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Growing Older ...


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Growing older isn't necessarily the cause of bad health.  Most health problems come from inactivity, obesity and an atrocious diet, not old age. It's just that as many people age, they can become inactive, obese and don't recognize they need to change their diet to something healthy because they've been feeding their gastric system with rubbish for 60 years. The gastric system also slows down with age. Sitting is the new smoking. Activity is really the key, it keeps the bones,  muscles, heart and lungs strong, promotes good sleep and keeps the weight down. As we age, we also tend to underestimate what we are physically capable of.

Medical "professionals" are the wrong people to see as they have a business model that profits from illness. They want to fill their waiting rooms with old people who believe they have to take 7 different medications on a daily basis and visit the doctor once a week. Keeps the money coming in for the Pharmaceutical companies and themselves. The doctors themselves know full well they are dealing with health problems from inactivity, obesity and poor diet, not "old age".

They know the cure is lifestyle change but they don't make money from that.

As a guide, at 60 years of age, you should be able to run 3 times around a football pitch, do 2 sideways running across the width of the pitch and 1 sprint the length of the pitch forwards and 1 backwards.

Many would be lucky to make it halfway around once and wouldn't be able to sideways run without clicking their hips. If your obese, doing something like this would be dangerous, you could damage your knees, click your hips or have a heart attack. This is what you should work up to slowly. Best for obese people to do walking or swimming. Need to watch those knees because if you haven't exercised for a while and your weight is on the knees, you can damage them which can set back exercise attempts greatly.

We used to diagnose a lot of people with "WLS" or "weak legs syndrome". Strong legs = good health, weak legs = poor health.



Edited by Tezza
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  On 12/16/2020 at 11:04 AM, Wibbles said:

Growing older is just a continual process of being told by medical professionals to give up the things you enjoy.


You can still probably enjoy them in secret. Might affect your longevity. Does that matter? Some of almost anything  is probably ok.

I'll trade an egg for a little more time. I drink a soda every now and then but it's usually Coke One which has no sugar. The problem with getting older and having had your prostate out is whatever you put in wants to come out not long after, so if I drink a coke I'm going to pay for it.  Sitting there on the chair and thinking to myself, do I get up or pee myself. 3 in the morning...do I get up or pee myself? The other option is to totally stop drinking stuff and die of dehydration.

I think people in the UK probably eat more sensibly than in the US. I seldom want anything fatty any more ( no I'm not talking about her). I mean fat foods.  I try to balance it all out the best I can. I eat more poultry as meat than anything. Not as much beef or pig. Try to eat salads and fruit. I've never been a health nut though. Never keen on exercise. I do get some working.

My BIL is a doc. Many docs are nuts too and don't take good care of themselves. 

It just isn't fun getting old. I'm 58. I hope to be around to 78, but I understand it might not happen. I've been pretty tough on this body in the past.

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I'm 58 next year.  I actually made big increases in my health over the last couple of years.

Ironically, I now eat MORE eggs and fat than I used to, but have mostly cut out grains (which turn to sugar when ingested) and sugars (especially pure crap like high-fructose corn syrup which is just as addictive as cocaine).


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