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Douglas Kirby

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Hi Everybody,

This is a track off of the new album I'm working on called "The Westerly Sessions Vol. IV".  The main hook for this song was written by my brother Randy, and I finished up the rest of it. For the lead vocal, I sang with a MXL V67i mic through an ART MPA Gold preamp. The 12-string lead parts were played on a Danelectro. Also, for the first time, I tried New York compression on the lead vocal. As always, any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening.

Here it is:



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2 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Not sure I'm "hearing" it.
So did you use the front or back of the mic?
Inquiring minds want to know ?



tell Randy well done


Hi Tom - yeah, I think the New York compression I used on the lead vocal is subtle - it made it sound a bit more full to my ears. Regarding the V67i - I sang in the front - labeled as Warm - the back of the mic is the bright capsule. Interesting mic - I think it's a pretty cool piece of gear - I bought it out of curiosity.

I'll let my brother know you liked the song- thanks.

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On 10/11/2020 at 9:42 PM, bjornpdx said:

Great mix esp the vocal which really stands out well. I think I figured out which part you wrote and which
was your brother's. He did a nice job on that main hook.

Thanks Bjorn - yes my brother came up with the chorus - the main hook of the song, and I finished up the rest. Also, the Danelectro 12-string is his guitar - he bought it recently and loaned it to me - fun guitar.

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17 hours ago, Barry Seymour said:

This is a very appealing song. Nice background vocals.

The mix seems a little hot, a little harsh. Everything feels right in my face. Bass could be up more. Lead 12-String needs a little tuning.

I like it, though!


Thanks for listening and for your comments.  Yeah, the 12-string is a pain to tune, as every guitarist knows?

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Definitely love the 12 string, and the backing vocals.

I'm not sure if you  meant for this, but I too was confused.  The lyrics were somewhat of a lament, but the delivery was in a happy go lucky style, almost like "yes, it's confusing, but who gives a fux."  At least that is how I heard it, and that is not a crit, it is actually quite clever if that was the intention.

Nice work my man!

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