the tracks you want to bounce as one clip.

2) Move to the Track tab and select "Bounce to Track." 

3) Select what you want to include in the bounce by selecting the small boxes. Dry or Wet. 

4) Go to Source (As seen in the dropdown menu shown in the picture) and select how you want to bounce it between Tracks; Buses, Hardware outputs or Entire mix. 

I make extensive use of Aux Tracks though. Does it work with them?

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