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A Crease In Time -refined

Lynn Wilson

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Hello to everyone!  This has been a good month, so far, of songs here at this site.  This is a song that I wrote about a year ago but never posted.  I got some new toys lately, and remixed it to the point where I'm finally somewhat happy with it, so I decided that it's time for all of you to weigh in on this.  It pays homage to my love for science fiction, so take it as a mirthful song.  Once again, thanks for your help and time.

It can be found here: https://soundclick.com/r/s8b1ln

remixed last on 12/29/20: mainly raised the drums volume and some more reverb in places and less reverb in others.

Edited by Lynn Wilson
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I listened on headphones.

Excellent song, and song idea!!!

Let me bring out another well deserved Joe Walsh comparison, stylistically. Love it.

So on the headphones listen, I of course noticed the panning, piano and other  keys pretty hard left - - - guitars and suchlike pretty hard right. You obviously are going for 1972 or earlier in your mix, and it's pretty fun.


When guitars are full of amp effects but then panned hard, do they get a little lo-fi or boxy? Maybe pull them more towards center in the spots where they need to be the main feature?


Holy crap, it's a Lamb Lies Down-worthy bridge section? Nice.


The main comment I want to make is on your vocal. In this mix, did you high pass filter your lead vocal a bit more than usual? It's a good choice, the vocal cuts through great and doesn't seem to clutter up the basement at all! I've got some new headphones so I don't know how they are tricking me yet. :)


very very cool!




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I also listened on head phones . A lot of details going on during each section .

I dug the songs concept and how the vocals and music conveyed the songs essence and message ..There was an element of I know I can do better in my life if only I could get a glimpse of the future  ...That idea in itself is one just about every person alive may hold at on time or another ...

Yes , considering the state of affairs currently going on in this world Your song offers the ultimate escape from the shackles of 2020. If only for a brief moment as the song plays.

Cool Music Lynn !

all the best ,




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Hi mate,

You know from old I'm a words guy and these lyrics fit your voice like a warm glove and a cold hand ! Great stuff ! love the concept and passion .. I really do. however for me, the mix seems to get a little too fussy and in places doesn't seem to work with all that's going on .. BUT that said I'm on a third listen so I guess, for me I'm a fan !

Stay well Lynn and all the best to the Wilson tribe over Xmas


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Listened on my phone and it sounds great there.  I want to listen again on headphones later because I'm hearing what sounds like a bit of clipping on your higher vocal notes.  Sounds like you might have intended that though.  If not, it might be my phone speaker.  I just jumped on the cellphone train in October, so this way of listening is new to me, but so far I'm very impressed by the audio and video quality of these little things. Oh, and I love the organ based ending here.

? John B

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On 12/18/2020 at 1:19 PM, emeraldsoul said:

I listened on headphones.

Excellent song, and song idea!!!

Let me bring out another well deserved Joe Walsh comparison, stylistically. Love it.

So on the headphones listen, I of course noticed the panning, piano and other  keys pretty hard left - - - guitars and suchlike pretty hard right. You obviously are going for 1972 or earlier in your mix, and it's pretty fun.


When guitars are full of amp effects but then panned hard, do they get a little lo-fi or boxy? Maybe pull them more towards center in the spots where they need to be the main feature?


Holy crap, it's a Lamb Lies Down-worthy bridge section? Nice.


The main comment I want to make is on your vocal. In this mix, did you high pass filter your lead vocal a bit more than usual? It's a good choice, the vocal cuts through great and doesn't seem to clutter up the basement at all! I've got some new headphones so I don't know how they are tricking me yet. :)


very very cool!




Tom, I always look forward to your insights and thank you for your time and reply.  I remixed this since you heard the first pass, trying to address some of your commentsk, especially about the guitars.  As to the vocal, I did more of a boost at 3k than usual using what's supposed to be an Abbey Road EQ.  I'm just glad it doesn't sound harsh.  BTW, I just bought Sonarworks for headphones to help with my mixes because I knew my Sennheiser 300's may have been tricking me.  What pair did you get?


On 12/19/2020 at 1:37 AM, kennywtelejazz said:

I also listened on head phones . A lot of details going on during each section .

I dug the songs concept and how the vocals and music conveyed the songs essence and message ..There was an element of I know I can do better in my life if only I could get a glimpse of the future  ...That idea in itself is one just about every person alive may hold at on time or another ...

Yes , considering the state of affairs currently going on in this world Your song offers the ultimate escape from the shackles of 2020. If only for a brief moment as the song plays.

Cool Music Lynn !

all the best ,




Kenny, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!  Yes, it is a bit of escapism from this crazy year and may lead to further escapes into the unknown.  Keep up your terrific work and happy holidays!

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On 12/19/2020 at 6:29 AM, Douglas Kirby said:

I liked your lead vocal - there's a bit of grit to it that fit the song well. And wow, there was a lot going on instrumentally - it must have taken you quite a bit of time to mix this one.

I thought it was a cool song - well done.

Thanks, Douglas, for your kind comments.  It took me over a year to mix this, and I still don't know if I'm done.  One thing I do know, it's been a pleasure trying to keep up with your output!


On 12/19/2020 at 7:06 AM, SupaReels said:

Hi mate,

You know from old I'm a words guy and these lyrics fit your voice like a warm glove and a cold hand ! Great stuff ! love the concept and passion .. I really do. however for me, the mix seems to get a little too fussy and in places doesn't seem to work with all that's going on .. BUT that said I'm on a third listen so I guess, for me I'm a fan !

Stay well Lynn and all the best to the Wilson tribe over Xmas


Steve, I'm so happy to hear from you!  Since you heard this, I remixed it with your words in mind.  I hope it's a little closer to completion, now.  Happy wishes to you and yours over the holidays, too.

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On 12/21/2020 at 11:39 AM, bjornpdx said:

Lynn, I like the crease in time concept. Vocal is all your own and is also outstanding.
There's a lot going on in the background and maybe bit too much? Rockin' guitar - I'm jealous.


Bjorn, thanks for your ears and comments.  You are on target about the busyness of the background, and I have remixed this to help sort things out.  Hope its works.  Happy and safe holidays to you and yours!


On 12/21/2020 at 12:28 PM, Paul Bush said:

Confusion rules , reflects these crazy days , great song there´s a lot going onin there ......wow ! a speedy trip  ........ you can let me down now ........cheers

Paul, cheers to you and thanks for your comments.  Much appreciated.


On 12/21/2020 at 1:20 PM, DeeringAmps said:

with a little T Petty vibe in the chorus.



have we heard Love Kept Them Together before? another ? on that

Tom, thanks for listening and your kind words!  Wow, I always felt the TP was a kindred  spirit of mine.  Thanks for listening to LOVE KEPT THEM TOGETHER, too.  I haven't posted this one yet, but probably will soon.


On 12/22/2020 at 9:29 AM, Johnbee58 said:

Listened on my phone and it sounds great there.  I want to listen again on headphones later because I'm hearing what sounds like a bit of clipping on your higher vocal notes.  Sounds like you might have intended that though.  If not, it might be my phone speaker.  I just jumped on the cellphone train in October, so this way of listening is new to me, but so far I'm very impressed by the audio and video quality of these little things. Oh, and I love the organ based ending here.

? John B

John, thanks for you kind words and time.  I hope it's just my voice that's clipping and not the recording, as I usually record the vocal way under 0db.  I, too, just recently started monitoring my mixes over my iphone, and it helps quite a bit.  Happy holidays to you!


On 12/22/2020 at 9:53 AM, kurt soderquist said:

Your guitar solo reminds me of Frank Zappa. I like the guitar and piano left and right, sounds cool, good song.  On my phones the bass and drums (maybe just the kick) sound kind of quiet. Good work!

Kurt, thanks for taking this song for a spin!  I'm quite shocked by the Zappa comparison because I've seen him in concert, and, well, there's no comparison.  But, thanks!  As for the bass and drums, I did remix this, so we'll see...

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On 12/23/2020 at 5:58 AM, Boomin36Beatz said:

From me?

Thank you so much!


On 12/23/2020 at 6:29 AM, Starise said:

Hey Lynn,

 Wow this one really pops in a positive way. I liked every aspect of this. This didn't have that "canned" sound. Lots of originality. Great guitar and vocal work. Thumbs up!

Tim, I truly appreciate you kind words and support over the years!  Merry Christmas!


On 12/23/2020 at 1:37 PM, jack c. said:

great recording.if i may bring up guitar solo.jack c.

Jack, I remixed this song and hope that the solo pops a bit more.  Thank you so much for your time and ears!  Happy holidays!

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Hi Lynn,

As you know I've been checking out your work, to get a feel of your vibe .. this new mix. to my ears anyway, works well given how you write, it still has a lot going on but gets through with your great lyrics .. Yes/sir ..ee ! still a fan  .. might write a song with that line ' STILL A FAN' ( WOTCH-THIS-SPACE  ? )




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