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Funtime With Cakewalk by Bandlab


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I've been making backing tracks for quite some time now. I play everything in the backing tracks except the drums. With AD2 I play whatever rhythm best suits the track lesson I'm working on. I do this  with my A-Pro 300 and add cymbals and other percusion as needed. Doing backing tracks this way is essential for me to learn the lesson, particularly understanding the bass rhythm and harmony that goes withj it. Over time this has evolved.  I've been closely listening to songs to pick out parts that interest me and then trying to reproduce that part by recording and recreating it as accurately as possible. Doing this has helped me in many ways.  It's made my time with my DAW so much fun. Yesterday it was Over the hills and far away by Zepplin. I Am loving this stuff!


Edited by bayoubill
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Wonderful, I agree it is quite rewarding. I, too have done my own backing tracks, plus for others (even for $$$) for a number of years, and do all of the parts played in real time except the drums, which I also edit fairly heavily (with Superior Drummer, mostly). And in addition to trying to emulate recordings, I also do my originals, and also put original arrangements of cover tunes. It's all a great way to grow as a musician/composer/engineer. Keep it up! 

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I wish over the years i did a better job of continuing to jam on old projects. I've largely been forward only. I vaguely remember tunes from ten years ago, but i can't really play them. With all the practicing I've done, i sometimes feel i haven't gotten good at any music... Just quick at learning the next song. I am particularly poor at remembering the last song.

For 3 years I've been taking artistworks lessons. This has worked for me. I'm about to finish the beginner lessons. ?

One reason it has worked is the lessons echo back to things you learned in earlier lessons. This makes it possible to learn trickier things in short time windows, which is helpful.

@bayoubill i love taking mismatched rhythms and working something up. It really stretches me. You don't have to look for something that works with your playing... Grab something in the approximate tempo range and try to fit your having tracks in.

I find one of the most important things i do is change the tempo. I'll practice a lot, shifting the tempo up or down with every session, so i don't get locked in to single tempo.

At a friend's tonight, we played to a metronome for a half hour or so.

Edited by Gswitz
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