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Paul Bush

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Noo .....   not at all Wookie , on mixdown it was a tick too ``live´´ so I added just a bit of compression to calm the waters down somewhat, maybe I overdid  it... I´ll have another look at it,  that said by adding the compression it seemed to bring the vocals out more without too much volume ...... Ive had a gander at it    ............. I just cranked up the vollume on the headphones and it was Uhhhmm well nice to my ears ..but hey then I´ve listended to it a zillion times today , so I´m a bit confused ....  cheers 

Edited by Paul Bush
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Thanks Wookie  are you referring to the side faders on the left hand side of the project tracks next to the master fader ? (if thats the default buss  ) if so then well yes I used the compressor  but i only reduced the wet/ dry mix  , and only a a small amount , cheers 

Edited by Paul Bush
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Paul, your voice fits the genre well and production is good but I think it needs a stronger hook to stay with the listener for a while.
I like the song but it would really stand out if you had bit more melodic element in there. This is probably more a matter of taste I suppose.  Just trying to offer something constructive from one listener's take FWIW


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Hi chaps thanks for all your input and positive critique of course I´m not put out by it,  I actually welcome all tips good or bad  , I still cant hear it being boxy as Wookie pointed out,  I use Sennheiser headphones HD 280 pro and  another cheap pair, I only added a tick compressor in the (as I´ve now learned the default Buss) mixdown but you know how it is after listening to same song over and over again it all a gets  bit too much....  I´ll do another mix with less comp  and post it , to make a comparisson   once again thanks for all the comments ..cheers ..........Oh and i´m off to have my ears syringed  

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 Hi Paul.
just a little bit of encouragement for you on your latest song.
I like it!!  ? 

If you have been listening to it for a long time and have a little ear fatigue...  it wont sound boxy to you.
Maybe try resetting your ears with a reference track...  

Good Job.
Id love to have a go at it too.

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Thanks for the offer  Gary  i´ll keep it in mind  (I´m actually working on a song that is way out of my comfort zone slow, strings, and well not me ) I think what`s confusing the issue is that I used two strats L-R in the 2nd position pick ups (bridge and middle ) .....that could acount for the boxy bit maybe ??? I´m clutching at straws now arent I....     cheers .I´m off for some..... egg nog.....

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@Paul Bush Parallel or New York Compression is a technique where you mix a compressed signal with an uncompressed signal.  Both of the supplied Pro Channel compressors have the facility the last knob on the bottom right of them that has the word Wet/Dry under it.  As you turn this up it introduces more of the dry, uncompressed signal back into the mix.

With this technique you can compress the signal quite hard to give it thickness and more body, then when you ad the uncompressed signal back in you are able to balance the lightness and air of the original signal but keep a good solid sound.


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