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Does Cakewalk have some type of "pad" view?



Does Cakewalk have some type of "pad" view? 

I know BandLab's online DAW has a pad view. I was wondering if Cakewalk has the same and I just can't fine it. I sometimes like to bang out a rhythm track using pad view.

Thank you in advance for any help,


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The suggestion to use an external virtual keyboard and MIDI cable was for driving the Matrix view. It could work as a virtual controller for soft synth like SI-Electric-Piano but the built-in virtual controller in CbB works too. Unfortunately, the built-in controller does not work with the Matrix view.

As a rule, the keyboards on synths like SI-Electric Piano are intended to audition the synth. It is not possible to record MIDI data from the SI-Electric Piano using its keyboard but it is possible to record the synths audio. To do so instrument tracks must be split into their audio and MIDI tracks.

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  On 3/21/2019 at 7:37 PM, Kurre said:

Check out matrix view. I'm not sure but maybe it could be used as pads with the right settings.


Thank you. I will take a look. I don't spend enough time in Matrix View. I am sure I could get more out of the software if I spent more time in Matrix View.


Thank you,


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Actually, I use both Step Sequencer (SS) and the Matrix View (MV) for this very purpose.  You can create MIDI loops of kick drum hits, snare, hi-hat and load them into separate MV cells within a single column.  Play the entire column at once for a drum beat (all routed to a drum machine VSTi track).  You can also load another column with a drum fills to switch between the two columns.  And, if you have a controller, you can set MIDI learn to trigger the individual cells or columns.  Check it out...it is a lot of fun to use.

Kind regards,

Living Room Rocker

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  On 3/23/2019 at 3:43 AM, scook said:

If one does not own a MIDI input device, a virtual keyboard and MIDI cable will transform the PC keyboard into one. Unfortunately, the virtual controller included with CbB does not work with the Matrix view but PC 73 Virtual Piano Keyboard and either LoopBe1 or LoopMIDI work just fine as a controller for the matrix view.


If I understand correctly I can't use the SI-Electric-Piano "keyboard" to record an instrument track using my computer keyboard but I could use the PC 73 to record an instrument track using my computer keyboard? Am I understanding all of this correctly? I am a guitar player so I really don't what to purchase a keyboard. I just need "one" piano key that I can tap and record an instrument track so that I can create a pattern that can be edited in piano roll. So would the PC 73 be what I am looking for?

Thank you,


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  On 3/31/2019 at 2:23 AM, scook said:

The suggestion to use an external virtual keyboard and MIDI cable was for driving the Matrix view. It could work as a virtual controller for soft synth like SI-Electric-Piano but the built-in virtual controller in CbB works too. Unfortunately, the built-in controller does not work with the Matrix view.

As a rule, the keyboards on synths like SI-Electric Piano are intended to audition the synth. It is not possible to record MIDI data from the SI-Electric Piano using its keyboard but it is possible to record the synths audio. To do so instrument tracks must be split into their audio and MIDI tracks.


The built-in virtual controller in CbB is just what I am looking for. It will work perfectly. I didn't even know something like this existed inside Cakewalk. I am learning something new every day.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to help,

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  On 3/31/2019 at 10:14 AM, yeto said:

The built-in virtual controller in CbB is just what I am looking for. . .


Just for the sake of clarification, the virtual keyboard in CbB is not and will not work as a virtual controller.   It's only a keyboard for synth playback.

Kind regards,


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  On 4/1/2019 at 9:55 PM, scook said:

I guess it depends on the definition of a virtual controller. The title of its help page is "Virtual Controller/Keyboard"


Yeah, you are right, scook.  The virtual "piano keyboard" does not have any controller capability; however, the virtual PC keyboard does.  I was just trying to clarify in context of the OP's last two posts describing use of a "piano keyboard."

Kind regards,


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