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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 [Updated 5-Nov-2020]

Morten Saether

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1 hour ago, Rfcousins said:

Thanks for this. When did this change? Is there a Global setting or only per project. This is effecting 1000's of my files UGH!

It depends on the template you use to create the project (these are per-project settings).  But all the default templates get reinstalled every time you update.  So you either have to edit them and save them as new templates (and never use the defaults) or every time you make a new project you may have to tweak the project settings.

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1 hour ago, Rfcousins said:

Is there a Global setting or only per project. This is effecting 1000's of my files UGH!

When to comes to per-project settings the only recourse for existing projects is change them one at a time.

To insure future projects are setup as needed, change the project templates.

DO NOT overwrite factory supplied templates as changes may get lost when updating the DAW.

Another way to insure custom templates are never overwritten is change the template path in preferences and write new templates into the new path.

The installers update the original default template path only.


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26 minutes ago, Promidi said:

am sure that if it was not possible, my post would have been met with a swift: "Sorry that cannot be done!"

Gotcha. My questioning was more of my own understanding than your intended meaning.  Not that I have any expectation of someone else having a handle on that! ?


29 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Granted, I would probably have to have an articulation for each key.

This is precisely what my thoughts about it lead to and where I began to stumble, for the concept of a separate transform articulation for each and any note that may be played polyphonically and placing as many of the individual note articulations as needed for the number of polyphonic aftertouch effects desired... well, it all started to seem so cumbersome! But I guess the point is that it could be done, yes?  And if you want key pressure effects only on a few notes, that's not such a pain.

I guess for a minute I was mistakenly thinking about it as a potential filter for real-time MIDI input that could transform a channel pressure keyboard into a polyphonic key pressure one!  And then I realized that was kooky.

I think I'll just wait and upgrade my MIDI keyboard someday.

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2 hours ago, Rfcousins said:

Thanks for this. When did this change? Is there a Global setting or only per project. This is effecting 1000's of my files UGH!

Always a good idea to create your own personal custom Templates and save them on an external device. 

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4 hours ago, Promidi said:

The "MIDI Event Chase on Play" has always been there (All though in older versions of Cakewalk/Sonar it was called "Patch/Controller Searchback before play starts")

The "Include Note Events." feature was added in Sonar Platinum/Professional/Artist in the 2017.1 update

This is a per project setting.  There is no global setting for this as far as I know.

Thanks for the historical update. Since I have been a user since DOS versions it leaves me wondering why there is a sudden connection with changing "Screensets" during playback which is a new observed behavior. Anyway, The info leaves me able to correct the behavior, just a lot of files to go thru. 

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3 hours ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

It depends on the template you use to create the project (these are per-project settings).  But all the default templates get reinstalled every time you update.  So you either have to edit them and save them as new templates (and never use the defaults) or every time you make a new project you may have to tweak the project settings.

Thanks for the clarification. This helps with understanding any randomness of the issue. I am still left wondering, when did this setting begin affecting the selection of screensets during playback. I can certainly edit my files ( so many files) to adjust for the behavior, and take care going forward, but I am surprised that it is only in the latest releases that the behavior has revealed itself. Strangely, even my very old projects have this option checked. Anyway thanks for getting me on track ! 

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3 hours ago, scook said:

When to comes to per-project settings the only recourse for existing projects is change them one at a time.

To insure future projects are setup as needed, change the project templates.

DO NOT overwrite factory supplied templates as changes may get lost when updating the DAW.

Another way to insure custom templates are never overwritten is change the template path in preferences and write new templates into the new path.

The installers update the original default template path only.


Got it! Thanks

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6 hours ago, Rfcousins said:

Thanks for the clarification. This helps with understanding any randomness of the issue. I am still left wondering, when did this setting begin affecting the selection of screensets during playback. I can certainly edit my files ( so many files) to adjust for the behavior, and take care going forward, but I am surprised that it is only in the latest releases that the behavior has revealed itself. Strangely, even my very old projects have this option checked. Anyway thanks for getting me on track ! 

I hear your point and frustration. It happens sometimes. I've had it happen to me with too.

You have to think "Workstations" with this issue. 

Your custom workstation and your custom template settings work as team. So every changes you make to your windows; screens and preferences settings, save your workstations to your tenplate from anywhere in a project - you don't have to do this on an empty template. 

So, the next time you update, Cakewalk wont revert you back to the default template settings and workstations. 

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37 minutes ago, lakis agrogiannis said:

Hi, I don't know if it's off topic, but how about improvements, enhancements, upgrades and new features to the Staff View?

I usually compose in the Staff View!

(I also have Cubase, but I would like to get rid of it, due to its unintuitive interface including its score editor)

thanks a lot


Feature requests live here:


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This Ariticulations feature won't be fixed overnight. This is gonna take some time to master and get it to work as it should. We shouldn't rush it. I think it's gonna take at least 3 more months for it to be in focus with the DAW.

#MuchRespect to the team working hard on this - it's a true headache for sure. ?

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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