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Ask all your friends Re-mix

Paul Bush

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Hi chaps ,  I had a lot of response  help and advice on the first outing of this song (cheers Gary) after much more work I did another (5) mixdowns and sort of deceided on this one , ..I´m still not sure ...the vocals are not too electric and the overall recording isnt soo edgy as the first , once again thanks to garybrun for sterling work and advice cheers all........ps   I had to re-upload the track to soundcloud as the first didnt have the fade out ending for some reason...Oh happy days


Edited by Paul Bush
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Mid section vocals are sounding better than the beginning and end.

Are you using a stage mic such as an SM58? If so, I think because you pulled your head back from the mic). It sounds to me like you are singning too close to the mic which is creating too much bass.

 I would suggest taking the bass frequencies out of the vocals (use a multiband eq before a multiband compressor on the vocal strip and experiment with taking down the frequencies until you isolate the problem, then use the multiband compressor to compress down the harsher ones and final an additional stage of compression to smooth it all out.  

There are some great moments in the song - got that ACDC vibe to it. ;)

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Well I´m using Audio Technica condenssor mike   ane I turned down the vocals  towards the end as they were a bit too lively  I do concure as far as the drums amd bass are concerned  , I should `ve once again taken a bit more time on mixdown . cheers for listening

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This is a good song in search of a tweak or two to make it a gem.  I agree that the lead vox seems a little bassy, but a high pass filter could fix that in a jiffy.  I use an AT mic, too, and I often have to treat it after recording.  I look forward to hearing this again after you get it where you want it to be.

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On 1/14/2021 at 5:19 PM, Paul Bush said:

Well I´m using Audio Technica condenssor mike   ane I turned down the vocals  towards the end as they were a bit too lively  I do concure as far as the drums amd bass are concerned  , I should `ve once again taken a bit more time on mixdown . cheers for listening

Is that the AT2020?

I've got the USB version, and I must say - I don't like it for vocals. I don't know about the AXR version, but the USB one has some kind of internal compression going on which works great for podcasting or zoom calls, but makes vocals too bassy in songs for my liking.

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Hi 53 ,The mic I use is the AT3525 it must be at least 10 -15 years old , I think on this recording I was concentrating on too many things at once and getting away from basic`s...... well just trying to be more clever than I am, Ive now done one more mixdown and I´ll post it later  , I feel Ive opened up pandoras box  and I´m just confusing the issue and using too many effects , and clouding my judgment , Ive taken all the comments above into account  and hopefully ironed some of them out.  thanks for your input guys cheers

Edited by Paul Bush
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On 1/18/2021 at 12:57 AM, Paul Bush said:

taken all the comments above into account  and hopefully ironed some of them out

I'll hold the "like" for the re-re-mix then...

On 1/18/2021 at 12:57 AM, Paul Bush said:

confusing the issue and using too many effects , and clouding my judgment

believe me, you're not alone there ? (been there, done that).
Good guitar tone!


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Hi there t , nice to hear that someone else has the similar  issues, On a new song I´m writing I´m trying to get a clean strat sound (bridge and middle pick up tone) using the TH3 but to no avail  Ive tried it with all the different  speaker emulations but they sound so  muddy no bite and clarity , i´ll post the next mix down this week so keep em`´ peeled ,  cheers 

Edited by Paul Bush
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Well I've joined a bit late, but the current mix sounds good on my studio headphones. I don't hear much music like this on the airwaves recently, rock it on. The guitars sound warm and not brash at all, very pleasant to listen to, and I can understand the lyrics, which is always tricky in this thick rock style, cudos there. I'm curious are you using any mix techniques to get the warmth, or is that mostly in the recording technique ?

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Hi Noylekker , welcome to the party  all the crisps have been eaten and there´s only warm red wine, a piece of uneaten cheese and half a cracker, you mentioned my warmth method , well I would love to wax lyrical on all my secret tips, tricks and technical prowess, unfortunately I´ll have to dissapoint you,  as its all  rather hit and miss with me,  what is evident though by all the comments (which spur me on no end) a lot is down to personal taste , so thanks for your nice comments, and all the others, this is a great forum with really nice members , there is a re-mix on the way maybe make a comparison cheers

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