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Project Track Templates


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I have a huge selection of Session Drummer 3 project templates that I haven't used.  There are so many that I don't want to mix them in with the standard few options for new projects.  I would like to keep them organized in their own directory within the project template directory.

Apparently, this doesn't work as the subfolder is not visible and I see no way to navigate to it.

Has anyone else dealt with this issue and found a solution?

Here is how it would look.




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Folders are not supported for project templates.

They are supported for track templated.

Track templates may contain as many tracks, plug-ins and references to buses as necessary.

If you prefer not to use track templates, instead of project templates create empty projects.

Then create new projects by opening an empty project and immediately "Save As" a new project.

Projects may be nested as deep as desired.

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Thanks for the reply.

Using both the Project Template and Track Template based on your reply, I see some differences and understand I probably just need to learn Cakewalk better.

If I load via Project template I get this:


Via the Track Template I get this (different kit since not copied into Track Templates):


I like the way the Project Templates  creates the instance.  Probably a case where I can do that also but just don't yet have the knowledge.



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I find it more useful  to use track templates. That way I can populate a project in a matter of a few minutes with everything I will need. I find it even creates a sub bus if that's what the track was pointed at. Complete with all the pro channel set ups and effects in bins. It great for guitar as it keeps the sound consistent from song to song if your working on an album. 

For whole projects like say a live recording session of a whole band, I have a CWP file called  " Tascam multi track" . If I open that it's ready to record all 16 channels plus even a midi track. Then for each band I just re name the tracks to match what we are recording and "save as" to a new folder for that band. If they give me the set list then I'll take the time to create a "save as" for each song in that folder. A CWP to me is more or less going to accomplish what a CWT does.  I have another CWP file called "song Idea" which has a Vocal and guitar track set up and ready to roll. It also has a bass track and a midi track and Session drummer loaded. You just have to remember to perform the "save as" before you record anything or the audio will get put in the wrong place.  But that's sort of what you do with templates as well.  

So for you all you need to do is switch from saving a CWT over to CWP and you can put those in any folder you like. Mine are in a Template folder but there are no CWT files in it just CWP and some midi stuff for drum beats. 

Edited by John Vere
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i do something similar - however - i create a CWP (and associated folders) for building out project templates and track templates. this way i can do some testing with audio and MIDI and the content is stored with the CWP. then i clear out the audio and MIDI bits and save as a project template and/or individual tracks as track templates. also a good idea to save Pro Channel setups as presets so you can readily re-use those as well (i use the PC FX chain instead of FX bin so everything is in one place). new projects then start with the CWT file which sort of forces you to name it and save to a project folder (otherwise as @John Vere points out you might start using the template for a project...)

so the CWP (project file) for the template becomes the "master source" for a given template or set of track templates. and the beauty of track templates, when you have busses and sub busses, they get created first time a track template is added, and subsequent adding of track templates using the same sub busses are automatically connected. one annoying factor of track templates - the busses don't retain their color coding and so color-as-buss doesn't get saved... so some work is needed if using track templates when initially adding them to a project.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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Funny you say the colours do not get saved, I noticed that too, Mine have no colour. The other sort of a bug,  is is often it will insert another Master bus and reverb bus. Not sure why. I think it's just a couple of my track templates do this. Might have been I was using a different interface when I saved the template. 

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Thanks for all the input on Project vs Track Templates.  

This all started due to me having a large number (65) of Project Templates from SD3.  I just kind of figured it would be easy to utilize should I choose.  However, having learned that Project Templates can't be organized, I will just manually add the template as desired manually.



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12 hours ago, John Vere said:

 The other sort of a bug,  is is often it will insert another Master bus and reverb bus. Not sure why. I think it's just a couple of my track templates do this. Might have been I was using a different interface when I saved the template. 

if your track/instrument busses feed into a master and/or reverb busses, then those will be created along the with track. if the master and reverb busses are differently named than the ones you have in your template they'll get added since CbB thinks they're different... another reason i keep "master template projects" so my track templates are connected consistently to the same set of busses... i have 5 different master template projects with about 50 or tracks and synth rack setups (and related templates). so if i need to change some busses, i can rapidly update the master templates. however exporting all the track templates again... i'd like to script that ? as well as refreshing the PC presets...

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