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A music pun for Bob! (And cat owners.)


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On 10/23/2020 at 9:11 AM, craigb said:

Is that your "favorite" Rain?  How many are you up to now?  ?

I'd have a tough time picking between her and Arthur. But he lives downstairs, mostly on the fridge or in my gym.

She's the only cat allowed in the studio (I don't mind the dog because she's very quiet in here).








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1 hour ago, craigb said:

Ha!  Are you kidding?  If I remember correctly, the cat to dog ratio was something like 11 to 1; it's no wonder the dog wants to hang out with you!  ?

She's her mommy's lap dog. The only time she comes into the studio is when my wife's not home. She just sits there, looks depressed and sighs.

Actually, we've lost a few in the last couple of years, we're down to six. Although we've been fostering, so, yeah, back to 9 or 10 most of the time. 

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7 hours ago, Michael Vogel said:

My constant companions when reclined in front of the eejut box.



Mike that was my cat that adapted me as a teenager. She was always wanting to cuddle up on me. Now the new kitty we adapted in January wants to be close but is not a lap cat :(

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My cat Googlie ran away for two weeks while I was in the ICU a few years ago and came back a couple of days after I got home.  For weeks afterwards, she followed me everywhere in the house, stood outside my studio door when I was working and would jump in my lap the minute I sat down somewhere. She even hissed at my wife when she approached me. 

Meanwhile, our dog kept on barking at her own butthole when it itched...


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Yep the kitten I found when I was a teenager, kept it outside for a week and fed her. She never left and when I brought her in she was my baby for 19.5 years.   When I came home she was my shadow and yep as soon as I sat down she was all over me.  Didn't matter if the rest of the family was home she was my shadow. I still miss her as she was such a sweet kitty.  

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We had a stray cat that found us. It was getting skinnier and skinnier so we decided to feed it.

We had him neutered, de-wormed and vaccinated and kept him as an outdoor-indoor cat. We put a pet door in the porch so he could come and go as he pleased. We put him out at night and when we arose in the morning, he'd come though the pet door and wait for us to open the doors to the porch.

He liked everybody, visitors, neighbors, repair persons, or anyone else who came to the house would find him rubbing on their legs.

He'd even come when called -- most of the time.

When we were home, he was a lap cat. He would jump on my lap purring, rub his cheeks against my beard to 'claim' me as his own, and often bite and tug at my beard, never the skin while purring.

If I was at my desk using the computer he would jump on my lap, look at the thin center drawer, and look at me. I knew what he wanted, I'd pull the drawer out enough so that he wouldn't slide off my lap, and then he would relax, turn his head upside down and go to sleep.

Years later he caught feline leukemia and we had him euthanized. When we came back my neighbor who I was giving free sax lessons to played "Unforgettable"  and it actually brought a tear to my eye. (BTW my neighbor moved to New Orleans and ended up playing in a band a Jazz Fest a few times - I'm proud of her.)

I buried him under an oak tree sapling, the tree is big now, and I still sometimes say "Hi Rodney" when I'm back there.

We don't have pets because we never know when we are going to be gone. Leilani's mom was still alive then and she used to come feed him when we were gone.

If I ever decide to settle down, I might get another pet. Probably a cat. As much as I love dogs, they are too high maintenance for me.


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