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Hi guys I’m back

Michael Vogel

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Not a music thread but I’m happy to say I’m back. 

On the 5th March I had my first verifiable attack of angina. Saw my Dr the next day the 6th. Exactly one week later, just 3 days ago I had a quadruple bypass. I’m up and about in hospital, was up within hours of clearing recovery. Am now in a private room even though I’m a public patient and I’m cautiously optimistic of going home on Monday. 

Hopefully to start a new healthier life. 

Thanks for all the kind wishes thus far and maybe just maybe there’ll be a song in there somewhere. 

Wow modern medicine is sure great. I feel tired but well hoping I’ve got many more years ahead of me. 

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Mike.  Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery.  Stay cool and do what the docs tell you.  Hopefully you'll be back to your DAW soon to make more music.

BTW-I don't know if you're in the USA or not, but the private room/public room hospital situation is probably because there's a trend to go all private room, at least here in the states.  This is to prevent nasty "hospital germs" like MERSA and those kind of things from spreading.  A hospital complex very close to where I live has just expanded to provide all patients with private rooms.

?John B.

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Now listen; I will zay diss only vunce,

its up in the coffee house not down. 

Now who downgraded me to a triple bypass. It was a quad and I’ll not be downgraded again. Thanks very much   

I’m in Straya and it is was just a fluke of hospital upgrades etc that got me a private room  still I can’t complain   Comfortable bed and good food in hospital is some sort of a miracle in any case  


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On 3/16/2019 at 2:38 PM, MUDGEL said:

Now who downgraded me to a triple bypass. It was a quad and I’ll not be downgraded again. Thanks very much   


That be me!! Sorry! Won't happen again. : )


Get well Mike.

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